Although Wei Xiao is an old man, he is also a scheming man who has experienced all kinds of storms. He faintly feels that the purpose of Lao Chi's girl is not so simple. Just now, the words of Lao Chi's girl are like deliberately asking Fang Qingyang to dispel the suspicion about zombies. Looked at the girl Lao Chi.

Chi Shuyan was a little guilty of being seen by Uncle Wei's gaze in front of him. They were all her own. Chi Shuyan didn't want to play anything, but was afraid that she was telling the truth. What should Uncle Wei stop?

Chi Shuyan simply showed an innocent look, blinked and said, "Uncle Wei, it's not that I told Fang Vicetuan to disbelieve those zombies. He said all the rabies. He didn't believe me either. Isn't it the way? I think you just said the words'living dead' directly. He wouldn't believe it either. He might still wonder if my dad brainwashed you! You are also one of the cultists!"

Wei Xiao's complexion suddenly stiffened, Chi Shuyan seemed to have not seen the strangeness on Wei Xiao's face, and continued: "Also, Uncle Wei, what have you been staring at me for? After a while, Aunt Chang sees you and misunderstands that you are interested in me. Oh no!"

As soon as Chi Shuyan's words fell, Wei Xiao, who was choking, was speechless. He almost didn't catch his breath. He was neither a smile nor a laugh. He couldn't cry and laughed at Chi. Ling Yan hurriedly said: "Lao Chi, you girl is really real. ...I don't know what words to use to describe this little clever ghost."

Next to Wei Ting also laughed, and at the same time he felt that Sister Shuyan's words were very reasonable. Isn't Fang Fu Tuan the favorite to treat a gentleman with a villain? The ticket inspector really turned into a living dead and bit him, and he did it himself.

As for Chi Lingyan's always serious face, she stared at his daughter, Wei Shu can fool her, but her father Chi Shuyan really has no confidence to fool her, so she just pretended not to look at her father and talked to Wei brother. .

The Wei family lived not far from Chi Lingyan, and Wei Xiao didn't even want to take people to his house for dinner.

Even if Chi Lingyan has a very good relationship with Old Wei, it’s not easy to take his daughters to Wei’s house for a meal. Wei Man suddenly ran down and said, “Dad, Uncle Chi, Big Brother, Sister Shuyan, mom is already The meal is ready, let you hurry upstairs to eat."

Chi Lingyan still wanted to postpone it politely. Wei Xiao directly spit out: "What do you think of the brotherhood that we have been born and died decades ago? Going to my house for a meal and haggling with an old lady? Lao Chi, or you. The kid doesn't look at me?"

Old Wei said so, Chi Lingyan had no choice but to give up, and went to Wei's house with his daughter.

As soon as the Chi family’s father and daughter arrived, Chang Qing was very warm and welcoming. If it weren’t for fear of other people in the military area saying that Lao Chi deliberately indulged in his home, she would have liked Lao Chi and Lao Chi’s daughter Yan Yan to come to her house every day.

I have to say that Lao Chi and Lao Chi’s girlfriend are one of the reasons. The biggest reason is that she has been helping her Wei family in these years. If it were not for Lao Chi, Lao Wei would have been gone. This life-saving kindness, Evergreen, can't be forgotten or dared to forget in this life, Lao Chi is indeed better than his brothers to his old Wei.

Besides Lao Chi's character, Chang Qing believes very much.

So this evening, Changqing made a lot of hearty dishes to entertain Chi Lingyan and his daughter. During the meal, Changqing chopsticks frequently served Chi Shuyan.

Chi Shuyan was also a little less restrained and a little closer at Wei's house: "Thank you Aunt Chang!"

"Yan Yan, eat more, don't be polite to you, Aunt Wei and Aunt Chang. Of course, Yan Yan, Aunt Wei, and Aunt Chang can call them casually!" Chang Qing said with a smile.

At this time, Wei Man suddenly smelled a very strong scent coming from the kitchen, and this scent has a tendency to become more and more intense, but it is not repellent at all. It makes people smell the spirit for a while, Wei Man yells. Said: "Mom, what good things have you made? So fragrant? When did you cook so well?"

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