Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 740: Seven hundred forty five

It didn't take long.

Not far away, two ghosts immediately rushed to Feng Yuanlin and Gu Yunzheng. When the two moved, the hideous woman sitting on the axe immediately hung in the air and hit the heads of the axe, Feng Yuanlin and Gu Yunzheng. The eyes are fast, the hands are fast and the pottery talisman is fast, and the screaming evil spirits are screaming!

It’s just that no matter how many talismans are consumed, one day it will be consumed, especially although this talisman can cause a temporary lethality to these ghosts, but these ghosts do not know what magical medicine they have taken, and they will not die. It will get better and better.

Wang Jun, Zhu Cen, and Su Wenying's group of nine people, including Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming, are special forces after all, and they all followed suit. Those three ghosts did not prevail.

Those ghosts are also very clever. Since they learned that they don't have many talisman, they attacked more fiercely.

One of the evil spirits with only two legs and a head suddenly stretched his head and stretched out several tens of centimeters infinitely. After opening his mouth with sharp teeth, he bit on Zhu Cen's head. Fortunately, Zhu Cen reacted very quickly, subconsciously aware of the danger and immediately avoided. The ghost only bit Zhu Cen's arm and tore off a piece of meat directly.

Zhu Cen's painful face was pale, and the colors of the nine groups changed one by one.

Before other reactions could come, the other hand full of corpse spots stretched out indefinitely, riding on Xiao Shan inadvertently, suddenly pinched his neck from behind, and the pointed long nails were about to be inserted into his throat tube, Feng Yuanlin's face was pale. Suddenly, he subconsciously took out the last talisman on his body to smash the skeleton frame full of corpses.

Feng Yuanlin's attention was focused on Xiao Shan and the ghost, waiting for the corpse spot's hand to scream and retract, but he didn't notice that a sharp axe above his head suddenly hung in the air.

The axe was so fast that even Gu Yunzheng did not react. He saw that the sharp axe was only a few centimeters away from Yuan Lin's head.

Everyone is horrified!

"Close the game!" Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan hissed in despair!

Although Feng Yuanlin didn't see the axe with his own eyes, through the shadow under the light, he could clearly see that the sharp-shaped big axe was getting closer and closer to his forehead. Just when Feng Yuanlin despaired that he would have blood in a second When splashing on the spot,

boom! A few talismans flew from outside with a flash of golden light. I saw that the axe was suddenly knocked out of thin air. Before everyone could react, I saw that the axe suddenly rose out of thin air with a string of white flames, which became more and more vigorous. When the axe was burnt, the female ghost with white eyes howled miserably.

When the axe was melted, the bones of the female ghost with white eyes clicked, and a mass of fleshy bones slammed on the ground.

When the other two evil spirits saw their companion suddenly die, they were unwilling to howl in anger.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming were really scared just now, but now seeing them escaping from the lockout, they stepped forward with excitement and hugged them.

The people in the nine groups next to him were also shocked, surprised and wondering who saved Feng Yuanlin and killed the female ghost.

Although I saw that the female ghost turned into muddy flesh, I thought that these evil ghosts could not die frequently. At first, the people in the nine groups thought that the female ghost could not die. Maybe it turned into muddy flesh and came back again after a while.

But after a while, I saw that the female ghost turned into a pool of fleshy mud and kept moving.

"Close the game! This...what the **** is going on?" Before Wang Jun was curious, Gu Yunzheng couldn't help asking.

"Broken!" A familiar female voice sounded. Feng Yuanlin recognized that this was the voice of Zhenbai's wife. He was immediately excited: "It is Zhenbai's wife, it is Zhenbai's wife who is here!"

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