Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 503: Five hundred and five

At this moment, Jiang's mother was really frightened by her son's words, especially when she thought that the old man hadn't gotten up at this moment, Jiang's eyes turned black.

She felt that the old man might really have had any side effects from the fake medicine bought by this kid's black shop, and he didn't wake up this morning.

If the old man has something to do, Jiang's mother thinks that Jiang's father would have to kill the kid if he didn't kill the kid.

What did she do?

Why is her son so naive and silly? I dare to let the old man take any medicine, and I don't need Father Jiang. Mother Jiang has almost never picked up the feather duster to train this kid.

Seeing the **** complexion, Jiang Duo turned paler and his eyes flushed: "Mom, is there something wrong with Grandpa? Is something wrong with Grandpa? It's all my fault! It's all my fault!"

Jiang Duo crouched on the ground and cried loudly. The more he cried, the more miserable he was, and the more he cried, the more desperate he was!

Mother Jiang is really scared at the moment. She only has such a son. What if she is beaten to death by Father Jiang later? Mother Jiang really had no choice but to quickly let this kid run away first. She would go and see what happened to the old man. If nothing serious happened, she didn't know what to do if something happened.

Jiang Duo shook his head: "Mom, I don't run, I killed Grandpa, I want to see Grandpa!"

After Jiang Duo ran to the old man's room.

Downstairs, Father Jiang was originally worried that his father would have an accident with the bad medicine, so he hurried upstairs to see his father, but he didn't know that he was empty, his father was not in the bedroom at all.

Father Jiang was murmured and worried, and as soon as he went downstairs and planned to go out to find someone, he saw his dad coming in from the door with a look of energy.

The old man was sweating profusely, and his face was more rosy than before. Father Jiang's shocked eyes came out and he looked worried: "Dad, where did you go out?"

Was his dad unable to walk with a cough before last night? Why did he look ruddy and still go out early this morning?

Looking at his dad, sweating profusely, it seemed like walking a lot.

and many more!

Isn't his dad looking back?

Father Jiang snorted in his heart and immediately looked worried!

Old man Jiang didn't know what his son was thinking. Ever since he ate the'pill' bought by Ador last night, he felt that he was very energetic. He couldn't sleep at night because of the old physical injuries, but he didn't know last night. Is it because of the effect of the'pill' that he went to sleep until dawn, full of energy, and almost less coughing.

The one in Old Man Jiang's heart was surprise, and the more he felt that the medicine that A Duo bought this time was a magical medicine, because every time he took this pill, he felt very comfortable. Mr. Jiang took another one early in the morning before he even thought about it.

After taking the second pill, Mr. Jiang felt that he was more energetic. This was not a panic because he had been staying at home to recuperate from the sickness. At this moment, he didn't want to go out and was planning to leave early in the morning, and he went to practice Tai Chi nearby. Practice Tai Chi with a few other old friends in the square.

The other old friends looked at Old Man Jiang’s health with a look of surprise. After all, a group of friends knew that Old Man Jiang was ill and it would be difficult to walk a few steps. Thinking that a group of friends just suspected that he was back, the angry Old Man Jiang did not stay long. Go home.

This didn't run into Father Jiang who was looking for him.

At this time, Mr. Jiang was in a good mood and replied: "Go out and play Tai Chi with a few old friends!"

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