Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 633: Six hundred thirty seven

Chi Shuyan also thought that Fu Shiyin was a little funny. Zhou Manqing was not afraid of this ghost by his side, but was afraid of a kid. He narrowed his eyes and suddenly said: "Mr. Fu, in fact, I think you are quite suitable to go out and take a look at some other'scenes'. But as long as you carry the jade medal on your neck, nothing will happen!"

Fu Shiyin slapped a spirit, and quickly refused: "Master Chi, just stay at home with Man Qing."

Chi Shuyan ridiculed his eyes: "If you are afraid of ghosts, why should I take Man Qing away first?"

Subconsciously, Fu Shiyin wanted to immediately hold Zhou Manqing's hand to prevent her from leaving, but he held it for a while. Zhou Manqing was not afraid of ghosts but she was sweet and helpless to the man beside him.

Seeing the slimy appearance of the two, Chi Shuyan was really not an electric light bulb, so he left after entering the elevator.

Fu Shiyin and Zhou Manqing were full of thanks.

On the other hand, when Qin Qing returned to the apartment, the more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became. Especially in the past two days, she had a cold war with Feng Yuanlin. Feng Yuanlin’s first call was not to apologize but to let her get along with the woman Chi Shuyan. , Which means that everyone is their own.

Own person?

Qin Qing snorted coldly, thinking that she had given up her face and wanted Qi's endorsement last night. Feng Yuanlin, the man, would not allow her to go through the back door, but when he turned to the woman, he said,'Come to me if you have something to do, help me with everything. If it's fair, does this man treat her as his girlfriend?

Or just treat that woman as your own person?

She now very much suspects that Feng Yuanlin's man is a woman whose surname is Chi, and that's why she has such a double standard.

But that woman has the same origin. Before, she thought that the little girl was a good-looking and honest person, but then, where is the real honest person in this world?

When she thought that such a woman could lie down on that President Qi, she didn't think she was worse than this woman at all, maybe what she lacked was this woman's means.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, Qin Qing answered the call, and a familiar male voice came. The voice was indescribable: "Baby, I am waiting for you in room 1185. Why can't you still come?"

Qin Qing felt a little nauseous when she heard this somewhat wretched voice, thinking that she had quarreled with Feng Yuanlin a few days ago, and then was drunk and had no intention of having **** with the other party after drinking.

At first, she couldn't express regret and felt sorry for Feng Yuanlin, but now the guilt has been wiped out in Feng Yuanlin's cold blood on her.

Seeing Qin Qing not speaking, the other party continued to seduce: "Baby, I said you want to accompany me again, you must be the heroine of my second play!"

Qin Qing had some interest in his eyes when he heard this: "Are you serious?"

"Of course it is true, in my eyes, only you are worthy of the heroine of my play!" said the wretched man opposite.

Qin Qing said that she was very hot and satisfied with her vanity. She was with Feng Yuanlin. It was not that she had never spared her body for the sake of her superiors.

But before, she really liked Feng Yuanlin and planned to spend time with each other, but it was thought that Feng Yuanlin hadn't touched her for so long, and Qin Qing hadn't doubted whether Feng Yuanlin was not good at all in these years.

The two had a good relationship before, and she could also wrong herself for him, but now that Feng Yuanlin is not paving the way and is unable to help her, she can only help herself.

"Sure, I will pass now!"

After answering these words, Qin Qing felt vaguely happy after revenge. She wanted Feng Yuanlin to deeply regret what she said and did last night!

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