Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 620: Six hundred twenty four

Chi Shuyan still wanted to gossip, and suddenly met the man's deep and sharp eyes, and the words of the man's low voice slammed on her: "So curious about Feng Yuanlin's relationship with his woman?"

As soon as Chi Shuyan heard the jealousy in the man’s words, she was speechless, and said, "I can’t gossiping for a while? Besides, it’s because of you that I gossiping and shutting down the game. Who made the other party make you small, so pay attention to it. can?"

The Qi Zhenbai who said this is very hot to Wei, his cold eyebrows are very soft, his eyes are gentle and dozing at his daughter-in-law, with nice eyeballs, but Chi Shuyan is seen by the man in front of her suddenly burning eyes with goose bumps, and continues. "The most important thing is that I think it’s a good person to close the game, but it’s a pity that Qin Qing is obviously a different person from the game. Didn’t you see the one who was unwilling to get married just now? I want to get married soon. I’m just curious. Will people really come together?"

If they were to come together, the cuckold thing would have to be said immediately.

Qi Zhenbai did not hesitate to spit out: "No!"

Chi Shuyan saw the man next to him in a completely affirmative tone. He was a fortune with him. Where did this man come from?

Chi Shuyan thought that her face when observing the Feng Ju was a bit complicated. When she first saw the two of them, she saw that Feng Ju and Qin Qing did have a relationship between husband and wife, but just now she could not see the marriage of Feng Ju. .

This thing is really weird!

She also met for the first time.

Before Chi Shuyan was meditating for long, Qi Zhenbai raised his eyebrows: "The woman I told you is really not the same as Yuan Lin. As long as Yuan Lin doesn't take people home, this will not happen!"

At the beginning, I knew that this woman had beaten many fetuses and had her fetus refined into Gumantong for the sake of red. Qi Zhenbai didn’t think about hundreds of ways to make the two break up immediately, but he was just him. His brothers rather than his parents, plus Yuan Lin has a deep affection for each other.

Qi Zhenbai hesitated a bit. Later, he thought that the two of them were only in love and were not married. He also saw that the woman and Yuan Lin were not the same traveler, and her thoughts were not so deep and ambitious. As long as Yuan Lin can't satisfy her, she will be in shape sooner or later. Bi Lu voluntarily left Yuan Lin.

These days, he only secretly made people switch roles to the woman, just to let the other person see the reality clearly, Yuan Lin would not understand her ambition and could not help her ambition.

Let her take the initiative to leave people obediently.

It seems to be a little effective now, but the premise is that the woman doesn't know Feng Jia, thinking of this, her eyes flashed sharply.

Chi Shuyan: …well, this explains her service, but what is meant by "Yuan Lin does not bring people home", she faintly guessed what this man meant, isn’t it because Feng Yuanlin’s house has a mine, Qin Qing’s girlfriend It seems that I don’t know about Feng Yuanlin’s family mines. To Feng Yuanlin is still a rich second-generation, Chi Shuyan is not surprised. After all, he can become a young man with Qi Zhenbai, so what is his family background?

She suddenly felt that if Qin Qing knew that there was a mine in Feng Ju's house just now, she wondered if she would regret her rejection of Feng Yuanlin's marriage? After all, current stars are aiming to marry rich men.

For this meal tonight, the overall meal was very enjoyable. After Qin Qing left, Feng Yuanlin went to the bathroom, and the whole person was in a good mood. He was in a good mood with Qi Zhenbai, and Chi Shuyan watched quietly by the side. The two of them fight for wine and toast to the closed board with drinks from time to time. The atmosphere of the box is very high.

In the end, Qi Zhenbai will be drunk.

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