Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 815: Eight hundred twenty three

Chi Shuyan collected the dislikes and smirks in Shen's eyes. After listening to Shen's words, she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. If these words were still valid when she was a child, what would she want a mother to do now?

Even if she really wanted a woman to accompany his dad, it wasn't the woman surnamed Shen, Chi Shuyan was about to speak.

Chi Lingyan next to him couldn't help but first speak: "Mrs. Shen, I'm sorry, I have no plans to remarry now. My daughter is still young, so I don't worry! Besides, I only have such a pro-daughter, which is just for Yan Yan to waste my whole life. Also willingly, political commissar Shen and Madam Shen must do the same for their children!"

Speaking of it, Chi Lingyan doesn't like Shen's mother's arrogance and arrogance. What does it mean, ‘it’s not easy for your dad to take you up and support this family alone’, and what does it mean, ‘you can’t waste your entire life for your children’?

These words were very harsh in Chi Lingyan's ears, for fear that his daughter would think too much.

Seeing her father's eyes fall on her from time to time, Chi Shuyan blinked at him, indicating that he didn't think much.

Mother Shen looked very ugly when she heard that Chi Lingyan refused to remarry again without giving her face, even if the other party's excuse was a child, Mother Shen felt very ugly, her face was very ugly and stiff.

Mother Shen managed to squeeze a smile and said: "Chi battalion commander, my old lady is also for your good. You are still young, how can you really waste your life for your children? Are you willing, your girl doesn't feel sorry for you?"

When she said this, Mother Shen deliberately looked at Chi Shuyan frequently, hoping that she would be soft-hearted and sensible to say a few words, but Chi Shuyan pretended not to understand. If she introduced a reliable object to her dad, she would still speak a few more words. What is it to introduce that woman Shen Rongyin?

She didn’t understand the abnormality of the woman, and coupled with the fact that she was involved with a lower head teacher, she didn’t think that Shen Rongyin’s woman was a good stubbornness. Her dad would do no good with such a woman, and she thought that the other party would die inexplicably. Chi Shuyan really suspected that Shen Rongyin's two previous husbands died strangely. Who knows if that woman did it with that descendant teacher!

Seeing that Chi Lingyan's daughter was silent, Shen's mother was even more ugly, and she almost didn't catch her breath. Just now, her old man said that Chi Lingyan's daughter was good at teaching, but she couldn't see where she taught. it is good! Not only selfish but also ignorant.

Shen's mother wanted to say something, when she saw Shen Rongyin suddenly appear, and when she saw Chi Lingyan and Chi Shuyan sitting on the sofa, Shen Rongyin's face changed suddenly, and she strode to Chi Lingyan and apologized sincerely. Then he rushed to Shen mother and father and said, "Dad, Mom, what are you doing? I said that I have a relationship with Brother Chi, don't interfere. Whether Brother Chi likes me or not, whether he wants to remarry, it has nothing to do with you. "

Mother Shen wanted to say something, Shen Rongyin interrupted: "Mom, don't force him! I like him wishful thinking!"

Chi Lingyan was completely relieved of the anger that Shen's father and Shen mother drove the duck to the Shen family before, and the eyes of the woman in front of him became a bit warmer.

Chi Shuyan didn’t blink and squinted at the woman in front of her. She was not as simple as her dad thought, especially when she discovered

This woman is a little bit different, and she even more doubts whether this woman really doesn't know or not knows the matter of forced marriage.

And what is the purpose of this woman who always wanted to remarry with her dad? Chi Shuyan's eyes flashed away, and the woman in front of him said gently to her: "Yan Yan, are you called Yan Yan? My surname is Shen. , You can call me Aunt Shen in the future!"

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