Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 775: Seven hundred and eighty one

When Qi Hao filed the lawsuit, Chi Shuyan remembered a lot of Qi Uncle's pens in his heart. If the Qi family's fourth uncle dared to do it, he would calculate the old and new accounts together.

After the conversation, Qi Hao continued: "But since my brother was ten years old, my fourth uncle dared not move my brother, and he was particularly afraid of my brother. Every time I saw my brother, he talked a lot on the surface. My brother once cried my fourth uncle to his mother, but he didn't succeed in telling my grandfather."

Qi Hao said in his tone that he despised his fourth uncle. The scene of his fourth uncle crying and begging his brother for forgiveness was so deeply rooted that he would never forget it for the rest of his life. Chi Shuyan listened to his heart with joy, and then listened to Qi again. Hao complained of a lot of gossip before hanging up.

After hanging up the phone, Chi Shuyan was bored and simply posted on WeChat. A certain group on WeChat was Lu Yunfeng, Wang Xuewen and the others asking for information on storing symbols. The few guys were crazy about swiping the screen and asking when she was on the shelves. The thing about storing symbols.

Chi Shuyan pursed her lips for a moment and continued to look at it, but she was puzzled by Lu Yunfeng, Wang Xuewen and the others, but she did not see Lu Chengfu and Yu Jinzhou from beginning to end.

I didn't say that the two went on WeChat together, but every time everyone in WeChat was very powerful, Yu Jinzhou or Lu Chengfu showed up and checked their presence.

Until she saw Lu Yunfeng's gossip saying that Yu Jinzhou and Lu Chengfu seemed to be breaking up, her face changed slightly.

Chi Shuyan privately edited a text message to Lu Yunfeng, asking what was going on?

As soon as the message edited by Chi Shuyan was sent out, Lu Yunfeng's phone rang on the phone screen. Chi Shuyan walked to the balcony and picked it up: "Sister-in-law, have you finally found me? By the way, when will you be on the shelf for the stored symbol of sister-in-law?"

When Lu Yunfeng thought of seeing the video of Qi Hao’s friends circle before, he was greedy at the moment. Although the boy Qi Hao in the video of the circle of friends looked at how awkward and awkward, the kid's purpose was also deliberate. Their appetites deliberately greeted them, but they were indeed embarrassed by Qi Hao's behavior, and all kinds of envy and hatred were not enough.

Lu Yunfeng guessed at a glance that the thing might be related to the sister-in-law, but who made the sister-in-law the sister-in-law of this kid Qi Hao? As soon as the sister-in-law has something good, this kid Qi Hao must be the first to know and have it.

This can't compete for the first place, so you have to compete for the second place?

He didn't even dare to think about the storage talisman before. He thought it was something that only existed in the novel. Now it can be obtained in reality. Why is Lu Yunfeng not excited?

After talking to Haozi, he knew that this thing was a storage talisman. He immediately called and asked his sister-in-law. He was a bit lucky last night. It was the Qi family who received the call. Lu Yunfeng is in the upper circle of Kyoto, but I've heard a lot of the vigorous and decisive style of action, and I immediately hung up the phone last night.

At this time, his sister-in-law took the initiative to look for him, so he naturally had to immediately seize the opportunity to ask the storage symbol.

She really didn't refine the storage symbols, and didn't think about putting them on the Taobao store. She told the truth, saying that in case one day when the refining is on the shelves, she will be the first to notify him.

Although Lu Yunfeng was extremely sorry, his sister-in-law's words still made him very happy. What the sister-in-law meant was that this storage talisman would be put on the shelves soon?

Chi Shuyan was curious about Lu Chengfu and Yu Jinzhou and asked, "By the way, what happened to Lu Chengfu and Yu Jinzhou?"

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