Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1689: Four hundred seventy five

After tossing for another night, Chi Shuyan got up the next day, her whole body still aching, but now I don’t know if she is used to man’s tossing, although her body is aching, but there are no other symptoms. After getting out of bed, The two legs did not tremble straight, at most they were a little sore, and she sighed in relief.

When I got up to wash up, I didn't see a man all the way. After I hurriedly washed downstairs, she didn't see anyone downstairs. The man had left the villa and went to the company.

Chi Shuyan found a few paper posts in front of the refrigerator cabinet. The man left a message saying that he was in a hurry to go to the company beforehand. The porridge and vegetables have been heated in the pot for her to eat for a while.

Chi Shuyan went to the restaurant kitchen by car, and saw that a lot of vegetables and porridge were hot in the pot. The porridge was a bit sticky and not very good. In all likelihood, it was Qi Zhenbo’s masterpiece, but there are a lot of good dishes next to it. It was made by Yuchu Li.

Chi Shuyan took the food to the nearby dining table and ate slowly. Although she was a little late to wake up, it was not too late. It was almost seven to ten. She was eating breakfast quite leisurely. Before breakfast, she suddenly remembered her She has never sent the skin care products that her master has been sending.

These days, she took advantage of the gap to make a cream that is gentle and good for the skin, because the herbs she mixes are all the herbs selected from the same Qiankun ring. Although the age is not thousands of years and only a few decades, the herbs in it are somewhat revealing It's a bit of aura, not to mention that when formulating the cream, she also injected some aura that the skin can absorb and withstand. This cream should be very useful.

Chi Shuyan found several sterilized medicine bottles she had bought before in the living room, and then took out the pill furnace of Qiankun Ring. First, he applied the white cream prepared in the pill furnace to the back of his hand, and gently made a circular motion. After touching it, the back of the hand that has been applied for a long time is slightly hot, and the back of the hand looks very shiny and moisturized.

Not only that, as long as a person with a little Taoist practice can see that when the cream is applied to the back of the hand, a faint flow of spiritual energy penetrates into the pores and moisturizes the skin. This is not much aura, and ordinary people can generally bear it. What damage a person causes, on the contrary, while improving the skin, it can also improve the health of the person to a certain extent.

It's just that this cream has too little aura. Except for very old days, it can only improve people's skin to a certain extent. It is still possible to reduce pores and make skin whiter and shiny.

To make sure that the cream was good and effective, Chi Shuyan poured the creams boiled in the pill furnace into the medicine bottle one by one, and made a decision to prevent leakage. After filling the cream, Chi Shuyan found the cream that he had boiled before. Too many, there were five bottles left, Chi Shuyan had to put the pill furnace back in Qiankun Ring, and plan to send all the five bottles of cream to her master in a while.

In addition, she is directly listed on Taobao, so she can earn some extra money.

After loading the cream, Chi Shuyan found a courier box from the side, packed the cream a little, and sent it on the way to school, lest she forget about it again.

After finishing the dishes and chopsticks, she was about to go to school with the express box. As soon as she walked to the door, Chi Shu's face changed slightly. She immediately took out another advanced tracking symbol in his pocket, and saw this advanced tracking at this time. Fu has been hot.

Chi Shuyan put the courier box aside and immediately picked up the aura. The aura oozes from her fingertips. She drew a circle, and the white aura formed a mirror in a few dots. After a while, the aura spread out, and saw that the aura appeared in the spiritual realm. A picture, and the person in the mirror is a woman surnamed Yuan.

Chi Shuyan saw that the other party was familiar with the road and carefully took out a matryoshka from the safe. On the surface, it was an ordinary matryoshka game, and it was no different from other matryoshka dolls.

Until Chi Shuyan saw the woman bit her index finger in the mirror image and wrote the three words'Li Xiaoyan' on the back of the doll. Soon these three words just fell, and the red light flashed, and the three words seemed to be engraved. It can't be wiped off.

In the mirror image, the woman keeps her eyes on the three words, her lips evokes a gloomy and gloating smirk, and all the faces on the matryoshka doll in front of Yuan Yuan also have expressions, the corners of her lips are stiff and raised. Look carefully, Yuan Yuan The smile on this woman's face was very similar to the expression on the stiff face of a Russian doll.

Chi Shuyan had some goose bumps inexplicably.

"Husband, what do you want to eat tonight? I will cook it for you!" Lin Xunzheng called her relatives and her husband was very gentle and a little bit sly, but not polite, but very natural and soft, just follow She has a natural look like a coquettish bitch, and her voice is also naturally attractive.

However, no matter how coquettish and bastard, and no matter how good his looks, Lin Xun also consciously is an exceptionally qualified wife and mother. He doesn’t go for tricks at all. On weekdays, he not only enters the hall, but also the kitchen, and the bed is even better. Kiss your husband.

Otherwise, a man with a ‘frigid’ face is always tossing in bed, it’s called a dragon and a tiger, no matter how late you work overtime, you have to toss her at least a few times every night.

Isn't she serving well?

Lin Xun's thoughts didn't last long, and the man's deep, mellow and magnetic voice came from the phone's microphone. The man's voice was rather cold and clear, and the language was concise and not nonsense.

Lin Xun didn't care either. She had long been used to her husband's cold and taciturn character, but she knew that her husband must have her in his heart, or she would not agree to marry her!

The two of them have a real relationship, and their marriage is a matter of course.

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