Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1723: Five hundred and nine

Chi Shuyan's personality has always been refreshing and not procrastinating. Qi Hao didn't wait long. Chi Shuyan got in the car first. As soon as he got in the car, Qi Hao's words were immediately scumbags and kept talking. He still waited to see his sister-in-law staring at him. I don’t know if he was too much to add fuel and jealousy in front of his cousin at the beginning, and his sister-in-law later sent a WeChat “warning” to him. Qi Hao was still very guilty, for fear that his sister-in-law would mention eating in the car restaurant.

What made him fortunate was that he went back to the old house all the way. His sister-in-law’s attitude towards him remained the same, and he did not mention the previous incident. Qi Hao breathed a sigh of relief and said in his heart that he would dare to be a little bit presumptuous at most when his sister-in-law was away. In front of his sister-in-law, he still has to be honest. If he is most afraid of his cousin, he is second to the occasionally cold-faced sister-in-law.

Entering the old house of the Qi family, Qi Hao parked the car on the lawn. Before getting off the car, he was still chatting without stopping: "Sister-in-law, I secretly told you that I just heard that Uncle Chi and the old man said that you and my brother will soon have a banquet for marriage. Yes, the date is set after your final exams are off. I didn’t hear the specific date. By the way, when my brother was listening to the old man and uncle Chi to pick a day, my brother sat next to him and laughed. That's a joy, I've never seen my brother be so stupid."

After all, it was a bad thing about her cousin. Qi Hao was a little cautious and had a low voice, but Chi Shuyan's expression was startled. It seemed that she couldn't imagine the appearance of a man and a dude. She didn't speak, but her lips Can’t help but smile, Qi Hao scratched the back of his head and continued to happily said: “That’s right, sister-in-law, what time are you taking the exam? If you were busy with the exam before, just tell me if you have other things. I will do it for you."

Qi Hao said happily, when he thought that his sister-in-law was really from his Qi family, Qi Hao was happy and happy, with a smile on his face, and there was no need to worry about which man would take it away in the future!

Qi Hao's words were very considerate and made Chi Shuyan gratified. She was quite angry with this kid before. At this moment, she was in a good mood and mostly disappeared. She nodded and didn't refuse and said: "Okay, I will order you then!"

"Okay, no problem, sister-in-law, yes, one more thing, sister-in-law, I accidentally called Lu Chengfu, Wang Xuewen and a group of people to reveal that you are going to marry my brother. They asked me about the banquet one by one. Can you invite them at that time?" Qi Hao asked tentatively.

Not to mention that Qi Hao didn't mention this, Chi Shuyan would not forget Lu Chengfu's, Wang Xuewen and other people, and naturally nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't forget them if I forget anyone. How are they doing?"

Qi Hao curled his lips and said, "They are all pretty good, but Cheng Fu and his family are as slimy as they are. It's blinding my dog's eyes!"

If it weren’t for the couple, he didn’t know that the two men could still be so sticky. Now there is a marriage certificate and a child between the two. Oh, yes, he heard Wang Xuewen mentioned Cheng Fu and him before. The family has plans to go abroad to obtain a certificate.

Qi Hao is a person who can’t keep talking, so he can say whatever he thinks at the moment. Chi Shuyan heard that Lu Chengfu and Yu Jinzhou had a very good relationship, and she was also very pleased that the relationship between men and women is not easy, let alone men and men. , I only hope that the two will get better and better in the future.

Seeing Qi Hao still chatting without stopping, she patted his shoulder and said, "Go, get out of the car and walk and say, don't let others wait."

"Good, sister-in-law!"

The two quickly entered the hall, and when they arrived, Chi Shuyan first saw a man sitting in distress. Compared with the usual men, they were expressionless and cherished words like gold. At this moment, she saw this man entertain her dad as a man with ease. The conversation atmosphere was very harmonious, and Chi Shuyan was very surprised when her father occasionally looked at Qi Zhenbai's gentle face.

Wait, didn't her dad wait to see the man Qi Zhenbai last time? I haven’t seen each other for a few days in a blink of an eye.

Father Qi is very happy and proud that Zhenbai can please Chi's father so quickly. Among the three, the father talks less, mainly because Chi's father talks with Qi Zhenbai, but every sentence in Chi's father's words will be brought to you. The old man, the old man is not embarrassed to sit aside, the old man is still sitting next to the Qi family's second uncle and third uncle, occasionally echoing a few words, Qi's mother and the Qi family's second aunt frequently come over to give everyone tea, the atmosphere in the hall is very good.

Chi Shuyan was curious. Qi Zhenbai, who was sitting tightly, seemed to feel something. His sharp gaze first glanced over. When he saw his wife coming, his cold and sharp eyes immediately softened. He did not speak, but waved. The position next to the shot motioned her to come and sit.

Qi Hao was still a little bit ashamed that several elders were sitting together. Before Chi Shuyan could speak, Qi Hao quickly found an excuse to get out, indicating that he was going to see his mother.

Chi Shuyan smiled a little, and patted Qi Hao on the shoulder to let him go and leave her alone.

The two of them opened their eyebrows and smiled, but she didn't pay attention to the man's sharp eyes and glanced over again, the penetrating gaze fell straight on her hand on the shoulder of Qi Hao who was patted, her eyes sharp and unfathomable, her expressionless face No reason makes people feel a little bit of chill.

Or Qi Hao first noticed that his cousin looked at his strange cold eyes, Qi Hao met his brother's cold eyes, almost jumped, and blurted out: "Wipe, why does my brother look at me? Sister-in-law? I didn't do anything to offend me. Brother's, right?" He is not his brother's rival in love, so what does his brother look like? The more Qi Hao thought about it, the less doubtful it became.

As soon as Qi Hao said something, Chi Shuyan also noticed that something was wrong with a man in the distance, but it was a pity that the man’s eyes turned quickly, but the man’s abnormality made her think of Gu Beizheng’s words, so she simply tried to pat Qi Hao’s shoulder again. Sure enough, in the next second, the man's indifferent and sharp eyes glanced over again, staring at her hand on Qi Hao's shoulder and Qi Hao, the coldness and chill in the eyes was shocking.

Chi Shuyan was also a little surprised and sinking in her heart. She was afraid of dragging Qi Hao into the water. She quickly found an excuse to let Qi Hao run away first, strode towards her father and Qi Zhenbai, shouting politely one by one. I met the old man, her father and the uncles of the Qi family, and then sat intimately next to Qi Zhenbai.

Qi Zhenbai's indifferent and gloomy expression swept away, and the brow called a gentleness. He was chatting with his elders, his left hand gently wrapped his wife's waist, and his face remained unchanged and continued to talk to several elders.

When Mr. Qi saw that Shuyan was coming, he happily couldn't help: "This child is good if he is here, he is good if he is here. Before, I wanted you and Zhenbai to live in the old house in the future, but young people have young people. In my days, I also like that kind of freedom, my old man won’t interfere too much.” The words were slightly paused, and the old man Qi immediately turned around and looked at Zhenbai and Li Neiyan: “But Zhenbai, you don’t live in the old house. You have to take good care of my granddaughter-in-law for me. If you don't take care of my grand-daughter-in-law for my old man, I will ask you."

Qi Zhenbai immediately replied with a serious expression, "Yes, grandpa!"

Chi's father, who listened to the conversation between the two grandfathers and grandsons, was very relieved, and he knew that the old man was making faces for the Chi family. Chi's father became more aware that the Qi family really valued his daughters, and the last trace of dissatisfaction with Qi Zhenbai's son-in-law was in his heart. It was also swept away, and people are getting more and more satisfied.

Chi's father occasionally looked at his son-in-law, and more of his eyes were on his daughter's belly, because she was afraid that she was too young to have a bad look and hurt her body, but his daughter was too young, but she did not count as pregnant after eighteen. Small, it is better to have a baby at a young age than to give birth later.

Of course, Chi's father's previous satisfaction with Qi Zhenbai's son-in-law was mostly based on his confession of fate. Who made his daughter already pregnant with this little child? Chi's father, as a smart man, also knew that the child would marry into the Qi family. Okay, the most important thing is his son-in-law's attitude. He hopes that his attitude will be better now. This future son-in-law can really treat his daughter-in-law as he said.

The best of his daughters is the most important thing.

So when he returned to Kyoto, he also planned to change his unfriendly attitude.

However, after having a conversation this evening and getting along in the afternoon, Chi's father changed his previous prejudice and found that this kid is really good, with many advantages, such as good growth, excellent ability, family background, etc. Everything is very good, the family is also good, the most Important and very caring, and very warm and friendly towards him, although occasionally a little reticent, it is very reliable.

Just when the other party received his call in the afternoon, if there was any work meeting, he would immediately pick him up in person. Seeing that he frowned and had a stomachache, he immediately got out of the car to buy medicine and took him to the hospital. Chi's father said to this future son-in-law. Just a bit satisfied.

Nowadays, Chi's father also has the illusion that the more the mother-in-law sees the son-in-law, the more satisfied.

At this time, I just listened to Old Man Qi suddenly asking: "Yan Yan, when do you have a holiday for your final exam?"

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