Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 584: Five hundred and eighty seven

When Zhou Manning took the dark night to drag Yu Rong, who was dying in a bag, into the villa and put it in front of Wu Fuzhang. Wu Fuzhang glanced at the bleeding bag again. Zhou Manning hurriedly said: "Wu Zhenren, no one has yet Die! Still angry!"

In just a few days, Wu Fuzhang also saw clearly that the woman in front of him was cruel and cruel, with a smile on her face and her appreciation.

Zhou Manning was also worried about the fortune of the surname Xie, and hurriedly said: "Real person, can you do it now? We have everything now!" After a while, Zhou Manning said with a hypocritical expression: "Yes, Wu Zhenren, I think If the ghost doesn’t eat hard, you should destroy the thing first. What if it hurts the real person again?"

Wu Zhenren couldn’t see that this woman was just worried that the ghost would harm her again, thinking that this woman surnamed Zhou really offered her a sacrifice, Wu Fuzhang was in a good mood at this time, and he was not impatient to scold Zhou Manning, but showed a little He smiled and said: "Miss Zhou, since I have been paid by you, I have to do this thing beautifully. I will refine this fiend into a puppet by then. The puppet will only listen to the master’s words and will not leave any memory. Miss Zhou, please rest assured!"

Zhou Manning finally breathed a sigh of relief, anxiously waiting for Wu Zhenren in front of him to arrange sacrifices for her again.

Wu Fuzhang motioned to Zhou Manning to put a bowl of blood on Xie Mingxuan first, and Zhou Manning immediately obediently stroked Xie Mingxuan's wrist, and then released a bowl of blood.

Wu Fuzhang stared at the bright red sticky bowl of red blood, very excited, and placed it on the altar, then took out a mask and put it on, and asked Zhou Manning to get Xie Mingxuan's next hair.

Zhou Manning had borrowed Zhou Manqing's fortune before, and naturally also knew the importance of this close-fitting hair. After getting this hair, Wu Zhenren would do it again. Xie Mingxuan's all fortunes belonged to her.

Zhou Manning looked excited when she thought that she was no longer a poor life but the life of a rich and noble master.

Wu Fuzhang got Xie Mingxuan's close-fitting hair and started doing it. Not long after, the golden light on Xie Mingxuan's forehead began to flow against Zhou Manning's forehead.

Zhou Manning could also see the golden light at this time, looking greedily at Xie Mingxuan's forehead continuously flowing up her forehead, with a look of excitement.

Next to Wu Fuzhang, seeing Xie Mingxuan's golden light on his forehead getting dimmed, he was angry if he borrowed it again, thinking that he still needed this kid's blood, and he couldn't die before he was bleeding.

If this kid died accidentally, in the future he wanted to borrow this kid's blood to refine the effect of the blood pill. Wu Fuzhang immediately stopped borrowing luck.

Zhou Manning's eyes were still greedily staring at the dim golden light on Xie Mingxuan's forehead. Although she felt a pity in her heart, she didn't dare to anger the real Wu in front of her when she got a bargain now.

So when Wu Zhenren stopped the Borrowing Technique, Zhou Manning only wanted to say but did not say a word.

Neither Zhenren Wu nor Zhou Manning noticed at this time that the yellow talisman paper on Xie Mingxuan's neck suddenly extinguished silently into powder, only to see an emerald green jade card in the talisman flash suddenly with golden light.

Seeing the golden light borrowed from Xie Mingxuan just now flows back from Zhou Manning back to Xie Mingxuan's head, the speed is the same as a funnel, and it is dozens of times faster than the spell Wu Fuzhang borrowed before.

Even Wu Fuzhang didn't have time to do it again, and in a blink of an eye, Zhou Manning had just lent his fortune from Xie Mingxuan back one by one. More than that, Zhou Manning's previously borrowed Zhou Manqing's remaining good fortune and his own good fortune all flow back to Xie Mingxuan.

Only the black moldy gas remained in Zhou Manning's forehead.

Zhou Manning's face changed drastically at this time: "Wu Zhenren, what's the matter? What's the matter? How could this be? My fortune, my fortune!"

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