Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1744: Extra pregnancy

Two months later, two months have passed since the wedding of the couple, but Chi Shuyan still remembers the dark history of her vomiting at the wedding two months ago. When she thought of being vomited by the crowd at the beginning, In particular, he still vomited on the man Qi Zhenbo. Even if he was later diagnosed with pregnancy, Chi Shuyan still did not dare to recall the original dark history. Whenever he thought of it, he wished to dig a hole in it immediately or she would have known herself. Sometimes I vomit at the wedding scene, so I have to get married early or postpone it.

And the most embarrassing thing is that a certain man thought what happened to her? Scared, he immediately picked her up and rushed to the hospital. He ran madly. The man didn’t know if he was scared enough by her reaction. Not only was his face pale, he didn’t take a few steps when he ran, and his legs became weak. Kneeling directly on the ground, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Fortunately, Feng Ge sits aside and supports people in time, otherwise the couple would be a real joke at the wedding.

I have seen other jokes at the wedding, but I have never heard of the bride and groom falling in a ball at the wedding. It is estimated that the next day will be on the social news.

But other than that, she didn't expect Qi Zhenbai to care about her so much. Because of her vomiting reaction, she was so frightened that her legs were soft and she would fall down. This was something she didn't expect.

Thinking of these images, she was funny and moved.

It was also because I was sent to the hospital to be diagnosed with pregnancy and kept vomiting continuously. The frightened old man and Qi father and Qi mother even had a simple Chinese wedding prepared at home in the evening, so they all had a meal together. The whole family who ate was terrified and ecstatic.

The ecstasy was that she was pregnant suddenly, and the frightening was that she kept throwing up.

When the couple rested after dinner, the old man, Qi's father, and Qi's mother were all worried about the man Qi Zhenbai. Before going upstairs, the old man directly called people to the front of him. She is as small as the details of the slippers.

All in all, since she was diagnosed with pregnancy, the father and the Qi family have been eager to use her as a fragile item, for fear that Qi Zhenbai would not take good care of her.

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but feel miserable for this man Alexander when he was watching from the sidelines, but this man has been crazy and silly since she was diagnosed with pregnancy.

In the face of the old man's stern instructions, the man could still grin and grin all the time, and she was accepted.

That night, the two of them couldn't share the same room at all. The man proposed to separate the bed. She followed the man at the time. Unfortunately, before sleeping in the separate bed, the man sneaked into her bed most of the night.

On that day, what surprised her most was a spirit mine that this man gave to her and the transfer contract of countless jade mines under his name. If she hadn't stopped him, this man would have liked to give her all the shares in his name.

Because of this, her dad was completely relieved of Qi Zhenbai, who felt that he should not be able to empathize in the future. The relationship between the two husbands and sons is getting better and better, and the two husbands and sons get along almost every day for the past two months. Now, her father saw Qi Zhenbai as his son. Every time the couple appeared, her father had habitually regarded her as a transparent person, and Chi Shuyan was jealous and helpless.

When Chi Shuyan was watching TV in the living room while recalling, a certain man had already bought snacks and was in the hallway slippers.

Hearing the movement, Chi Shuyan looked back, and when he saw the handbag in the man's hand, his eyes lit up, and he acted coquettishly and happily said: "Husband, you are back!"

With that said, Chi Shuyan didn't take any other actions, and continued to sit on the sofa watching TV gracefully, waiting for the man to put the snacks in front of her.

After the man in the hallway changed his shoes, his stern face turned soft, he immediately went to the kitchen to take two plates, and put the trash can in front of his wife. After everything was done, she started to eat.

The snack bought by her own man is also braised chicken feet. She doesn't know what's going on. Since she was pregnant, her mouth is very greedy. She also likes spicy food and chews on chicken feet.

You must know that she used to be very self-disciplined. She resolutely refrained from eating snacks after a meal, and the chances of chewing chicken feet were even less. The main reason was that the chicken feet had no meat and were unsightly. If you don't touch it, Li Yuchu rarely buys chicken feet afterwards.

She doesn't know that once she is pregnant, everything can change and she wants to eat everything. Sometimes in the middle of the night, she can be greedy and make a man buy the spicy chicken feet she wants to eat.

Since she became pregnant, this man is absolutely obedient to her.

She didn't expect and was not prepared for the sudden pregnancy. When she first knew it, she was a little repulsive. After all, she was still in college and had not graduated.

It is impossible for her to suspend school to have a baby?

After getting pregnant, it was not that she had never been angry with the man Qi Zhenbai, but she couldn't really blame this man. This child was the only time they happened to have without contraception before.

Although the man had said that she wanted to be pregnant before, after hearing her refusal, after every sexual intercourse, the man still put on a condom in peace.

If she had known that she would have been recruited if she didn't wear a condom, she would definitely not dare to take it lightly and fluke. Now it is too late to regret it, and she can't accept it anymore. Look at a man's obedient and respectful attitude towards her.

Well, it is indeed respect.

After being pregnant at that time, the man did not get too stunned or masculinity to unilaterally decide the child's problems by himself, and he knew that she would respect her and choose the child to stay with her.

Although, when she said this, the man definitely had a deliberate disgust of miserable pretense, but she finally recognized it by pinching her nose.

Of course, there are still prerequisites. She does not intend to suspend school, and she has also negotiated the conditions for the man to bring the children himself.

In the end, it’s not bad to just comfort yourself to get pregnant early.

Now sometimes she does feel that pregnancy is really good, at least someone will help you do everything, even the man who drinks water takes the initiative to give you a mouthful, Chi Shuyan has nothing to say now.

When Chi Shuyan was meditating, whose cell phone bell suddenly rang, Chi Shuyan watched the man next to him touch his pocket, took out his cell phone, and turned on his hands-free. The voice of Father Qi hurriedly came: "Zhen... Zhenbai, When will your daughter-in-law go home? Your grandfather missed your great-grandson and you, and he mentioned it several times today. He wants you to bring your daughter-in-law over? Your mother urged me too, or I will pick you up? What if I hurt my grandchildren?"

The more Qi's father thought about it, the more worried he became. At first, he talked unnaturally with the son, and then he talked more smoothly when he mentioned the topic of the child.

In fact, the relationship between the two fathers and sons is still very ordinary, but since having children, Qi's father opposed Qi Zhenbai's son's indifference, and was very concerned about them.

Now Qi's father talks to this man on weekdays, even with a bit of flattery. Chi Shuyan very much suspects that Chi's father is afraid that this man will not hold Qi's father after giving birth, so Qi's father is now very worried that he dare not offend Qi Zhenbai easily. This man.

However, she was also very surprised at how much Chi's father cared about the child in her stomach.

They all say that they are separated from each other, so they are really!

Compared with Qi's father's worried tone of ingratiating, her man's tone can be described as cold and directly refused: "No, I will take my daughter-in-law back."

Chi's father choked:...

The atmosphere of the father and son was embarrassing again, or Chi Shuyan hurriedly took the man’s cell phone and took the initiative to greet Chi’s father: “Dad, don’t worry, I will go home with Zhenbai for dinner tonight. It’s too much trouble for you to come and pick us up. It's..."

"No trouble! No trouble! Daughter-in-law!" Chi father hurriedly said immediately.

Chi Shuyan also choked:...

What should I do if I can't answer?

"Uh, Dad, Zhenbai and I are not sure when we will go back, we..."

Chi Shuyan didn't finish her words, and the man beside her took the mobile phone in her hand and said coldly, "I will talk about other things at night!" He hung up the phone as soon as he finished speaking.

In the past two months, Chi Shuyan has become accustomed to seeing this man hanging up on Qi's father's phone. He is also very helpless about the indifferent relationship between the two fathers and sons and dare not intervene rashly. He is also a little worried about Qi's father.

After Qi's father was hung up, he was really entangled. It happened to be in the study. Qi's mother pushed the door in. Qi's father's frowning brows were not relieved. With anxious and worried eyes hidden in his eyes, he suddenly asked Qi's mother: "You Say... In the future, our daughter-in-law will have grandchildren. Can Zhenbai let my grandpa hold him?"

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