In the end, Chi Shuyan still went out with his face facing the sky, and smeared some powder on his neck to cover the marks.

Speaking of which she was quite shocked just now, when she thought that this man had just said that he was not good-looking, he would poke her a few times.

When going out, Chi Shuyan couldn't help wondering whether it was really ugly or was there something wrong with the man's aesthetics?

One thing that happened before going out was that the man buckled the two buttons on her neck that had been deliberately unbuttoned again. The buttons were tight, and he said that it was better!

Chi Shuyan became more and more suspicious of the aesthetic problems of the man in front of her. After she made up her mind, she would stop asking the man about this problem. Both buttons were buttoned, and she was almost out of breath. Finally, she insisted. Still unbutton a button.

The man beside the suitcase was carrying it. After getting in the car, Chi Shuyan originally thought that the man would send her directly to the station, but she didn't know that she saw the wrong way later, wait, the man would not send her directly to the military area.

This military area is very far away. I drove for most of the day. Besides, even though she lives with this man, her dad still doesn’t know that she has made a boyfriend. How dare she let this man suddenly appear in front of her dad? Thinking of taking advantage of her father to mention her boyfriend first, the man will come forward later.

So Chi Shuyan refused again: "You just send me to the station! Aren't you busy? I'm in a traffic jam while sitting on your car, so I might as well move fast!"

Qi Zhenbai suddenly said with a calm face: "Don't want me to see our dad?"

Chi Shuyan was almost squirted by the word'our dad'. There was a guilty conscience in the eyes, but this man thought too much. She still said honestly: "My dad still doesn't know about my boyfriend. I have to ventilate with him first, and let you see you later, don’t I have a better impression of you?"

If her father knew that she was living with this man now, Chi Shuyan didn't dare to think about the scene.

Qi Zhenbai also heard that his wife did not mean that, and his expression was a little more relaxed.

Soon after, the car stopped and a military vehicle was not far away. Chi Shuyan raised his eyes and saw the old acquaintance Yan Youwei talking to others in front of the military vehicle.

Qi Zhenbo here instructed: "I don't worry about you sitting in the train by yourself. For a while, your daughter-in-law, take the old man's car and take you directly to the military area. When you get to the military area, remember to call me!"

Chi Shuyan nodded: "Okay, I get it!"

Chi Shuyan twisted the car door to get out of the car, but his wrist was held by a slender finger. The man was expressionless with a paralyzed face, but Chi Shuyan knew that the man was reluctant to bear her, and said, "I will soon Come back, be good!"

Chi Shuyan touched the man's face while coaxing.

Qi Zhenbai was riding in Yan Youwei's car that hadn't even noticed that it was him. First, he hugged his daughter-in-law on his lap, lifted her daughter-in-law's chin, and said in a low voice, "Hey, give me a few kisses!"

Saying a few kisses, the man kissed her innumerable mouths, and her lips and tongue were tingling and painful until the car window was clicked. Then the man let go.

Chi Shuyan was afraid that the two of them would be seen by others. Qi Zhenbai was calm and didn't want to let go of them, so he had to let go first, and said, "I will look for you in a few days!"

Then he rolled down the car window and Yan Youwei jumped up excitedly: "Boss, really you?" After speaking, Yan Youwei saw the sister-in-law next to him and immediately shouted: "Sister-in-law!"

It’s just that Yan Youwei is very surprised that this sister-in-law’s mouth is red and swollen. Yan Youwei thought of a straight man and didn’t want to blurt out and asked: "Sister-in-law, what did you just eat? Why is your mouth so swollen? So red?"

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