Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1720: Five hundred and six

The next weekend, when the man went to work at the company, Chi Shuyan couldn't help but immediately couldn't wait to contact Gu Beizheng first.

Gu Beizheng was not surprised at Chi Shuyan's sudden contact, and he had a hunch that the other party would find him nine out of ten because of that young Qi.

The two made an appointment in the dining room box on the phone.

Chi Shuyan arrived early, because she was in a bad mood, she didn't go to the kitchen to greet Li Yuchu, and the two little guys together with Li Yu greeted her a little perfunctorily, touching the heads of the two boys, saying a few words, and then went to the box and the others.

Gu Beizheng arrived on time and the dishes were almost the same. Gu Beizheng was worth it. Compared with Chi Shuyan's absent-mindedness, Gu Beizheng was in a good mood.

Not just sitting on the chair, she wondered if she could upload more spiritual teas and elixirs on Taobao, preferably some elixirs.

Chi Shuyan Xin said that she was busy with other things recently, and Taobao didn't even have time to upload Fulu, let alone upload other spiritual teas and elixirs.

Especially for Lingcha, she has cooperated with the Jing family and the Fan family, and the amount on Taobao will only be small in the future.

Chi Shuyan thought in his heart, and Gu Beizheng was generous and straightforward: "Friend Chi Daoist, what was the wind blowing today and you took the initiative to invite me to lunch?" After a little pause, the various talents on the table looked dazzlingly in his eyes, not only the dishes. It smells very good. He has eaten in the Imperial restaurant several times before, but he always feels that the flavor of the dishes before is not as good as this time. Gu Beizheng swallows his mouth. The more he looks at the dishes on the table, the more he feels greedy, he can’t wait. He picked up the chopsticks and tasted a few bites first, it was so delicious that he could swallow his tongue.

Gu Beizheng immediately gobbled up and ate. He slowed down after eating a small half full, and immediately said: "Friend Chi, why don't you speak? What did you ask me for today?"

Chi Shuyan didn't slander Gu Beizheng's appetite, and directly said: "I heard that Tianshi Gu suddenly let Brother Feng stay away from my man? What opinion or opinion does Gu Tianshi have on my man?"

Gu Beizheng had prepared the meal before he came to the appointment. At this moment, he was silent for a while, and suddenly said with a serious face: "Friend Chi, if you have just received the certificate with that young Shao Qi now, and your relationship is not deep, you will have divided it earlier. Otherwise. It won't do you much good afterwards!"

He said these things as heartbreaking. Before he wanted to persuade them twice, but when he heard that fellow Taoist Chi told them that they had obtained the certificate, he choked all the words back into his stomach. This time he had the opportunity to say it, and he wanted to do it well. Advise Dao friends to be late.

Gu Beizheng still had a very good impression of this fellow Chi Daoist, and she didn't want her to have an accident because of that Qi Shao.

And speaking of it, he also studied the face of that Shao Qi for a long time. That person's life style was very good. The first time I saw that person with purple energy, such life style and fortune, in troubled times or ancient times. It is definitely the fate of the emperor and overlord, but in the modern era, the Qi family can't suppress that fate, and that one is the fate of early death.

Now that one didn’t know what was going on, an inexplicable suffocating aura suddenly appeared in his body, and the purple qi in his body was almost swallowed. It can be seen that the Qi family does not know how large the suffocating aura is. It was the evil spirit suppressed by the baby, and the Qi family was all right.

But being okay for a short period of time does not mean that it will be okay in the future. Gu Beizheng will guess one by one.

Finally, Gu Beizheng pondered for a moment, and solemnly exhorted: "If it is possible, not only Chi Daoyou but also the other family members of the Qi family, it is best to stay away from the Qi Shao Qi family. Otherwise, if the evil spirit in Qi Shao's body leaks, the consequences Unthinkable! The more suppressed, the more turbulent! Not only that, but Qi Shao also poses a great threat."

Gu Beizheng gave an example, saying that evil spirits are very easy to leave a person’s temperament, and it is more likely to make people uncertain and emotional. In short, people’s desires and emotions change at geometric multiples, and they are a big threat.

After a short conversation, Gu Beizheng added again: "No matter whether ordinary people or cultivators are affected by evil spirits, there is no benefit!"

Listening to Gu Beizheng’s words, Chi Shuyan inevitably thought of the man’s abnormality last night. Before a man was jealous, she had never seen anyone lose control, but last night she only had dinner with Jing Hengran. It stands to reason. This was a very small matter, but it made him suddenly lose control. The more Chi Shuyan thought about it, his face became uglier, his left eyelid thumped, and his heart became heavier and heavier, unable to squeeze a polite smile on his face.

But now that she is asked to leave Qi Zhenbai, she has never thought about this possibility, and it is impossible.

Chi Shuyan squeezed his headache forehead, and immediately asked, "Is there any way to pull out all the evil spirits in the human body once and for all?" Seeing Gu Beizheng shaking his head, Chi Shuyan retreated disappointedly and started: "Then is there any way to stabilize the other party's emotions? "

Gu Beizheng heard that friend Chi asked two questions one after another, but he didn't think about leaving that person and he sighed, but at the beginning he saw that the relationship between the couple was really good, so it might not be possible to let friend Chi leave. Gu Beizheng had to Said: "Stabilizing the emotions of the other person is best to follow others, especially when the other person is under the pressure system, it is best to avoid the other person getting angry and losing control. This is one of the symptoms and not the root cause!"

"If I still want to pull out the evil spirit in his body, Gu Tianshi really has no other way to treat the symptoms completely?" Chi Shuyan asked with her lips pressed.

Gu Beizheng saw that Daoist Chi was so stubborn, he didn't want to mention the Zhensha Pill. Although he has a prescription, he has to refine the Zhensha Pill. The few spirit herbs in it are very rare herbs of at least a thousand years. It is very difficult. Obtained, it may be possible to obtain it a few hundred years ago, but in which big family is generally thousands of years of herbs not a rare treasure? Where do you have your share, so the Dan Fang said it is nothing.

Gu Beizheng hesitated for a while, or told me about the evil pill in this town. As soon as the words fell, he saw Fellow Daoist Chi's eyes brighten, and he blurted out and asked: "Can Tianshi Gu tell me the pill of this pill? I will definitely not let you suffer!"

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