Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 796: Eight hundred and two

After dealing with the woman Tao Jiang, Chi Shuyan went home, thinking that the man Qi Zhenbo had already gone home, but found that she was the only one in the empty house.

Chi Shuyan wondered why the man was so busy all of a sudden, but he didn't think much, he went to take a bath first.

After taking a shower, Chi Shuyan simply went to bed first by seeing that the man hadn't come back.

On the other side, Ah Yee clearly felt that he had broken the connection with Tao Jiang, and his face suddenly changed color and suddenly rushed to Shen Rongyin in front of him: "Miss Shen, I'll go out! Tao Jiang might have something wrong!"

Although Aye is very familiar with speaking of China, he still has a T country accent.

Shen Rongyin comforted: "Master, Tao Jiang has a good technique. No one else is her opponent. Don't worry!"

Ah agreed and nodded: "Sure, but Ms. Shen, as for Chi Lingyan, if he still refuses to commit, Ms. Shen can consider the suggestions previously proposed!"

Shen Rongyin said yes, but he didn't agree with him. Speaking of which, Shen Rongyin was still very confident in himself, not to mention the use of other means to make a man sullen up to her?

What Shen Rongyin likes more is to conquer a man with his beauty. She enjoys this sense of conquest. Which of the previous two husbands didn't give her a crushing heart? She has this confidence.

Ah Yee knew from the bottom of Shen Rongyin's eyes that she might not like the man Chi Lingyan much, but like to challenge and conquer.

The two said a few more words before Aye left.

Waiting for Ah Yee to leave, Shen Rongyin sat in front of the mirror, looking at her young, ruddy and beautiful face, with a small smile on her lips, staring at the face in the mirror where no wrinkles or fine lines can be seen. She looked more and more. Huanxi, I also love the somewhat weird blood bracelet on her wrist more and more.

I just thought of seeing a young girl with a face that was prettier and younger than her. Shen Rongyin's lips were slightly smiling, and the eyes were a bit cold. She suddenly showed a weird and gentle smile on the blood bracelet on her wrist. He lifted his lips and said, "Do you like that little girl's blood?"

After speaking, Shen Rongyin didn't know what good things he thought of, and the chuckling flowers trembled. Although that face was beautiful, his eyes were very permeating and weird.

Chi Shuyan didn't know that anyone was worried about her blood. When she got up the next morning, she still didn't see a man. It was just that the big bed on the side was sunken to prove that the man came back to sleep last night.

This man is so busy?

Chi Shuyan didn't think much about washing and brushing her teeth. When the phone rang suddenly, Chi Shuyan glanced at the phone screen. When she saw that Yu Jinzhou was calling her on the screen, she was not surprised.

After answering the phone, Yu Jinzhou's weak voice came across the phone: "Sister-in-law! Thank you so much yesterday! If it weren't for you, I'll be with Cheng Fu..." At this point, Yu Jinzhou paused, and he thought about everything afterwards. I didn't dare to think, thinking of Tao Jiang again at this time, he wanted to kill someone!

He spoke very sincerely and solemnly said every word. He thanked Haozi's sister-in-law all his life.

Chi Shuyan heard Yu Jinzhou's weak voice, but his voice was a little bit mad, and he seemed to be recovering well. He raised his lips and said, "It's okay. Be careful with everything in the future. Don't underestimate anyone!"

This time Tao Jiang’s incident was regarded as a wake-up call for him. Although he didn’t like Tao Jiang’s woman very much at the beginning, he didn’t take it seriously when he saw that the other party was a woman. The woman slammed a somersault in her hand, and almost fell into that woman's hand for her life. Yu Jinzhou is still scared after thinking about it now.

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