Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 599: Six hundred and two

After reading Yu Rong, Chi Shuyan went to see Xie Mingxuan again. Xie Mingxuan was only given a bowl of blood. He woke up last night and it didn't matter much, but Agent Cai asked him to stay one more night, so Xie Mingxuan had to give up.

When Chi Shuyan came, it was quite lively inside, and Yu Qun was also there, telling Xie Mingxuan what happened after he was unconscious yesterday.

Yu Qun turned his back to Chi Shuyan, did not find her, and continued to rush to Xie Mingxuan with excitement: "Mingxuan, don't you know how powerful Master Chi is? You can solve the sorcerer in two strokes. The sorcerer is not Master Chi at all. You can’t compare with a finger. You didn’t see the fighting scenes, all kinds of flying sand and rocks, which are more dazzling than the fantasy dramas and special effects we made."

Yu Qun said that the saliva was a bit dry, and he took a sip to continue: "Finally, Master Chi is a dart or something, and with a wave of his hand, the sorcerer's eyebrows are penetrated, and the dead can no longer die. By the way, that evil After the warlock died, there was obviously nothing, Master Chi pinched out the flames and burned the air for a while, and we still heard the screams of the sorcerer, it was terrifying!"

Chi Shuyan also listened to Yu Qun's gestures and narration with relish at the door. If the master Chi in this boy's mouth is not what she has described, don't be so exaggerated.

Chi Shuyan still felt able to listen.

Still flying sand and rocks?

Chi Shuyan is very speechless. It is estimated that Yu Qun is very talented in telling stories. It is not that both Agent Cai and Mingxuan Xie are somewhat attracted by what he said. When Yu Qun talks about the wonderful things, Agent Cai also echoes from time to time.

Chi Shuyan couldn't listen anymore, and coughed a few times in a low voice. Agent Cai first saw Master Chi coming with the tip of his eyes. The expression on his face was enthusiastic and excited.

After serving tea and pouring water, Manager Cai hurriedly said, "Master Chi, sit here, sit here!"

Yu Qun and Xie Mingxuan also saw Chi Shuyan at this moment, and Yu Qun leaned forward with a look of diligence and enthusiasm and shouted a few times with excitement, Master Chi.

Compared with the other two, Xie Mingxuan is still calmer, but even though Yu Qun and Cai’s manager are a bit exaggerated,

Xie Mingxuan also knows two things. First, this Master Chi is definitely an expert. Second, if it weren't for Master Chi, his life would have been in the villa.

Xie Mingxuan was also very grateful. Although he was in a coma last night, he was not unconscious. When Zhou Manning took advantage of the woman's luck, he vaguely felt something passing by in his body. At that time, he guessed it might be his own fortune.

Although Xie Mingxuan wanted to resist at that time, he had more than enough strength but was not reconciled. He thought that his fortune was really going to be borrowed. Later, when his neck got hot, he barely opened his eyes and saw Zhou Manning's forehead being borrowed from the golden light flowing back. His forehead, it's a pity that he didn't wake up and passed out again. When I woke up in the hospital last night, I lowered my head and saw the jade medallion on his neck. I knew that it was this thing that helped him, and that this thing was also given to him by the master Chi from his agent Cai.

Xie Mingxuan was grateful and faintly understood that this was not an ordinary good thing. At this moment, I saw Master Chi. Although Xie Mingxuan was reluctant to give up the jade medal on his neck, he still planned to take it off and return it to Master Chi.

Chi Shuyan glanced at Xie Mingxuan's neck, saw that the jade medal had been tainted with Xie Mingxuan's fortune and aura, and said, "This thing has a predestined relationship with you, so it should be given to you!"

Yu Qun was very greedy at the jade medallion on Xie Mingxuan's neck, and asked curiously, "Master Chi, what is this jade medallion?"

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