Chi Shuyan went back to the bedroom, thinking that Qi Zhenbai would talk to her dad for a few minutes, but she didn't know that she had come out of the shower. After half an hour, the man had not returned.

Chi Shuyan glanced at the time. It was a bit late at the moment. She simply lay on the bed and waited for someone, waiting and not knowing when she fell asleep.

Until she felt something on her body pressing against her, the weight on it was very heavy, and she almost couldn't breathe under the pressure, the first thought thought that she had been pressed by a ghost.

As soon as she opened her eyes dimly, something cold blocked her lips first, and her overbearing lips stretched straight into the skill to **** and stir, and she was full of force.

The sound of water stains can be heard in the quiet bedroom.

Chi Shuyan immediately regained consciousness, and saw a magnified, familiar and hard face in front of her. Chi Shuyan was still a little confused. When she lost her mind, the man was aggressive, and she instantly lost her body. The pajamas he was wearing were thrown on the ground.


Before Chi Shuyan could ask, the man blocked her lips again, and vaguely she heard the man's deep voice breathe a little, very magnetic and nice: "Daughter-in-law, we have to work harder after tonight!"

Chi Shuyan:...

"Dad wants us to have another baby!"

Chi Shuyan's eyes widened in shock when she heard this, and she wished to get up and kick people away, but it was a pity that she was so crushed on her body that the man was too heavy and she couldn't get up no matter how hard she struggled.

There were many questions in her heart at this time.

I faintly heard the man's deep and gentle voice again: "Daughter-in-law, in the future, we will let the flow go. If we don't use contraception, we will have a baby? Huh?"

Qi Zhenbai blurted out. For an instant, he was so selfish that he wanted to completely tie people down with a child, but this thought flashed and was immediately thrown into his mind. He didn't have time to think about anything, and suppressed the excitement and expectation in his heart. People fell into joy and kept moving all night.

On the next day, Chi Shuyan really woke up late. She only got up at 8 o’clock in the morning. She usually gets up at 7 o’clock on time on weekdays, and at the latest at 7:30, but luckily it’s not noon to get up, or she would lose her face. When she gets older, she has to be late again.

Chi Shuyan immediately propped up her sore and soft body, put on clothes and hurried to the bathroom to wash, but she was also refreshed and should have taken a bath.

While washing, she suddenly remembered that the man didn't seem to be wearing a condom last night and the man's words about giving birth last night, her face stiffened subconsciously, and she moved.

Maybe the remarks last night were just that the man said casually. As for letting her have children before graduation, she had never thought about it or planned to have children while studying.

She felt that it was too early, and she had to start making plans when she graduated.

Besides, she had broken her father's heart by getting the certificate with Qi Zhenbai when she changed her age, and she didn't want to continue to challenge her father's authority.

As for a man who didn't wear a condom last night, she had to buy some contraceptive pills when she passed the pharmacy to go to school.

She felt that after she reconciled with this man, she was too alert and unable to make it. In the future, she would have to force a man to wear a condom, otherwise she would not be allowed to touch her if she did not wear a condom, and let him go with her right hand.

She really didn't want to have any chance of becoming a mother before graduation.

After figuring out the matter, Chi Shuyan went downstairs immediately after washing. On the first floor, she saw her man sitting on the sofa talking to her father, Qi's father and father were all by the side.

It's just that her father's face seemed a bit wrong this morning.

She also saw her dad sitting upright subconsciously.

Chi Shuyan hurriedly walked over and shouted: "Dad!" Then he called Father Qi and Father Qi in turn.

Father Qi and Father Qi had very good faces, especially for her. Qi Zhenbai saw that his daughter-in-law was awake at this time. Before the father could speak to remind him, he immediately got up and prepared to take someone to have breakfast first. The old man said: "Grandpa, I'll take my wife to have breakfast!" He said to his father: "Dad, I will send Yan Yan to school in a while, and then you will stay and visit Kyoto when you come back."

Chi's father's expression was still difficult and complicated. He stared at his daughter's belly from time to time with a faint sight. Old man Qi waved his hand and said kindly: "Zhenbai, hurry up and take your wife to breakfast."

"Grandpa, Dad, then I'm going to have breakfast!" Chi Shuyan didn't pay attention to her father's unusual eyes because of the time.

After the two of them walked away, she heard the old man happily and kindly said to her dad: "These two children are really good match each other as they look at each other, and they are a natural match! My family, thanks to you so hard to pay for the beauty of this girl, and support me. Having such a good and filial grandson-in-law, I don’t know where this kid, Zhenbai’s **** luck, came across such a good girl like Yan Yan. Don’t say, in this life, as long as two children are good, my old man I'm satisfied."

The old man said and exaggerated many things about Chi Shuyan, the granddaughter-in-law. The main thing is that since the granddaughter-in-law, the character of his grandson has changed a lot, and he mentioned that the couple will give birth to a few more children and it will be perfect. .

Chi Shuyan instinctively jumped on her right eyelid when she heard the three words'birth a child'.

Next, she didn't listen to what her father said, but vaguely heard that the old man and her father were discussing the date of the wedding.

When Chi Shuyan sat at the restaurant table, looking at the many dishes on the table, her head was still a little confused. Seeing that she only had to eat by herself, she subconsciously asked the man in front of her, "Have you all eaten?"

As soon as the words fell, she immediately realized that she was not asking for nothing? This time the Qi family must have eaten it.

Qi Zhenbai also took a pair of chopsticks, and kept helping his wife to pick up vegetables. He didn't talk much, and his eyes were very soft. He only answered the question she asked: "Well, everyone has eaten. You were tired last night. I don’t know when you get up, and it’s the same with eating now!"

The man's tone was too serious, especially when she mentioned what she was involved in last night, Chi Shuyan almost choked out the rice that she just took in her mouth. She was afraid that the man would talk nonsense again, so she would stop talking and hurry up. Ready to go to school.

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