Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1784: forty one

It was almost evening the next day that someone discovered that Xiao Ying was missing. There was no one calling her to go to her room. Director Huang was so scared that he contacted Xiao Ying’s agent and company specifically, but other brokerage companies and agents. The answer to him did not go back, and they recorded variety shows on their side.

Last night, Xiao Ying’s agent was on the phone with Xiao Ying. Xiao Ying also said that she would go back after recording the show. Director Huang did not dare to say any more, let alone the disappearance of Xiao Ying. I hung up the phone with a few excuses.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Director Huang immediately gathered everyone in the front yard to ask if anyone had seen Xiao Ying today or last night.

Director Huang feels that Xiao Ying will suddenly disappear and it is unreasonable!

Because both have signed contracts with Xiao Ying’s agency and brokers, Director Huang feels that Xiao Ying’s chances of leaving alone are almost zero.

Xiao Ying couldn't be such an unruly person.

She asked for a hypothesis to be uncomfortable when recording a variety show last night, and he agreed, and Xiao Ying didn't mean to have a haircut and suddenly left her temper.

Others also felt shocked when they learned that Xiao Ying had suddenly disappeared, but Fang Yu and Du Zhong were the most shocked and most unbelievable.

Fang Yu only saw Xiao Ying last night, and she suddenly disappeared today. This incident was simply too unexpected for him. He subconsciously looked towards'Zhou Chengfei' and his pupils shrank, and Zhou Chengfei first opened his mouth and said: "Director Huang, yesterday At about 8:30 in the evening, Xiao Ying came to me for something, and it happened that Fang Yu was sitting there with me at that time!"

As soon as Zhou Chengfei's words fell, everyone's eyes fell on him and Fang Yu, and Director Huang immediately stopped his eyes on the two of them. Fang Yu finally nodded.

Just listen to Zhou Chengfei continue to say: "She didn't say anything to me, so she said this place is a bit boring. Nothing else!"

Director Huang looked closely at Zhou Chengfei and didn't know whether to believe him or not. Could it be that Xiao Yingzhen disliked it as boring here and left first?

In his heart, he still instinctively believed that Xiao Ying's agency and Xiao Ying were a person who understood the rules. In addition, everyone had signed a contract. If she breached the contract, the penalty would be very high. Xiao Ying shouldn't know the seriousness of the matter no matter how wayward.

Moreover, he said a few words to Xiao Ying across the door last night. Her tone was also very normal. The other party should have been there last night. Was it because she suddenly disappeared during the day?

Director Huang's thoughts flashed, and immediately asked Zhou Chengfei: "Did you see Xiao Ying again today? Has she said anything?"

Zhou Chengfei shook his head and denied, and also denied that the other party had said other things.

Director Huang didn’t know the relationship between the two of them, and didn’t think too much. He nodded and didn’t ask any more. Soon it was time to record the show at night, and one more person was missing. Director Huang was so flustered that he was not good for everyone. He went to find Xiao Ying immediately, and didn't want to look for it, he felt very sorry.

At this time, He Liuqing seemed to know what he was thinking, and first suddenly said: "Director Huang, it will be recording time tonight soon. I think everyone is tired and has no energy. It's better to let everyone go back to rest first, Xiao Ying's business. It’s useless for everyone to be in a hurry. This is a big city and we can’t find anyone at all. We might as well go back and wait. Maybe Xiao Ying will come back suddenly. Where else can she disappear as an adult?"

He Liuqing's tone is extraordinarily indifferent and irrelevant. In short, as long as it is not for the artist under her, she is much lazy to worry about it, one less person is recording, and there may be more shots in smoke. As for Xiao Ying's death, she is really happy to watch the show.

According to He Liuqing, Director Huang is really not good at asking everyone to help find someone. He had to ask everyone to go back and rest first. He now hopes that Xiao Ying might show up by herself in a while.

Director Huang had to let everyone go to the room and rest first.

He Liuqing didn't tell Song Yanru about Xiao Ying's disappearance when he went back. In He Liuqing's mind, Xiao Ying is irrelevant, so don't bother Yanru, and Yanru is always good.

Here Zhou Chengfei walked halfway, suddenly asked Lu Wenning and Fang Yu to sit in his room? Not only did he invite the two of them, he also invited Du Zhong.

Lu Wenning and Fang Yu were okay, but Du Zhong heard Zhou Chengfei's invitation as if he heard a reminder, his face zoomed in urgency and horror, barely squeezing out a stiff smile and found an excuse to pull his leg and return to the room quickly.

After returning to the room, he dialed the number of his agent again, but unfortunately, he didn't make any calls after several calls. Du Zhong almost smashed his phone on the ground, gritted his teeth and dialed again, and the call was connected. .

As soon as he got on the phone, Du Zhong immediately asked if his agent had come to pick him up? How was the liquidated damages discussed with the program team?

In short, he is leaving within today.

The more Du Zhong thought about "Zhou Chengfei" just now, the look in his eyes became scared, and then when he thought of Xiao Ying's disappearance, he always felt that the other party's disappearance had something to do with Zhou Chengfei.

Others don’t know their private relationship, he knows it, and Xiao Ying went to find Zhou Chengfei last night and disappeared, saying that the other party’s disappearance is okay with Zhou Chengfei. He doesn’t believe that Zhou Chengfei is no longer a human at all, and Fang Yu said Uncertainty is not human anymore.

The more Du Zhong thought about it, the more frightened his heart became. He didn't wait for his agent to speak first. He first ordered and said in an anxious tone: "Brother Huang, I will pay as much liquidated damages as the program team requires. I will leave here within today. Are you coming soon? Pick me up quickly. If you don’t pick me up again, I’m going to die, I’m really going to die, Xiao Ying is already dead, maybe it’s my turn next. By the way, the surname Zhou is not a person, he The look in my eyes just now might want to hurt me tonight! Brother Huang, please, pick me up quickly! This place is too weird and unclear, and I don’t want to record it again!"

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