The future daughter-in-law of the Ni family's surname is Yao Mingrong. When the little girl who claimed to be a master in front of him fell on her stomach, Yao Rong's face was pale and ugly. She tried to force a smile, but in the end she didn't even show a smile. I had an experience, Yao Rong didn't have a good impression of these people who claimed to be masters, regardless of whether the other party was really capable or had a false reputation!

She thought she had never done anything evil. Before she finally got married, a disaster suddenly happened. The master named Yuan introduced by Ni's mother said that she would kill her boyfriend and the Ni family?

When she found out that she was pregnant a few days later, the master surnamed Yuan went on to say that the child in her belly would also be crippled. Yao Rong could tolerate the other party saying that he was a child, but would not allow the other party to put his hand on the child in her belly.

Since Ni’s mother Ni’s tentative proposal to beat the child in her stomach, Yao Rong became angry. She didn’t believe this, but the Ni family’s parents believed in them very much. Last night, she held a fire and was angry. Hate and painful, she even planned to invite some master from Ni family today. If she really had a abortion, she would be divided with the Ni family's boss. Isn't it enough for her to hide her child away from the Ni family?

Yao Rong stared angrily at the masters surnamed Chi in front of her. Now she really doesn't like these masters at all. If it weren't for the face of the Ni family's parents, she wouldn't want to come today.

The boss of Ni’s next to him noticed his girlfriend’s abnormality, and immediately comforted him in a low voice. I don’t know what he was comforting. Yao Rong’s angry eyes turned red, and Chi Shuyan found that the other party was looking at her, and the fingers holding the tea cup were white. Looked at her very much.

Chi Shuyan sighed and was not angry. Her heart was all done by a woman surnamed Yuan. How could she have thought that a person's heart could be so weird and distorted, and the man she likes doesn't like you, this doesn't irritate other good things. Couple. What is her relationship with her?

And from the look of her face, this girl has a magnificent facial features, a full forehead, a raised nose, and thick earlobes. Her facial features are not the appearance of modern beauties, but they belong to the very dignified and majestic looks of ancient times. Not only will they not be the same as Yuan Yuan said. On the contrary, Wangfu and Wangjia are also virtuous.

Not only that, her gaze fell on her belly again. At this moment, her belly was flat. Although she could not see her belly, she

Seeing a hint of gold on the other’s stomach, it can be said that this child is very blessed in the future, or is blessed, if she is not wrong, this child should be very promising, filial, and prosperous when she grows up. Take Ni and Yao on your shoulders.

It would be a pity if the child really hit.

Chi Shuyan glanced hurriedly, but the crowd next to him waited for the atmosphere and did not dare to breathe, especially Ni's father and mother, who felt like a few years with him in just a few seconds. In the end, Ni's mother couldn't wait to ask immediately: " Big...Master, how?"

When Ni's mother asked, Ni's father immediately asked, Yao Rong's face suddenly changed, his complexion became more and more ugly, his fingers were directly pale.

The Ni family boss also knows that his girlfriend is very upset, for fear that the child will be beaten. Since this child is here, he is the father of the child, so naturally he cannot allow others to beat his own child with a few words. He is a very decisive and thoughtful person. He immediately said to his parents: "Dad, Mom, no matter what the master says to accommodate the child in the stomach, I intend to take this child. If you are afraid of children, The Ni family, Rong Rong and I moved out of the Ni family with our children!"

The words of the Ni family’s boss made the atmosphere cold again, shaking Ni’s father Ni’s motherly lips straight. Ni’s father is okay. He also understands that understanding his son’s character is also a responsible person. On the one hand, Ni’s father still appreciates it very much. This eldest son, on the other hand, is inevitably very upset. Father Ni has a pain in his brain and is not in a hurry to reply, but Mother Ni can’t wait to say angrily: "Boss, what you said is poke me and your father’s heart. . If this kid is really upsetting, where can we get it?"

The words of Ni's mother once again made Yao Rong's eyes flushed. She is not always crying, but when she thinks that the Ni family really wants her to have a child, her heart will be shaved alive. How can she be willing.

If Brother Ni treats her badly, she can also make up her mind to leave, just like what she just thought, but the better Ni Ge treats her, the more reluctant she is.

Yao Rong really almost collapsed, or Xia Mu hurried to persuade him, saying that the master hadn't said anything, why they were fighting here, and they were not afraid of making the master laugh.

The words of Xia’s mother calmed everyone in the Ni family. Chi Shuyan also watched the theater. At the same time, he was quite admired by the Ni family’s boss for being so responsible. Chi Shuyan’s tone is not ill and does not buffer Ni’s father Ni’s mother. The child in the belly of this daughter-in-law is very blessed to me. Not only that, this child is blessed, and will be a filial and promising person in the future. Ni and Yao do not want to flourish, It depends on whether you want this child!"

Chi Shuyan’s remarks were like a blockbuster, and everyone in the Ni family almost jumped up immediately, as calm as Father Ni. At this time, what Master Chi said was both pleasantly surprised and shocked. Unbelievable, Father Ni was excited. He kept rubbing his hands in a hurry, his face flushed, and his words were a little incoherent and hurried: "Really...Master, really... Are you serious?"

Father Ni reacted like this. The three Ni mothers, Ni family boss and Yao Rong who were prepared for the first time just sat with aphasia and did not move. Yao Rong was the first to react. I couldn't believe that when I saw the little master in front of me, I was so happy that I cried first on the shoulder of the Ni family boss, then stopped crying and quickly asked excitedly: "Master, master, did you mean it? The child in my stomach is really real. Especially blessed?"

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