Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1669: Four hundred fifty five

As soon as Xia Mingzhen's words fell, when he heard Xia's father, Xia's mother, and Xia Mingcheng's ears, they only felt a bang in their heads, like a thunderstorm, with a look of shock and sluggishness on the clear sky, without responding for a long time.

Xia Mingcheng was okay, she had already seen the true face of the woman surnamed Yuan in her heart, but Xia's father and Xia's mother were shocked by the words of her youngest son, her complexion changed drastically, and she couldn't believe it for a long time.

The one who can't believe it is Xia's mother. You must know how good Xia's impression of Yuan Yuan was before. How could she ever think that the other party would harm her son and still be so vicious, Xia's eyes were staring and panting. After a few clicks, I still couldn't believe it, and gritted my teeth and squeezed out a few words: "Mingzhen, you...did you make a mistake?"

Xia Mingcheng saw that his mother was irritated by his brother's words, and his expression was very dazed. He just wanted to persuade his brother to talk about it for a while, but Xia Mingzhen couldn't wait to let everyone of his parents see the true face of the woman, for fear that his mother was really in charge. That vicious woman married home, then he still wants to live, Xia Mingzhen hurriedly said: "Impossible, I just ran into that woman when I went to the third floor. At first I thought this woman had something to tell me or wanted to pass. I was looking for my brother. Who knew that woman was so vicious. When I was not paying attention, she suddenly pushed me downstairs and wanted my life. That woman was too vicious. Didn't I just say something ill of her, but the woman Want my life, this woman is so vicious!"

When Xia Mingzhen mentioned bad things, Mother Xia's body stiffened abruptly. Before, she had some fluke hopes that it was a misunderstanding, but the words of her youngest son made her fluke completely disappear.

And speaking of it, Xia’s mother didn’t think much about the accident with her youngest son. She only thought that he accidentally fell downstairs, but the truth clearly revealed that he did not accidentally fall downstairs, but was pushed. .

Now think about it, there were only three in the family, she, Ming Zhen, and Yuan Yuan. She didn't pay attention on the back balcony. If Ming Zhen was pushed by someone, then the only woman whose surname was Yuan was the most suspected one.

And Xia Mu somehow suddenly remembered that the little master led by Mingcheng had given a few words of remarks and advice after seeing the truth, indicating that she would really commit a villain.

Now that I think about it carefully, isn't Mingzhen just a tongue-in-cheek when something goes wrong?

At that time, she was heard by the woman surnamed Yuan. She was particularly embarrassed and wanted to scold her little son. Later, Yuan Yuan took the initiative to overrule it and simply took the responsibility on her own.

At one time, she was very fortunate that she had a good vision, and the daughter-in-law she was looking for for her elder son had such a good character, but now think about it, where is the character, but if the mind is too deep, the mind is too deep. Because a few words want to kill Mingzhen, how can this woman be described by the word "virulent".

At this moment, Xia's face was so painful, she was extremely afraid, and her body kept trembling.

Xia Mingzhen continued, inevitably mentioning Xia Mingcheng, and couldn't help but say to Xia's father and Xia mother: "Thanks to my brother's good eyes, I didn't marry the woman who is different and vicious, or the person who should cry now is my brother. Up!"

"I can see it now. That woman is a person who is used to pretending. Didn't she just say a few more words at the time. She also said that she didn't blame me at the time. It was not all my fault. Who could think that this woman could do it? It’s so cruel and murderous!" Xia Mingzhen continued to emphasize to Xia’s mother again and again, "Mom, you really can’t let my brother marry this woman, or else this woman will kill me again next time. do?"

"I can still move out and stay away from that woman, but parents, if that woman becomes the daughter-in-law of our Xia family, then that woman will live with you, and if you have anything wrong with her, she will What do you want to do?"

Needless to say, Xia Mingze's last words were really not alarmist, but really thought so, and Xia's father and Xia's mother were also shocked by the young son's series of words, and her body kept shaking, her face pale.

Especially Xia's mother was extremely scared and flustered, especially when she remembered what the son said, the two old men looked at each other and shivered severely. Xia's mother would not say anything scared at this moment, and her face rose. Red can't hold a word.

Father Xia hurriedly finished the game: "Okay, don't talk about your kid, your mother already knows!"

Brother Xia Mingzhen put the scared and pale expression of Xia Mu into his eyes, and the two brothers breathed a sigh of relief.

Xia Mingcheng added one more sentence at this time, and said to Xia's father and Xia's mother with a very serious tone: "Dad, Mom, I didn't mean to sing against you before. The woman surnamed Yuan does have some character problems, and she is too evil. This woman did not know where to provoke something that shouldn’t be provoke, and killed many people, including Liling!"

Speaking of the three words Yan Liling, Xia Mingcheng's eyes were still a little red. He didn't want to mention it, but in order to prevent her mother from being bewitched by the woman surnamed Yuan, he could only provoke the woman Yuan Yuan. The things that caused Liling, Lin Dong, Chai Qing and other people to die tragically one by one.

Xia Mingzhen was scared and curious when she heard it, and almost stared out. Xia's father and Xia's mother were shocked by the words of her eldest son again, and her face was shocked.

Chi Shuyan had always been a transparent person before, but now I can’t be a transparent person anymore. I got the eyes of Xia Mingcheng’s begging, and naturally took over Xia Mingcheng’s words to help tell the truth. Her narrative is plain and careful but true, including Yan Liling and other people whose faces were stripped. The strange and tragic deaths are described in a calm manner, and this is to completely frighten Xia's father, Xia's mother and Xia Mingzhen.

If it wasn't for Xia's eyes to turn black and look like she was about to faint, Chi Shuyan would like to add a few more words: "Well, things are almost like this."

At this time, the atmosphere in the ward was freezing and dead, Xia's father and Xia's faces turned blue with fright, and her lips kept trembling. Xia Mingzhen was not much better. However, young people were always full of curiosity, and gradually overwhelmed the fear in their hearts and stammered. Immediately asked: "Master, master, this... is there really a ghost in this world?"

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