"What?" Old Wei came out and saw a very beautiful little girl next to Chi's father. Wei Xiao immediately brightened his eyes and hurriedly praised: "Lao Chi, is this really your daughter?"

Chi Lingyan cursed'nonsense', but when he thought of her own girl in front of him, Chi Lingyan immediately put away a stubborn appearance, and no longer slammed in front of her girl, his face called a soft face, and took the initiative to introduce Wei Xiao When he got up, Chi Shuyan saw that his father had a good relationship with the uncle Wei in front of him, so he didn't stingy with his sweet mouth and yelled, "Uncle Wei!"

Wei Xiao liked this generous and sweet appearance very much, and praised frequently: "Yes! Not bad! This kid is really good!"

It is said that his daughter-in-law gave him three sons, and none of them have any daughters. At this time, I don't like Chi Shuyan, who is white, tender and beautiful and well-behaved.

Wei Xiao immediately made up his mind: "Old Wei, your girl is so young that you haven't talked about her? How about considering the three stinky boys in my family?" After a while, Wei Xiaoer was very keen. Chi called the word'Yan Yan', and immediately cried Chi Shuyan with a bit of coaxing: "Yan Yan, come to Uncle Wei's house tomorrow to sit. There are three younger brothers in Uncle Wei's house. See which one you are going to follow. Uncle Wei said!"

Chi Shuyan's mouth twitched when Wei Xiao heard what he said. Fortunately, Chi Lingyan next to him immediately interrupted Wei Xiao's words: "The beauty your kid wants, my girl is still young, and I'm going to stay with me for a few more years!"

Wei Xiao happily said, "Lao Chi, two of my three boys are in military academy, and one is in a medical university, and the same Yanyan is of a similar age. You are worthy, don't beat the mandarin ducks for your own lust. You can only get married after you cultivate more relationships!"

"Fuck! I don't have time to entertain you old boy today. Either go home to eat or go to the cafeteria." Chi Lingyan pretended to be angry.

Chi Shuyan heard from the conversation between the two that he was very familiar with Uncle Wei in front of him and had a good relationship, so Chi Shuyan took the initiative to keep the other person and said: "Uncle Wei, why don't you go to the cafeteria, everyone here for dinner?"

Although Wei Xiao was very moved by these words, Lao Chi just met with his daughter, how could he really leave and disturb others? The two father and daughter might have a lot to say.

Wei Xiao immediately waved his hand and said, "Come on, I'm an annoying old boy!" Before he left, he turned his head and said with a special face: "Yan Yan, consider Uncle Wei's opinion. The three boys in my family follow You choose and look good. Uncle Wei will wait for you to reply tomorrow!"

Wei Xiao raised his foot and left after speaking.

Chi Shu:...

Chi Lingyan was really amused by Wei Xiao's words at this time, and when he sent the people out, Chi Shuyan vaguely heard his father spit out the three words "I want to be beautiful."

Chi Shuyan originally wanted to keep up, but was stopped by Chi's father and asked her to sit and rest first. When she came here, she would have to take a car for most of the day. When he thought of this, Chi's father felt very sorry for his daughter, and thanked her that a little girl had not been here. He met some bad guys, by the way, he still had something to say to Old Wei.

Chi Shuyan gave up now. Before she took her father to send Uncle Wei away, Chi Shuyan took a few glances at the place where her father lived. It was a room with two bedrooms, one living room and one kitchen. The furnishings are few and simple, but very tidy. Chi Shuyan originally planned to clean up the room for his dad, but the house was cleaned up by his dad a long time ago. Her dad only had a few training clothes unwashed.

Chi Shuyan originally just hit a cleaning talisman directly, but in order not to scare his dad, Chi Shuyan honestly prepared to wash it by hand.

In the middle of the journey, Chi's father snatched the clothes and hurriedly said, "It's fine for you to come here, what else do you need to wash?"

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