Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1698: Four hundred and eighty four

The attending physician and nurse were really anxious. Xia Mingcheng's expression changed only slightly. While he hugged people into the recliner behind the curtain, he stared at Yuan Yuan and his expression was dim and obscure. He always felt that Yuan Yuan was suddenly uncomfortable. After he vomited blood, nine out of ten cases were related to Master Chi collecting dirty things. I don't know how Master Chi is doing now?

It didn’t take long for Xia Mingcheng to froze. Soon there were several exclamations of sexual **** from within the curtain. Xia Mingcheng heard that the screams were not from the doctor and the nurse just now, and thought that there was something wrong with the two of them, their complexion changed drastically, and he passed away immediately. Before opening the curtain to go in, the nurse inside was pale and opened the curtain and hurried out, almost hitting Xia Mingcheng, or Xia Mingcheng was too fast to avoid the body to stabilize the person, and glanced at the woman's face in the corner of the curtain. Wake up, pretending to be anxious and asked: "What's wrong? Nurse? What's wrong with my friend?"

At this time, the female nurse was terrified by the face sarcoma on the inner side of the little girl’s legs. Her face was very ugly and panicked, just like she had just met a ghost. If she hadn’t been for the man in front of her to stabilize her, her body was weak and she was limp on the ground. Speaking of which, she had never seen such a scary sarcoma.

Moreover, she is not usually very timid, and the number of tumors she has seen is no longer small, but she has never seen a few human faces in the sarcoma. There are even expressions on the faces that can face people hideously. Can smile at people again.

Just now she and Director Zhang had just lifted the inner side of the little girl’s legs. She was really frightened by the hideous sarcoma. Now thinking of the scene, she still feels cold and her limbs are soft. Fortunately, it’s during the day outside. The staff on the promenade went back and forth, and the female nurse gradually calmed down and realized that the man in front of him was the boyfriend of the little girl inside. The female nurse seemed hesitant to speak but panicked. She almost cried. After holding back for a long time, she knotted. Baba said: "I... I dare not... say, or... you go in by yourself... see?"

After hearing what the female nurse said, Xia Mingcheng was stunned. Before he could continue to ask, the female nurse had already rushed out of the office door. The one who ran was called a fast. He couldn't stop calling anyone. He could only raise the curtain and prepare to ask this one. The attending physician, he just lifted the curtains, and he saw Chief Physician Zhang’s face extremely solemn and horrified. His body was still trembling and stalemate. His face was calm, but when he looked closely, he could see that people were pretending to be calm. She trembled very badly, her eyes filled with panic and various emotions stuck to Yuan Yuan's face.

Xia Mingcheng's eyes became more surprised, and his face became even more curious: "Director Zhang, what happened to my friend?"

Director Zhang didn't answer his words immediately, but took a deep breath and exhaled it again. After a long time he couldn't really calm down, couldn't hold back a word, and didn't know how to say it.

Xia Mingcheng could only look at the inside of Yuan Yuan’s legs. It happened that Yuan Yuan’s pants had already been removed. He could see if he walked closer. When he approached, his eyes fell on the black rotting and bleeding sarcoma on the inside of Yuan Yuan’s legs. Startled, he soon saw a few faces on the sarcoma, which were still very familiar faces.

With a bang, Xia Mingcheng's face changed drastically at this time, and his face was like a thunderbolt on the face of a few familiar people.

Especially when his eyes fell on Yan Liling's familiar face, his head blasted again, and the blood all over his body suddenly rushed back into his head.

Xia Mingcheng's face was red, and after a second, his face was pale and colorless, his eyes were flushed with fierce scarlet, there was pain and hatred in his eyes, and he couldn't believe that various complex emotions were intertwined.

For a moment, Xia Mingcheng stared at Yan Liling's familiar face, and an unprecedented murderous spirit and impulse flowed out of her chest. She wanted to choke Yuan Yuan this woman to death on the spot, but it would be too cheap to strangle her, Xia Mingcheng Panting heavily and kept looking away from a few familiar faces, especially Yan Liling's face.

And here, Director Zhang finally recovered a little calmness at this moment. Seeing that the guy next to him looked very wrong, he kept panting for a coma, he hurriedly supported the person, thinking that he was against the **** the couch. The face sarcoma was too shocked, too scared, and too sad.

Director Zhang stumbling and stumbling quickly to comfort people: "Your girlfriend is in this situation... I have never seen it before! But, boy, don't be too anxious and don't be too sad. Now that technology is so advanced, your girlfriend will definitely be fine. You and your girlfriend will stay here for a while, I will go to other experts to discuss it!"

I don't know if the sarcoma on the face just gave him too much shadow. When Director Zhang comforted others, his teeth kept trembling and his voice trembling.

Director Zhang had just finished comforting people, and there were a few noises from the door of the office, and he saw the female nurse who rushed out just now with several older and respected doctors.

A few doctors with particularly deep medical skills and excellent skills also heard what the female nurse said just now. They came over with curiosity and looked at them. The doctors just didn’t believe in what female nurses said, but I will see Zhang now. The director's complexion was not pretty, and he was even more curious. The first elderly doctor asked anxiously, "Lao Zhang, is the little girl okay? Just now Xiao Yang said that the little girl had a facial sarcoma on the inner side of her leg. thing?"

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