Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1693: Four hundred seventy nine

The few classes in the afternoon were not part-time classes. Chi Shuyan focused on the evening matters. She was a little absent-minded. I wonder if she was absent-minded. The afternoon time passed very quickly. After school was over a few minutes later, she received the letter first. Brother called, Brother Feng said on the phone that she had been waiting at the school gate, and asked her not to forget him.

Chi Shuyan immediately replied: "Cheng, Brother Feng!"

Chi Shuyan said a few words to her tablemate to withdraw people, but she had just walked to the door when a classmate called her. Chi Shuyan didn’t know each other very well and didn’t say anything on weekdays. She still knows her classmates in the children's class, and she looks at each other in surprise.

I heard that the other party was very familiar with gossip and asked: "Shuyan, I heard that Yang Lan suddenly disappeared in the hospital. Today I went to our director Zhang’s office and heard the hospital call director Zhang. You are very good with her, know Don't know about her?"

Since Yang Lan refused to listen to her advice and went astray, she had no contact with the other person except for seeing someone in the hospital before. Of course, she felt that she should not appear in front of the other person to stimulate others. She didn't want to deliberately irritate people to bring out other things. For the classmate who was curious about Yang Lan's gossip, Chi Shuyan shook her head decisively and said, "I don't know!"

"Then do you know when Zhen Yu will come to class? She took a lot of vacations, right?" The gossip female classmate continued to ask curiously.

Chi Shuyan continued to shake his head helplessly, "I don't know!"

Female gossip classmate:...

This gossip female classmate originally wanted to continue to ask, but Chi Shuyan's face and tone were too cold in front of her, she could only watch people simply say hello before turning and leaving.

When Chi Shuyan left the school, he quickly saw the car that Brother Feng was familiar with. He carried his bag in one hand and strode towards the familiar vehicle. Feng Yuanlin was still looking for Shuyan in the car, but no one was found. He just wanted to drive. When I got out of the car to find someone, the window of the passenger seat was knocked, Feng Yuanlin immediately rolled down the window, and saw Shu Yan's face. Feng Yuanlin looked happy and immediately unlocked the car and waited for Shu Yan to get on the car. Feng Yuanlin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Shuyan, I thought you were leaving first, so I was shocked!"

Chi Shuyan smiled and joked: "Brother Feng, you are so courageous, can you still be scared by me?"

"That is, that is, if Zhenbai knows that I will let you go and sell my life alone, it is estimated that your man will definitely not spare me in the future!" Feng Yuanlin answered the call very quickly, and the two had a good understanding.

Chi Shuyan was ridiculed by Feng Ge. The two ridiculed a few words and quickly entered the topic. Feng Yuanlin said that he had already asked Xia Mingcheng to distract the woman surnamed Yuan in the evening, and he did not secretly envy Xia Mingcheng. This kid’s peach blossom, who would have thought, is it such a poisonous peach blossom, or such a maddening poisonous peach blossom, this kid still needs a play to help play with this poisonous peach blossom, when he thought of seeing Xia Mingcheng calling the other party Tie Qing With a pale and ugly face, Feng Yuanlin really sympathized with this kid in his heart.

Feng Yuanlin inevitably told Shu Yan a little bit about the matter, but Chi Shuyan paid more attention to drawing people out of Xia Mingcheng, and he was in a good mood.

The two quickly arrived downstairs in front of Yuan Yuan's house. Feng Yuanlin planned to go upstairs with Shu Yan. Unexpectedly, Shu Yan did not intend to let him go upstairs together, but planned to let him watch the wind downstairs.

Feng Yuanlin:...

"No, Shuyan, there is the boy Xia Mingcheng with the woman surnamed Yuan. There is no need to watch the wind here. I will go upstairs with you. If you have an accident, I can help Brother Feng. I can't help much. , It's okay to be busy!" Feng Yuanlin answered immediately.

"No, Feng Ge, you are here to help me watch the wind!" Chi Shuyan said.

Feng Yuanlin thought that every time he was with Shuyan, it was Shuyan who rushed out. He was a big man who was well protected by Shuyan, and some machismo Feng Yuanlin's face was vicious.

"Shuyan, don't think that brother is too weak, if I let you upstairs alone tonight, do you believe it or not, your man will have to rush to my house the next day to find me to settle the account?"

The two were in a stalemate for a while. Someone still knocked on the windows of the two of them. Chi Shuyan rolled the window to the end, and saw Gu Beizheng's familiar face, and his eyes were quite surprised.

Gu Beizheng, whom Feng Yuanlin didn't even think about, was also there, and he ran into it downstairs. Is this a coincidence?

Gu Beizheng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the two of them, and immediately said: "It's really you, I was worried that I was wrong!" After that, Gu Beizheng first greeted Shuyan, and then greeted Feng Yuanlin.

Before Feng Yuanlin asked why people were here, Gu Beizheng first looked at Chi Shuyan and asked, "Master Chi, do you also feel evil in this community?"

Feng Yuanlin:...

Chi Shuyan:...

Gu Beizheng continued: "There is something wrong with this community. Once I drove over in the morning. I accidentally found that my compass kept turning. I found this community by the compass. Unfortunately, I didn't wait for me to determine which building was evil. This evil spirit suddenly disappeared again inexplicably. I have been squatting here for nearly two days, but unfortunately nothing has been discovered immediately, Master Chi, have you found any building containing evil spirits?"

Chi Shuyan's eyes suddenly rolled, and he rushed to Feng Feng and said: "I will go upstairs with Tianshi Gu, Feng Brother, you should stay here to help us look out!"

Feng Yuanlin:...

Without waiting for Feng Yuanlin to reply, Chi Shuyan turned the car door and got out of the car immediately. Together with Feng Yuanlin, he walked to the community without a ride.

Leaving Feng Yuanlin only to see the back of the two of them leaving, but seeing Shu Yan so determined, Feng Yuanlin had to obediently, plus that Shu Yan had one more company, he was a little relieved.

Over there, Gu Beizheng remembered the man who had a close relationship with Master Chi but was a little abnormal and he wanted to talk. If he didn't guess wrong, the man had a very strong suffocation, and he was forced to suppress it by something, but it is a pity that the other's body is suffocating. It's too heavy, if it can be forced to suppress it, it would be better, but if one day that thing can't suppress the man's evil spirit, the consequences will be disastrous.

This kind of thing is not good for people, nor is it good for the people around him. He remembers that a friend of his once contracted a strong suffocation for some reason. In the end, not only did he die tragically, but also made his family and his friends very much. People close to him have had bad luck.

I don’t know that Master Chi is not clear about the other party’s suppression of evil spirits. Gu Beizheng pretended to be suspicious and asked: "Master Chi, last time

The one who picked you up is familiar, who seems to be your boyfriend? Are you still dating? "

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