Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1748: Fanwaiqi father's courtesy to please

The couple used to be mature adults, but this time they had a rare quarrel in the car because of the **** of the child, until the two went to the living room of the Qi family, Chi Shuyan did not give a man a good face.

The couple returned to the old house, but they made the Qi family happy, especially the old man, Qi father, and Qi mother. The three had already waited for the couple to return to the old house early. House.

It's a pity that Zhenbai met unexpectedly. The old man is a reasonable person and doesn't force it. As for Qi's father and mother who occasionally want to force it, they have no confidence. Who will let this son grow up, and no one can change the things he decides?

Moreover, this son has a strong aura, not to mention the feelings of outsiders. The feelings of both parents and parents often feel that this son is hostile and aggressive, especially bluffing. In addition, this son was brought up by the father himself. The biological parents used to ignore this son, but now they really want to intervene in this son, and they are not confident enough.

Qi Zhenbai's expression on Qi's father and Qi's mother was quite cold. Only when facing the old man, the cold outline turned a little softer. As for Chi Shuyan, he definitely couldn't give her mother-in-law's face, not to mention her parents-in-law might be right. This man Qi Zhenbo ignored when he was a child, but he was really good to her daughter-in-law.

No, Qi's mother looked kind and immediately said: "Daughter-in-law, Mom just cooked you pigeon seaweed soup, you will eat more later, it will be good for your child and yourself!"

Since this daughter-in-law became pregnant, Qi's mother had many things to say to this daughter-in-law. At this moment, I seized the opportunity to teach her various things that pregnant women should pay attention to. Chi Shuyan listened very seriously. Although Qi Zhenbai spoke to the old man, I did not forget to listen carefully to Qi's mother's instructions.

After all, Qi Mu was a person who came over, so it is very necessary to listen to the opinions of those who come.

Qi's mother couldn't help but nagging a few more words. Qi's father was a little impatient when he interrupted Qi's words with a gentle expression and a happy expression with his daughter-in-law, and his tone was a little bit more than usual to please: "My daughter-in-law, How are your health recently? And how are my grandchildren?"

"Daughter-in-law, don't be under pressure. Both grandchildren and grandchildren will be born first. Our Qi family has no idea of ​​patriarchal sons. In the future, you and Zhenbai will have a few more births. I will bring you two children!" Father Qi said yes That said, I really hope that Zhenbai's wife will give him a fat grandson at the first child, and in Qi father's traditional thinking, there must be a son to pass on from generation to generation.

But the son of Zhenbai is here, Qi's father dared not express this thought more, plus his intention to please this daughter-in-law this time, how could he express this thought.

After a little pause, Father Qi continued: "By the way, did you and Zhenbai give your child a name? Or, dad just think about the name of your child when he is free these days?"

Chi Shuyan used to seldom get along with Qi's father. This time, Qi's father was so diligent and open-minded that she was quite flattered. I don't know if she thought about it. She always felt that her father-in-law treated her a little more this time. After getting along these days, she hasn't seen Qi's father take the initiative to say so much to her.

Chi Shuyan patted her forehead, thinking that she should think too much, and then looking at the cautious look in Qi's father, her eyes were really a little confused, confused and confused, after listening to Chi's simple request, she was just about to nod and respond.

I didn't know that a tall and familiar man next to him refused first: "It's not in a hurry to get a name, I'll talk about it later!"

Qi Zhenbo's refusal changed the atmosphere from harmony to a bit embarrassing, and Qi's father's face became stiff and unsightly.

Mother Qi wanted to say a few words for Father Qi, and Father Qi said in a disgusting tone at this time: "Zhen Bai is right. My great-grandson's name is not in a hurry. It is my great-grandfather who really wants to name it. Others Don't join in the fun!"

Father Qi’s words made Qi's father even more uncomfortable and he didn't dare to refute. His excited look immediately became a little sad. In the end, Qi's father gritted his teeth and said that he hoped that this daughter-in-law would have more children with Zhenbai. Anyway, the Qi family has a big business and can afford to raise as many children as possible, even if the wife of Zhenbai gave birth to ten.

From now on, there will always be a child whose name is his turn.

Chi Shuyan was particularly embarrassed by Qi's father's expression that he hoped she could have ten children. If Qi Zhenbai persuaded her to give birth to a few more children, could she immediately go back and question the man that she is a pig?

Ten in a lifetime? She currently only plans to give birth to one at most, and she doesn't want to just give birth to carelessness. The child is still not expensive.

Chi Shuyan thought so in his heart, but he politely agreed with Father Qi and said, "I see, Dad!"

Who knows, as soon as she finished her words, a man next to her said again: "If you really want to have a baby, you and my mother will have a direct rebirth. As for my daughter-in-law, we only plan to give birth to one child. Others are not considered!"

The man's tone was extremely cold and indifferent, and did not contain the slightest temperature, and he made Qi's father's choking dumb and embarrassed face flushed. Qi's father was really mad, or the old man deliberately coughed a few times, and Qi's father gritted his teeth. He swallowed back to his stomach, but couldn't help but angrily said: "I'm talking to my daughter-in-law!"

Qi Zhenbo was too lazy to talk to Father Qi, and Qi's father was even more choking. Finally, the father immediately separated the two father and son, and his expressions solemnly called the two father and son to sit in the study. As for the wife of Zhenbai, the father was afraid that the granddaughter-in-law would be hungry, so he immediately let Qi mother Take this grandson-in-law to drink some nutritious soup.

Before going upstairs, the old man said very kindly: "Daughter-in-law, Zhenbai, tell your mother and aunts what you want to eat directly. They are all from your own family. Don't feel embarrassed!"

"I see, grandpa!"

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