Xia Mingcheng didn’t know that the attending physician he mentioned at the moment was in the office with a dazed expression. He always felt that something happened just now. He racked his brains and couldn’t figure out what happened. Since he can’t remember, the attending physician also Without thinking about it, when the nurse came and called him, he immediately got up and followed the nurse to the ward to see other patients.

Let’s talk about Xia Mingcheng. Although I didn’t ask the reason, I was very clear in my heart that the doctor in charge just now must have nothing to do with Master Chi. Xia Mingcheng became more convinced of Master Chi and made up his mind to find an opportunity to immediately do what Master Chi said. it is good.

What's more, this is also related to the safety of his family. If the woman is fine for a day, he should worry about the personal safety of his family.

Yuan Yuan's woman must be resolved early.

Chi Shuyan, who took a taxi home, immediately called Feng Ge. Feng Yuanlin answered the phone and learned from Shuyan what had happened to Xia Mingcheng.

Feng Yuanlin also sympathized with Xia Mingcheng for having such a rotten peach blossom that was so bad that it harmed the family and even caused his brother to almost die.

Then, Chi Shuyan probably suggested a rough solution to the matter. She said that Xia Mingcheng had already dealt with the matter and was waiting for the opportunity.

After hearing this method, Feng Yuanlin took a deep breath, and he was relieved in his heart: "Yes, this method is good. I will tell Yang Ji to other people at that time, so that they don't think too much and don't be afraid all day. ."

"Okay, I won't say much about Brother Feng. I'm going back to my old house and it's almost here. I'll talk about it later!"

"No problem, no problem!" Feng Yuanlin also knew that Shuyan had a rare weekend, and he had to spare time to help him deal with this on weekends. He didn't bother her a lot. He happened to receive an urgent call from Xiaoshan. There was a small fight involving a big urgent case. He quickly found an excuse to hung up Shuyan's phone, and immediately took a group of his men into the car and rushed to Zhongshan Road.

When Chi Shuyan returned to the old house, it was already over one in the afternoon. As soon as she went in, she heard her father calling someone. On weekends, in the old house, except for the man in the house, several aunts and Qi mothers were all there, Qi Hao. My cousin is out, but Qi Yunchang's cousins ​​are still there.

When Qi Yunshang saw his sister-in-law, he immediately pointed upstairs and said, "Sister-in-law, my brother is in the study room upstairs!"

It just so happened that she heard that the person talking with the old man was not her father and who was it?

At the moment, the old man was talking to her father with a smile, and said one word to in-laws, and he also said that he would wait for him to come back from this mission before discussing things about the day.

The old man's tone and cultivation were very good, and he gave the Chi family great respect, and Chi Shuyan was very moved.

Mother Qi and several aunts looked at her with affection at this time. Chi Shuyan was about to say hello, and saw the old man beckoning her to pass her the fixed phone and saying, "Daughter, there is no time to inform you before your father leaves. You talk, you are free now, you two father and daughter have a good chat for a while."

Chi Shuyan was naturally very affectionate for the old man. After greeting the Qi family, he immediately answered the fixed telephone receiver. The fixed telephone is considered to be the exclusive phone of the old man. The old man is not used to mobile phones. There is also an old man phone in his pocket. Most calls are accustomed to using fixed telephones. The fixed telephone in the master’s study has a special password for confidentiality and monitoring. Other than that, other fixed telephones at home are casual.

Chi Shuyan answered the phone, and she heard her father's voice. Her father's tone on the phone was a little gasping. She hurriedly yelled, "Dad!"

Chi's father suddenly returned to the military area because of the mission without notifying him. He felt guilty for his daughters. Since he was a soldier, he had to obey the orders given by him. He was worthy of the country, but he ignored him. Girlfriend.

Such things happen from time to time, and he has always felt guilty in his heart. The only thing he is grateful for is that his girl understands him very well, and this time the tone is good, without any anger.

Chi's father sighed, not knowing what to say for a while.

Chi's father is a typical national father. When the two fathers and daughters stay together, he can talk more. Through the handset of the phone, Chi's father suddenly doesn't know what to say.

In the end, Chi Shuyan took the initiative to break the silence, and the two father and daughter chatting became more and more harmonious.

Chi's father and her daughter did not forget that her daughter could only talk to her daughter through the Qi's phone at this time. It is difficult for him to talk to her daughter in detail and waste other people's time. In addition, there are also calls from the military area. After a special time limit, I had to tell something, and said: "Yan Yan, when Dad finishes this mission, he will immediately rush to Kyoto to discuss your marriage with that kid. If you want to marry Qi Zhenbai, that kid will follow you. Your happiness is the most important thing."

Chi's father was rarely sensational. Chi Shuyan was almost flushed with his dad's sensational remarks. In the crowd, she took a breath and quickly reduced her emotions before nodding back to Chi's father's words: "I will, dad, you Be careful yourself."

This time her dad was on a mission, she naturally also gave her dad a plan. Her dad will be fine, and she will be able to see her dad again in a few days.

"Well, eat well on weekdays, you are not alone now, and you have to think about the children in your stomach if you don't think about yourself!" Chi father continued earnestly.

Chi Shuyan: ...? ?

"If that kid dares to treat you badly, tell Dad. Don't be wronged!"

"That kid made my daughter's belly bigger, I'll settle accounts with him when I go back."

Chi Shuyan:...

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