Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 856: Eight hundred sixty five

Chi Shuyan squinted his eyes and looked unchanged and continued to stun the other person: "I am me and my dad is my dad. Besides, I just knew you are not a thing, so my dad once told me what kind of person gives what kind of face. Especially for some people who rely on the old and sell the old! No need for tutoring!"

As soon as the words fell, there was silence around.

Let alone Wei Ting’s dumbfounded look, even next to Wei Xiao, he never thought that Lao Chi, a girl with a sharp-toothed mouth, would not take advantage of Fang Qingyang’s brother at all, and directly crushed Fang Qingtian, and then looked aside, trembling with anger. Fang Qingtian's face was blue and white, and his eyes were so dark that he couldn't breathe. Wei Xiao's heart was refreshing and he was really admiring Lao Chi's girl for the first time.

Especially when he looked at Yan Yan, there was no trace of fear in his eyes.


This guts!

Sure enough, the tiger father has no dogs!

The Qingtian brothers in front of the Fang family have always bullied others in the military area. In the past, the Fang family was only used to deceive people. There was no time when they were so aggrieved.

Political commissar Shen and Regimental Leader Lu were also taken aback by what Chi Lingyan's daughter said to Fang Qingtian. Political commissar Shen had seen Chi Lingyan's daughter before. He originally thought that the little girl was quiet, but she didn't think of such sharp teeth. Bold!

Political Commissar Shen and Head Lv didn't know whether to say that the little girl was courageous or too young and energetic.

Chi Shuyan didn't bother to care about other people's thoughts. If only a few words can directly **** off the surname in front of him, it would be better.

Fang Qingtian breathed for a long time before he could barely breathe, shaking his fingers and pointing at Chi Shuyan, thinking that the woman in front of him even dared to ridicule him for "relying on the old and selling the old" and "not something". How did he suffer such insults in his life.

Wei Xiao was afraid that Fang Qingtian would target Lao Chi's daughter again. Anyway, Lao Chi and Lao Chi's daughter were guarded by him in the military area. People from the Fang family couldn't do anything against Yan Yan. At this time, he immediately rushed to Fang Qingtian and said, "Fang Tuan, Yan Yan is a young and ignorant child, so don’t forget her as a villain this time!” Before Fang Qingtian rushed to talk, Wei Xiao continued: “This child has just entered university this year, Lao Fang, you too Forty or fifty-year-old people, are you embarrassed to care about with a young girl who has just grown up?"

Fang Qingtian's face choked with Wei Xiao's words was once again pale, his fingers creaked, and he could only say that it was not him who was scolded as ‘not something’ and ‘relying on the old and selling the old’.

Fang Qingtian had the urge to break the woman's neck just now when he thought of the girl who was surnamed Chi in front of him scolded him.

Besides, is it possible that Wei Xiao, a kid in a few words, doesn't even have to apologize to the woman in front of him, just wanting him to assume that what has just happened?

At this time, the political commissar Shen and the leader Lu also persuaded him, nothing more than to persuade him not to worry about a little girl. Fang Qingtian, who persuaded him, had vomiting blood, and stared at Chi Shuyan coldly at the door and left.

Wei Xiao didn't care about Fang Qingtian's departure, and went straight to the subject with Political Commissar Shen and Leader Lu, "Leader Lu, Political Commissar Shen, why don't we go and see the woman who was bitten before?"

Head Lu and Political Commissar Shen naturally had no objection, but their eyes fell on Chi Lingyan's daughter, wait, is Old Wei really planning to bring this little girl together?

Wei Xiao still took the initiative to ask Lao Chi's daughter's opinion and asked her whether she was going. After all, Yan Yan knew a lot about the living dead, but what if she was afraid of that? After all, understanding is one thing, but not being afraid is another.

Chi Shuyan said, "Uncle Wei, I will go!"

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