Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 736: Seven hundred forty one

Class 9 is miserable here, and other classes are also chaotic and screaming and screaming.

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan asked themselves that they did not believe in superstition, but only believed in science.

I just waited for a while and saw a face that was swollen and twice as big as a normal face, with bulging eyes, only the head and two-legged deformed ghosts suddenly climbed down from the ceiling, and they chuckled and grinned, their tongues stretched out. Unlimited extension rolled up a student's waist and the blood splashed into two pieces on the spot. Everyone who frightened them weeped bitterly, collapsed and fell to the ground. It was Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan who asked themselves to be police officers, almost diapering and crying.

Damn it!

What the **** are these!

There is really a ghost in this world?

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming made their heads blank with fright. They were about to run away when they saw this ghost. Then they saw a **** hand stretched out from the wall and suddenly pulled a student who was screaming for help against the wall into the crack. The froth and the minced meat kept flowing out of the cracks.

"Master Chi, Lao Wu, Lao Wu, you quickly contact the closure and let Master Chi come to rescue us. It's terrifying! Too **** terrifying!" Xiao Shan's face was pale.

Wu Haoming’s complexion has never been more beautiful, his face is pale, and his whole person is leaning on Xiao Shan. If he hadn’t been leaning on Xiao Shan now, I’m afraid he would have been limp to the ground: "Fuck! It's a wicked door. stay home."

At this moment, the two of them did not pay attention to a **** hand behind them and suddenly dragged Wu Haoming, and quickly dragged the person into the wall.

Wu Haoming's heart was cold, Xiao Shan quickly grabbed Wu Haoming with his eyesight, and Xiao Shan asked himself with great strength, but at the moment two adults or the police were dragged away by a **** hand.

Seeing that Wu Haoming's body was about to be dragged into the crack, Xiao Shan's heart was cold and cold, and he shouted, "Old Wu!"

Wu Haoming did not expect that one day he would die so aggrieved. Seeing that Xiao Shan was dragged down by him, Wu Haoming immediately let go of his hand.

"Old Wu!" Xiao Shan shouted.

"Leave me alone!" Wu Haoming shouted.

At this moment, the door was kicked open, and Xiao Shan saw his family's closed bureau taking a few people in. Before Xiao Shan asked for help, Feng Yuanlin threw out a talisman, and the talisman immediately smashed into that **** hand with golden light. Shang directly roasted that hand to charred black, and with the bitter wailing, the charred hand immediately retracted.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming were thrilled to see that the game was closed at this time. The excitement was happier than seeing their own parents and mothers, and they hurriedly shouted, "The game is closed!"

"Stop the game, what did you throw at? Give me a few pictures!" Wu Haoming was originally a carefree character, and became excited after being frightened, and immediately reached out and asked for the closure.

Xiao Shan was also busy staring at his own closure. Feng Yuanlin glanced at his two hands in a cold voice, spit out: "Aren't you rare?"

Xiaoshan Wu Haoming: ...when did the two of them say they don't want this thing?

Feng Yuanlin didn't have time to talk to the two of them, seeing the chaos in the classroom, all kinds of panic screams, out of control shouting for help, and glanced at the ghost without ugly body.

Feng Yuanlin looked at each other with Gu Yunzheng next to him at this time. Gu Yunzheng's eyes fell on the talisman he had previously taken out of his pocket. He slightly narrowed his eyes and stopped talking, but it was not a good place to speak at this time. On that ghost thing, his complexion was a little heavy, and he said: "You take other people out first and walk to the playground. Let me deal with this thing first!"

Feng Yuanlin was still convinced that Zhenbai's wife found him. Seeing all the chaos in the classroom and asking for help, Feng Yuanlin said solemnly: "I want to live with me!"

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