After Chi Shuyan made sure that his father was asleep, he practiced for a while. At one or two in the middle of the night, the phone ringing on the bedside table suddenly rang.

Chi Shuyan opened his eyes in a daze. At first, he thought it was an alarm clock. Just after it was turned off, the phone ringed again. This time, Chi Shuyan was a little clearer. After picking up the phone, he unconsciously wanted to hang it again, and he saw'Qi Zhen on the screen. The three characters Bai'.

Chi Shuyan was really awake now, and looked at the time again. It was almost two o'clock in the morning, this man called this late?

Chi Shuyan quickly picked up the phone. Soon, the man’s deep and familiar voice suddenly sounded, as good as always. The two hadn’t seen each other for a few days, but Chi Shuyan felt that he hadn’t seen or heard the man’s voice for a long time. Just thinking of not sending her a text message these days.

No matter how big Chi Shuyan's heart is, she still feels a little uncomfortable at the moment, and then her head goes blank when the man said "I'm downstairs in your house".

Chi Shuyan didn't react for a moment. What does this man mean? She is now in the military area. Where can this man find her?

Wait, isn't this man in the military district now?

Can the guard soldiers of the military district let him in at such a night?

Chi Shuyan was thinking, her head was blank again when the man said, "I'm downstairs in your military area". She was surprised by the man's words and she didn't feel sleepy at all.

She quickly walked to the window of her room and opened a curtain. Because the building she lived in was not high, it was on the third floor, so when she looked from the window, she clearly saw a military vehicle and a tall, familiar figure in front of it.

Chi Shuyan was too frightened at this moment, and the hand holding the phone shook, and the man's low voice sounded again: "Daughter-in-law, are you asleep?"

"No..." Chi Shuyan didn't care if this man would be discovered by her father at this time, and quickly said: "I seem to have seen you. I will go downstairs right now, you wait for me!"

After finishing speaking, Chi Shuyan hung up the phone, and went downstairs immediately, not only wearing pajamas.


I saw a tall and upright man in the big playground.

The man was dressed in a black trench coat, facing the light. Although he could not see the subtle expressions, his face was always cold and hard. He stood still, and his deep eyes were as sharp as an eagle.

Chi Shuyan just came downstairs and was stared at by the sharp eyes of the man. Qi Zhenbai was also seeing his wife's cold light. Although his thin lips were still pressed tightly, the corners of the lips pressed against a slight arc, and his complexion became cold. Hard becomes very soft.

Before seeing the man, Chi Shuyan was able to calm down, but now I really saw this man coming to her at two o'clock in the morning in the evening. Before I could say anything, she strode over and threw herself on the man. He hugged the man's neck and waist with his hands and feet, smiled and excitedly said, "Why are you here?" He came at this time at nearly two in the morning!

Qi Zhenbai hugged his daughter-in-law's waist tightly, first let her both legs climb on his waist, and hug his neck tightly, the whole person hung on him, thin lips lightly: "What do you mean? I'm going to come later. Does my daughter-in-law forget my existence?"

Chi Shuyan Gang was going to shake her head to say no, and suddenly a scream came from a distance. After Chi Shuyan practiced, she felt very keen. If she wants to hear the voice within ten kilometers, Qi Zhenbai is a special soldier. From his birth, he also vaguely noticed that someone screamed and his face changed suddenly, and he narrowed his eyes sharply, subconsciously trying to put his wife aside.

Chi Shuyan listened intently to Fang Qingyang's voice. Seeing his man in front of him was unexpectedly keen, he was happy when he thought of something, and hugged the man and said, "It's okay, it should be just a small thing."

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