Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 835: Eighty-four

Not long after Chi Shuyan put the two bodies in the trunk, he saw Wei Ting and Wei Man come back.

Wei Tingchong Chi Shuyan nodded, and he was relieved to see that she was okay. Chi Shuyan pointed to the trunk and said that the two bodies were placed inside.

In fact, where she wanted to put it at the beginning, there were people everywhere, so she had to put the two bodies in the trunk for fear of frightening people.

Wei Ting nodded: "It's okay!"

Wei Man was even more curious about how the Shuyan sister brought the body out just now.

Chi Shuyan said it was dragged out with a whip. Wei Man twitched the corner of his mouth. To be honest, he had never seen such a courageous and powerful little girl.

Wei Man suddenly thought that the little girl in front of him stretched out the very magical rope infinitely just now, and felt that he must have looked wrong. How could the whip grow by itself?

But now I saw Sister Shuyan's empty hand, I didn't know how the rope came out of nowhere, and I thought of the scene of the other person suddenly breaking the necks of the two men.

Wei Man looked curious and couldn't help but said, "Sister Shuyan, have you ever practiced martial arts or something else? What about your whip?"

Chi Shuyan took it out of his pocket and handed it to him.

Wei Man took it and saw that his eyes were indeed very long, where he could stretch out indefinitely after a few stretches. It must have been his illusion just now.

Chi Shuyan kept staring at the actions of the third brother of the Wei family, her lips twitched, and a smile in her eyes.

Wei Ting went to the trunk and glanced at the bodies of the two, but his ears were pricked up but he kept listening to the conversation between his younger brother and Sister Shuyan.

"Wait!" Chi Shuyan saw a few staff members not far away with sharp eyes, and strode over. Those staff members just thought of her dragging two corpses, subconsciously fearful and immediately ran away.

But there was a brave person who still didn’t know that the horrified person was pestering him until Chi Shuyan approached. Chi Shuyan took out a talisman and handed it over: “You should have a staff member who was bitten just now. Give this talisman to her family or friends and let her soak the talisman to drink it! It can detoxify the corpse!"

To make sure that the person took the Fuluo, Chi Shuyan turned around and left regardless of whether the other party was really bold or frightened.

Wei Ting and Wei Man also saw Chi Shuyan's delivery of the talisman. Wei Mangang remembered that Shuyan just took out a few yellow paper talisman and threw it on the two human-like and non-human things, but it seemed useless. what!

Wei Man originally wanted to ask his brother if it was the end of the world. At this moment, seeing that there was something like a yellow paper talisman on the girl of Chi's uncle, he looked at each other with his brother and didn't know what to say!

I think that Uncle Chi’s daughter was probably coaxed into buying these yellow paper talisman by a liar?

At this time, Chi Shuyan walked over, took out a few more talismans from his pocket, and handed a few talismans to each of them: "Brother Wei, Brother Wei, do you want to?"

Although the talisman thrown just now had no effect on the two corpse-poisoned people, Chi Shuyan suspected that on the one hand, the two were indeed humans, and on the other hand the talisman she pulled out at the beginning was too low-level.

This middle-grade high-level exorcism charm should be useful!

Wei Man twitched his mouth, subconsciously thinking that Uncle Chi has something to do with this girl, but this Fulu probably didn't want to be coaxed to refuse, but seeing his brother took it, he had to take it.

At this moment, compared with Wei Ting's calm face, Wei Man is now full of doubts whether it is the end of the world.

Without waiting for Wei Man to think about it, the cars from the military area came in a short while, and there were a lot of cars, which came very fast, led by his father and Uncle Chi.

Wei Man first shouted: "Dad! Uncle Chi!"

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