Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1739: Five hundred twenty five

After all, Chi's father didn't go back to the old house with the couple. Even if the old man spoke, Chi's father didn't plan to bother his in-laws. Besides, he talked about the banquet with the old man and his father and his mother. The other matters are the children themselves. Decide, such as which hotel to hold the wedding, and where to take the wedding photos.

The young couple went to the old house early, and came back soon. Chi's father was quite surprised. He asked the young couple to sit down and asked a few words at random. It was Qi Zhenbo who asked, Chi Shuyan is completely transparent here. !

"Zhenbai, have you decided on the wedding hotel?"

"Dad, it's already set, the Hilton Hotel in the city center. The hotel site is big enough, the traffic is well-developed, and it is closer to the old house, which is more convenient!"

"It's done, it's fine, yes, how did your young couple plan the wedding process? Zhenbai?" Chi father asked again.

Chi Shuyan saw that her father was the only man in front of her father, Qi Zhenbai, but her dear girl was completely ignored. She looked helpless and funny, and looked at her father's familiar voice and yelled'Zhenbai' intimately. , The frequency of shouting is still very much, and he does not see Qi Zhenbai outside at all, and he no longer treats people as outsiders.

This man Qi Zhenbai is even more so. He is familiar with calling Chi's father'Dad' in his words, and he is very familiar with his words. People who don't know really thought he was calling his father. The relationship between Weng and son has grown rapidly.

Chi Shuyan was slanderous, and the atmosphere of the two husbands and sons became more harmonious and harmonious, and her daughter and daughter could not help being jealous of the man Qi Zhenbai.

Sitting on the side, Qi Zhenbai patted his wife’s hand, followed his father-in-law’s question, and patiently continued to answer: "Grandpa suggested that I and Yan Yan have two banquet weddings, Western style during the day and Chinese style at night, and there are more guests during the day. In the evening, my family will have a festive and lively dinner in the old house. Yan Yan and I have agreed and think this is a good idea!"

Not only did the couple feel good, but Chi's father felt good after listening to it. The old man's suggestions also showed that the old man and the Qi family value his daughter very much. Chi's father was very satisfied and nodded and praised: "Yes! Good idea!"

The two sons-in-law talked for a long time, and finally finished the matter. Chi Shuyan finally broke in and rushed to Chi's father: "Dad, I have a very important friend who will come to Kyoto one or two days before the wedding. If I arrive Time and Zhenbai are too busy to make time, Dad, you will pick someone up for me then and take someone to the villa!"

This person is naturally her master, and her master must invite him.

She hadn’t forgotten to inform her master about the wedding. She had already advised her to come to Kyoto early on WeChat. Her master had already been persuaded. She said she would arrive one or two days before the 30th. Her master lives in her villa.

When the time comes, the wedding invitation will be passed directly to her master, so there is no need to worry about wasting time by mail.

Father Chi didn't think much, and immediately nodded and said: "Sure!"

It was just that his right eyelid suddenly jumped a few times after he responded.

Qi Zhenbai was also paying attention to his wife's words at this time. Speaking of which, he had seen several friends of his daughter-in-law, and the relationship was pretty good. It might be that his daughter-in-law treated him so seriously. Qi Zhenbai was still quite curious, of course. , What he cares most is the gender of the other party.

Qi Zhenbai asked inadvertently, Chi Shuyan didn't think much about it, saying that this good friend is a girl, and her personality and character are very very good. The most important thing is that she is very, very beautiful. In short, Chi Shuyan can't wait to take everything The good words were all posted on his master, and the words were madly praised, and Qi Zhenbai's handsome face without expression was inexplicably dark.

Chi's father was also a little curious about when his daughter made such a good friend, and asked.

Chi Shuyan immediately replied: "Dad, I didn't ask you to help introduce outstanding people to my teacher...this girl. This girl is surnamed Fu, she really has nothing to say about her character, looks, or family."

Chi Shuyan originally wanted to talk to her father about her master’s good things, and ask her dad to help Shangxin find a good partner for her master. She saw her dad suddenly got up with excitement right after her words, his face flushed, and he knocked. He blurted out: "What... is it?"

After speaking, he realized that his emotions were not right, Chi's father immediately sat down again and changed his words pretending to be calm and said: "Sure! No problem!"

Chi Shuyan collected a series of facial expression changes of her own father, but before she could explore, the man next to him changed the subject: "Daughter-in-law, have you filled in your wedding invitation?"

Chi Shuyan nodded immediately: "Well, yes, Dad, did you send the wedding invitation to Uncle Wei's house in the evening?"

Chi's father nodded absently, and the two father and daughter chatted for a while, and Chi's father found an excuse to go back to the room first.

After Chi's father returned to the room, Chi Shuyan always felt that his father's expression and emotions were wrong. He tentatively asked the man Qi Zhenbai, who always turned off her topic.

Chi Shuyan racked his brains to figure out what was going on with her own father, and wanted to ask, but her father's expression just now obviously didn't intend to tell her, and she didn't ask too much.

In the end, under the interference of her own man, she was too lazy to think, and continued to fill in the blank wedding invitation that her own man handed her again, and by the way, see if anyone missed the invitation.

First of all, Feng Ge must be invited.

She invited Wang Xuewen, Lu Chengfu, Yu Jinzhou and a group of young men. She also invited Lin Haoxing’s house. She also planned to invite Wei’s uncle and Zhen Yu and Yangzhi, as well as Gu Beizheng, Jiang Duo, Lu Yunfeng, Xiao Ningjin, etc. , As for Brother Zhu Zhu Bocheng, Qi Zhenbo must have invited him. Fan Fu gave a wedding invitation today.

By the way, some of Feng's subordinates, such as Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming, she also planned to invite, after all, she had had a fateful relationship several times.

Counselor Zhang, Yu Rong, Xie Mingxuan, Dao Li, Ruan Shenglin, Yang Kun, Xia Mingcheng, Yang Ji and the others also planned to send the wedding invitations. It was their business whether they came, and it was her business.

After the inspection, Chi Shuyan handed over a stack of filled-in wedding invitations to his man. Qi Zhenbai glanced at it for a while. There were many strange names here, and he didn't care about it, but he was sure that his wife invited them. Qi Zhenbai is in a good mood without a man surnamed Jing: "Well, it's almost there!"

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