Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 613: Six hundred and sixteen

Chi Shuyan asked inadvertently. Feng Yuanlin didn't think much about thinking that Zhenbai's wife was curious about his gossip, but Feng Yuanlin was not a gossip-talking person, so she joked: "Why are you suddenly curious about my emotional gossip? What? Zhen? Bo daughter-in-law, you won't be

Look at me! "

Chi Shuyan rolled her eyes, Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but laughed again when she saw her appearance, and said, "How can I be together? I looked at my girlfriend as a good person, and she took the initiative to chase me. My family is urging marriage again, so I just want to try it! I didn’t expect it to be suitable!"

In front of outsiders, it is naturally impossible for Feng Yuanlin to say that his girlfriend took the initiative to chase him, but Zhenbai's wife is his own, and Feng Yuanlin feels that it is fine to tell the truth.

Chi Shuyan has always felt that Qin Qing's woman has some means, which is not as weak as her appearance. She has only done a lot of things, and even dare to cheat even with her boyfriend?

Seeing that Feng Yuanlin became more satisfied with this girlfriend, Chi Shuyan also dared not to tell him that he was green, so she secretly sympathized with him in silence.

Feng Yuanlin always felt that wife Zhenbai liked him very much, regardless of her appearance or personality. At this time, she poured a cup of tea in a disposable cup and placed it in front of her, and said: "Daughter Zhenbai, maybe you have to spend some time later. I have our wedding wine, and remember to come with Zhenbai! I will let Aqing throw the bouquet at you by the way! Let Zhenbai marry you as soon as he wishes!"

The water that Chi Shuyan had just drunk heard Feng Yuanlin's word "marriage" directly sprayed out, this spray was so terrible, it sprayed directly on Feng Yuanlin's face and body and legs, making him wash his face!

Feng Yuanlin froze, Chi Shuyan realized that he was causing trouble right now, and immediately took a piece of paper to wipe his face and body, because it was so sudden that Chi Shuyan was sweaty and embarrassed, and he had forgotten it long ago. To avoid suspicion, he squatted on the ground and wiped his trouser legs.

As for Feng Yuanlin, he had long been confused, and when he realized that it was too late for Zhenbai's wife to wipe his face and body, he saw the guards leading Qin Qing in.

When he saw the picture inside, Qin Qing's expression froze fiercely, and the guard next to him was also dumbfounded. Is this the relationship between the closure and the little girl just now?

To others, Chi Shuyan's body bowed and buried in the direction of Feng Yuanlin's trouser legs is indeed a bit ambiguous, especially when Chi Shuyan was blocked by a table and rubbed his trouser legs, which made it easier for the people who entered the door to think about it.

Chi Shuyan suddenly wiped the sweat from his forehead and stood up and said, "Okay! It's over!" He raised his eyes and saw Qin Qing with a stiff face.

At this moment, Chi Shuyan finally knew that the action she had just wiped Feng Yuanlin's trouser legs and face was really inappropriate, but she was magnanimous and not a guilty conscience. She looked at Qin Qing without a trace of dodge, and she explained. : "Sorry, Miss Qin, I accidentally sprayed water on her body just now, so I wiped her away!"

Feng Yuanlin is also a magnanimous person. He is not afraid of Qin Qing’s misunderstanding. In his heart, his girlfriend is very understanding and will not misunderstand him, but the stiff face of the guard next to him provokes him. Feng Yuanlin yelled: "You kid Why don't you think I'm that kind of person? Get out as soon as possible!"

The guard knew it was a misunderstanding at the moment, so he ran away.

When the guards went out, Feng Yuanlin got up and asked, "Why are you here suddenly? I won't be notified when I come, so I can send someone to pick you up!"

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