Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1662: Four hundred forty eight

Xia Mingcheng reacted quickly and immediately sent the people out of the door. On the way, Chi Shuyan gave almost the same explanation. Hearing Xia Mingcheng said that he had assigned a safety symbol to the family long ago, and Chi Shuyan no longer Worry more.

Xia Mingcheng was still very worried because of his brother's affairs. He subconsciously wanted to ask the truth and details of the matter just in case.

Chi Shuyan brows faintly refused: "Some things cannot be said too clearly, just let your brother remember what should be taboo."

Although she is a practitioner who jumps out of cause and effect, it does not mean that she can really act regardless of the way of heaven.

Xia Mingcheng is also a smart person. She noticed some abnormalities from her expression and stopped asking more questions. Seeing that the little master in front of him was about to take a taxi, he hurriedly said: "Master Chi, I will drive you. Wait for me!"

"Wait, no need, you should go back and think about how to comfort your mother and your brother. I'm afraid your mother and your brother won't believe it much. These days, you can pay more attention to people!" Chi Shuyan refused. He took a taxi and left the community.

After leaving Xia's house, Chi Shuyan didn't go back to school in time. Instead, he took a taxi to a familiar store and bought some more yellow paper charms, preparing to draw advanced tracking charms at night.

After buying what should be bought, she went back to school.

The afternoon passed quickly. In the evening, Chi Shuyan had just left school. A familiar car parked nearby early. Chi Shuyan looked at the door of the car, and waited for the door to sway, revealing the familiar and handsome silhouette of a man. She pursed her lips. Get in the car immediately with a smile.

At first she thought her father was in the car, but after getting in the car, except for the man Qi Zhenbai, her father was not in the car.

Chi Shuyan:...

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but couldn't help but rushed to the man beside him and asked, "Where is my dad? Why didn't he come with you?"

According to his dad’s character, I’m afraid he won’t bother the Qi family any more, and don’t want to live in the Qi family more. She plans to take her dad back to her villa tonight, which is more free. As for the old house, she goes to the old house with this man. Come back after dinner.

Chi Shuyan thought about it, and the man next to him said in a low voice: "Dad suddenly picked up a call this afternoon. I have an urgent matter, so I can only go back to the military area first!" Under the stunned gaze of his wife, Qi Zhenbai actively added: "Before Dad left, he left a message and hurried back to Kyoto immediately after handling the matter, and continued to discuss our marriage with the old man, so don't worry about the wife!"

Chi Shuyan choked for a while at the man's last words. Who was the most anxious person in his heart? Soon, Chi Shuyan's attention was attracted by her father's sudden departure from Kyoto.

Xin said that her dad is also coming and going like wind, but his dad will go back to the military area temporarily. I am afraid it is really urgent. She can't blame anyone. Chi Shuyan turned his head and asked, "Do you know what grandpa and dad do?"

Qi Zhenbai naturally knew that the "dad" in his wife's mouth was referring to his dad. His eyebrows faded and he nodded and said, "Well, they all know about the old man's grandfather. Before my dad left, he talked to his grandfather."

Chi Shuyan nodded: "Sure."

While driving with the man, Chi Shuyan took out his cell phone and called her dad immediately, but after a few calls, her dad’s cell phone remained unconnected, whether it was turned off or turned off.

She felt a little helpless and more worried, so she had to call Uncle Wei's phone temporarily. She didn't have much hope. If Uncle Wei's cell phone couldn't get through, she would call several brothers and Aunt Wei. , I didn't expect that it was actually connected. After hearing the familiar voice of Uncle Wei Jia, Chi Shuyan immediately greeted Uncle Wei Jia, and asked if her father had been to the military area!

Wei Xiao was also very surprised that Shuyan called and called him. After hearing her question, Wei Xiao immediately replied: "Yan Yan, really you? Don't worry, your dad just arrived in the military area. I was on the road with him just now. After saying hello, he is okay, by the way, Yan Yan, are you okay?"

Wei Xiao couldn't help but remember that his good brother suddenly rushed to Kyoto with solemn expressions. He was really worried about what had happened.

Chi Shuyan heard Uncle Wei’s worry, and immediately understood: "Uncle Wei, I have nothing else to do. I am also very good in Kyoto, nothing serious."

"That's good! That's good!"

Chi Shuyan was sure that her father had really arrived in the military area, and he was completely relieved, and he greeted Aunt Wei and his brothers, and talked to Uncle Wei for a while before hanging up the phone.

Before hanging up the phone, Uncle Wei Jia praised: "Shuyan, the Lingmi you sell on Taobao is so good, it tastes good, and it’s also very good for your body. These days, Aunt Wei and a few brothers The body is very good. Thank you so much!"

Uncle Wei’s family now really knows the value of this niece’s Taobao shop, not only spiritual rice, but also spiritual tea. A few days ago, this girl sent some to his family. At first, he didn’t like tea and was a bit repellent. I don’t know if I try to drink it once, it’s a bit addictive.

That spirit tea is also better and more comfortable the more you drink. After drinking it several times, his wife suspected that she was a lot younger.

If it weren't for being too eye-catching and harassing this niece, he really wanted to tell his niece's Taobao store to his brothers and friends.

Chi Shuyan didn't know that Uncle Wei had thought so much in his heart, and the two spoke for a while before hanging up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Chi Shuyan said excitedly to the man beside him: "My dad is already in the military area!"

"Ok, I know!"

"Wait, how do you know?" Chi Shu looked at people in surprise.

Qi Zhenbai was also very helpless about his wife's ignorance just now, his father-in-law hurriedly left the military area alone, can he rest assured?

If his father-in-law really had something on the road, he would not be able to explain to his wife, he would naturally not be sloppy on such an important matter.

In the end, Qi Zhenbai could only explain quietly that he had secretly sent someone to **** his father-in-law to the military area. When his father-in-law arrived at the military area, someone would immediately report the news to him.

Chi Shuyan opened his eyes and smiled brightly and said to the man beside him: "My husband, you are so kind!"

Chi Shuyan’s compliment caused the tall man beside him to shake his hand slightly. It happened that there was a green light in front of him. He immediately stepped on the brake and stopped. The man looked blankly on his face. Look carefully, his ears are slightly red, and his voice responds softly. Said: "Hmm!"

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