Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1751: Extra Extraordinary Kyoto

The next day, the couple returned to the villa after having breakfast and lunch in the old house.

Mainly because her master arrived today, she had to pick up people.

Before leaving, the Qi family's family was very reluctant to leave. Qi's father and Qi's mother never stopped suggesting that the young couple move back to the old house. Fortunately, Qi Zhenbai insisted, Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, she does not reject living in the old house. She is a little worried that Qi's mother will let her drink broth every day. She plans to move back to the old house after her belly is big. After all, she and Qi Zhenbai are pregnant with the first child, two novices. If you don't know anything, it's more at ease to have parents around.

Her father had mentioned it several times before.

Besides, you must go back to the old house if you have a child in confinement.

Yes, she didn't think about other things first, the more she thought about it, the more worried she became.

Because her master came to Kyoto, Qi Zhenbai arranged for someone to pick him up, but she was a little worried, and finally he drove her to pick him up.

At 1:30 noon, I picked up someone at the airport.

Fu Qing is still used to wearing cheongsam. Today, she is dressed in light blue cheongsam. She has a fair complexion and is very young. She has no powder on her face. She only wears a thin coral red lip color on her lips, and her black, shiny, and long hair are all combed. The hair is in a bun, except for a hosta on the bun, and the delicate pearl earrings that appear on both sides of the earlobe from time to time. There is no jewelry on the whole body.

I have to say that her master's dress is very simple, but still can't stop his master's facial features. What is more unique and attractive is her gentle and indifferent temperament, and the eyes of people who come and go are not less on her. It was amazing.

Chi Shuyan would see her, a very beautiful and outstanding master, at the first glance at the airport. It must be said that her master has changed a lot in the past two lives.

In this life, she has not suffered from family destruction and the scourge of that scumbag. Her master's life is getting better and better, and her complexion and temperament are getting better and better. Just looking at her master's ruddy face, she knows that she has had an exceptionally good life.

It's not like her master was only indulging in revenge in her previous life. She was just left stunned. She didn't let the scumbag or herself let go.

It's still good in this life, Chi Shuyan sighed as he thought about it and rejoiced as he thought about it.

In this life, her master did not take the path of a heavenly master, and she didn't know which man would be cheaper in the future. The more Chi Shuyan thought about it, the more unpleasant she became.

Qi Zhenbo kept his wife's subtle expression in his eyes without making a sound.

"Shu Yan!" At this moment, Fu Qing's soft voice came from a distance.

Hearing the familiar voice of her master, Chi Shuyan quickly returned to her senses. She hurriedly waved to her master: "Here, Sister Fu!"

Qi Zhenbo kept his eyes fixed on his wife, and saw her walking in the direction of Miss Fu. He calmly followed up with the crowd blocking his wife's traffic, for fear of being touched by others in her stomach, he whispered: " Be careful, and slow down!"

It's a pity that Chi Shuyan's attention was focused on her master, and he didn't even hear the man next to him, let alone see a man's ability to attract bees and butterflies.

"Sister Fu, you have finally come to Kyoto again!" From her wedding, her master came to her for the second time. At the previous wedding she wanted to entertain her master, but unfortunately she became pregnant suddenly and her plan was disrupted. Later, she waited for her. To make room to entertain her master, her master has already left Kyoto.

Later, on WeChat, she often encouraged her master to come to Kyoto again, and until now, she waited for her master.

Chi Shuyan was very happy in her heart, and the joy and joy on her face were unconcealed. This excitement and joy made a man next to her face inexplicably sinking.

Chi Shuyan paid no attention to the strangeness of a man next to her, and continued to nag with her master. In her heart, although she and her master had no relationship with her master in this life, her master was still the master who treated her wholeheartedly in her previous life. , So facing her master, she was not at all unfamiliar and polite.

Fu Qing is not too unfamiliar, mainly because the two chatted very diligently on WeChat, and Fu Qing instinctively had a good impression on this little girl from the first glance. Before meeting Shuyan, she never knew she was so slow. A hot person can have such a fondness for a little girl who has not met a few times but has talked about it on WeChat a few times, and he is always close to each other and is not unfamiliar.

Later, she thought about it and thought that human fate was probably so strange.

Chi Shuyan had already fallen into the joy of meeting his master at this moment, completely forgetting the existence of a certain man, and finally a certain man suddenly interjected and coughed twice to remind them that it was time to leave.

Only then did Chi Shuyan regained consciousness and took the initiative to pull the luggage for her master, but before she touched her hand, a man next to her had already pulled aside and signaled the two to leave.

Fu Qing also had several fate with Shuyan's husband at the wedding. He loved Huyan and she was very fond of her, but not more familiar with Shuyan. Fu Qing was still very polite and unfamiliar with Shuyan's husband. The suitcase is picked up by yourself.

Chi Shuyan immediately interrupted her master's words and approached him: "It's okay, Sister Fu, let him mention it, and we will talk as we walk."

Speaking of Chi Shuyan immediately took the initiative to take her master's arm, Qi Zhenbai was uneasy, dragging his luggage and walking by his wife on alert.

He is tall and full of aura, and the people around the airport lobby dare not bump into them, but the three of them look very good, especially Qi Zhenbai, who stands out from the crowd and is full of aura. There are no less girls on the way. Point at him.

Of course, Chi Shuyan and her master also looked good, and attracted many people's attention, but it was a pity that the man next to her was too strong, and other men did not dare to look at it.

Fu Qing brought Shuyan's husband's thoughtful behavior to the bottom of his eyes and was very satisfied.

Qi Zhenbai breathed a sigh of relief until the three of them got into the car, and waited for his wife to talk to him, but unfortunately his wife was still talking to Miss Fu, and she didn't forget to glance at him.

Qi Zhenbai:...

"Sister Fu, how are you doing recently?"

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