Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 811: Eighteen nineteen

At this moment, Shen Rongyin was very unwilling to listen to the refusal of the man in front of him. These days, she frequently greeted the man with courtesy, but this man was good, and directly ignored her and her courtesy.

But the more this man ignored her and resisted her beauty, the more unwilling Shen Rongyin was and the deeper his desire to conquer.

Shen Rongyin's eyes quickly turned red: "Brother Chi, don't you understand my intentions these days? I personally made this dress for you. Brother Chi, I know that I have married two husbands, but I don't deserve it. you!"

Chi Lingyan is not afraid of anything. She is most afraid of women crying. Seeing a few households who gossip and look curiously, he has a headache and said: "Miss Shen, I didn't mean that. To tell you the truth, I have no idea of ​​remarrying. A daughter,

I can't let my daughters and daughters remarry, and without this thought, you are fine, but I am not worthy of you! "

Shen Rongyin's eyes flushed and shook his head: "Brother Chi, I just like you and don't want to marry another man. Whether you have a girlfriend or not, I like you. I know that you are single now. As long as you accept me, I will definitely treat you. Treated as a relative!"

Without waiting for Chi Lingyan to speak, Shen Rongyin continued: "Brother Chi, I liked you since I saw you at first sight. Since my two husbands passed away, I didn't intend to have any other thoughts or plan to marry again until I met you. Until you, I thought you were married and had children, but I didn’t think much about anything else, and I planned to hide my thoughts in my heart so that no one would know, until I heard from others that you are still single now."

After speaking, Shen Rongyin continued: "I can't help but feel a little hopeful again. Brother Chi, I also know that I am too proactive and shameless. I was always afraid that you would dislike me for not being too proactive. But I can think about it, I take the initiative, and I still have some hope with you, but if I don't take the initiative, I really have nothing to do with Brother Chi. Brother Chi, I really like you and plan to live with you. Brother Chi, will you give me a chance? We can try first!"

No matter how calm, Chi Lingyan was still a little moved by the sincere and courageous words of the woman in front of him, but he looked at the face of the too young woman in front of him.

Chi Lingyan originally wanted to refuse, but thought that the other party was a girl, and he didn't do anything too hard. He didn't refuse any more, only that he would consider it again, but he was thinking of avoiding suspicion in the future.

It’s just that he was thinking of avoiding suspicion before, but Shen Rongyin still ignored the strange gazes of other people and came to him. Her words just hit his heart, and Chi Lingyan couldn’t help but be moved, but moved back. When he was single more than two decades ago, he might agree to try to date Shen Rongyin.

But now, on the one hand, he is used to being single, on the other hand, he is reluctant to start a family and leave her alone.

Although the woman in front of me said that she would treat Yan Yan as her own, it was one thing and another thing to do. Chi Lingyan was absolutely reluctant to bear the risk of being wronged by his precious daughters.

When Shen Rongyin finally left, Chi Lingyan breathed a sigh of relief, but when he went in, he saw his precious girl, Baba, and looked over curiously. Chi Lingyan looked a little embarrassed, so she heard her girl say: "Dad, I know that one. Aunt Shen, she likes you, so do you like her?"

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