Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1731: Five hundred and seventeen

Not many people are interested in the fruit, because the effect is only the effect of improving eyesight, and there is no other special effect. People who bid in twos and threes are quickly auctioned off at the price of seventy jade.

Soon afterwards, the Fanjia Auction House began to auction several things one after another. The second and third were 100-year-old herbs, one was Baicao Dew, and the other was Purple Salvia. Both herbs are good for Zhuyan Dan. material.

Not to mention that the Zhuyan Pill was lost very early, and the Zhuyan Pill is very tasteless for cultivators. If you really want to buy the Zhuyan Pill, it is usually a woman. If you are in the cultivation world with a lot of resources, there may be people who buy it at a price. Yan Dan materials, now the last-generation law, the aura resources are exhausted, few people spend to buy Zhuyan Dan herbs.

In addition, the two kinds of herbs are only a hundred years old. The herbs in this year are precious and precious, or not precious or precious. The truly valuable herbs are still thousands of years old, but most of the thousands of herbs have been given by large families. Collected, a hundred years of medicinal herbs are a taste for the children of the big family, but it is also good for other ancient martial arts practitioners. It is a pity that it is a good material for refining Zhuyan Dan. Zhuyan Dan is only good for appearance. Cultivation has no effect, so it is quite a pity that the ancient martial arts practitioners' loose cultivation food is tasteless. In the last two hundred years, the Zhuyan Pill herb was photographed one by one by two women from a big family.

After all, no woman does not love looks.

In the box, Fan Yin saw that the Fanjia auction house had already sold three good things. Master Chi was still not moving. He was a little anxious and confused. He couldn't help but said, "Master Chi, don't have what you like?"

He also thought that if Master Chi looked at something, he would take a personal photo for the Fan family and give it to Master Chi directly. His father had asked him before.

However, Master Chi was able to send him a sixth-grade promotion pill in a big way, and I am afraid that he would not look good at the three things of Fan's auction house.

She did not see the first three things at Fan's auction house. She had refined them and had the materials. As for the fruit, she had seen it at Jing's auction house.

She thought so in her heart, but couldn't say so in her words, she said politely: "Don't worry, look at it again!"

"Yes! Yeah, Master Chi, if you like it, you can tell me right away, our Fan auction house still has many good things!" Fan Yin said eagerly and enthusiastically.

Chi Shuyan glanced at such enthusiastic Fan Yin, couldn't help but want to laugh, nodded: "Yeah!"

Soon, the fourth auction item from Fan's auction house was presented. When the auctioneer opened the silk and satin, Chi Shuyan and Fan Yin did not expect that the fourth auction item was actually a spiritual tea refined by her (Master Chi).

Just listen to the auctioneer downstairs blowing to her refined spirit tea, and stepping on the Jingjia spirit tea, "Everyone, this spirit tea is the spirit tea recently obtained by our Fan family. This spirit tea contains Its aura is not inferior to Jingshi Lingcha, or even more sufficient. Consistently drinking it for a long time will not only help prolong your life and health, but also help to assist in the breakthrough of cultivation, which is comparable to the efficacy of the low-profile version of Ju Ling Pill."

As soon as the auctioneer’s words fell, everyone heard the sentence that would help assist in the breakthrough of cultivation, and their heads buzzed first, and then again.

Hearing "the medicinal effect comparable to the low-profile version of the spirit-gathering pill", everyone in the seats was immediately ready to move. After all, there are few alchemists now, and there are even fewer pills. If this spiritual tea really has an auxiliary cultivation base breakthrough and a comparable low-profile The effect of the version of the Spirit Pill is enough to make everyone coveted.

In today's world, what they lack most is the replenishment of spiritual energy, so everyone in the seats at the stage is staring at the pots of spiritual tea on the stage.

Collecting the reaction expressions of the people in the audience, the auctioneer continued his efforts and said: "These pots of spiritual tea are obtained from a senior alchemist by the master of our family in every possible way. Among them, the spiritual energy of the spiritual tea completely exceeds that of the Jing family, and the effect is very significant. If it weren't for our Fan Family Patriarch's generous thinking about everyone, where would he be willing to auction today."

The auctioneer talked about seeing the originally calm people and began to move around, but the faces of the people who wanted to buy the spirit tea immediately were all crazy, scrambling to stare at the pots of spirit tea on the stage.

However, some reasonable people in the audience directly asked whether this spiritual tea was really made by a senior alchemist!

The auctioneer didn't want to answer immediately: "Of course, everyone should know that our Fan's reputation will never deceive customers."

The auctioneer paused slightly, then turned and continued: "Of course, you can choose to believe what I said or you can choose not to believe that you will come to my Fan auction house next time, but I would like to remind you in advance that this time our Fan family owner is generous, next time we The owner is not necessarily so generous. It depends on the amount of spiritual tea provided by the senior alchemist. Okay, this time we are auctioning these five cans of spiritual tea. The price starts at 200 yuan a can of spiritual stone and the best jade. Four hundred yuan. Each bid is not less than fifty yuan of spirit stone."

When the auctioneer had just finished speaking, everyone in the seats was no longer indifferent and calm this time. They were vying to be crazy and started shouting prices. The price went from two hundred spiritual stones to 1,000, and the best jade four Hundred yuan actually called two thousand yuan.

And the bidding hasn't stopped. The last pot of spirit tea was called 2,000 yuan, and the best jade was 4,000 yuan.

In the end, five cans of Lingcha were sold at the price of 10,000 Lingshi, which is equivalent to the price of 20,000 jade.

Chi Shuyan looked on the side and was particularly stunned, knowing that spirit stones and jade are different from money. In today's world, jade and spirit stones with aura are still very rare.

Think about the price set for Lingcha in her Taobao shop. Compared with Fan's price this time, it's far worse, okay? She feels painful thinking about it.

If she cooperates with the Fan family early, she still needs to worry about not having enough money? She is rich and oily!

In the private room, Fan Yin saw Master Chi staring at the auction and immediately explained: "Master Chi, this is rare and expensive, so the auction is more expensive at the beginning, but your spiritual tea is really worth this price, my dad. I have already told me that if you drink your refined spiritual tea for a long time, your cultivation level will definitely break through. If they taste the sweetness in the future, there are only a lot more people vying for spiritual tea! And your refined spiritual tea is It’s so much better than Jing’s Ling Tea, Jing’s Ling Tea can’t be compared at all!”

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