Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 858: Eight hundred sixty seven

Speaking of corpse poisoning is very simple for her, as long as the corpse poison in people is not as serious as the two at the station that day, and the internal organs are not completely decayed, it is not difficult to get rid of the corpse poison.

Here Chi Shuyan understated that everyone who had just finished talking, but bluffed, looked disbelief, and the leader Lu suddenly said: "Little girl, what did you just say? Can you solve this corpse poison?"

Political commissar Shen, Wei Ting, and Wei Xiao have seen it, Chi Shuyan nodded, and then said to Wei Ting: "Brother Wei, is there any boiling water? Give me a pot and another cup."

Wei Ting immediately listened to Shuyan's words subconsciously, and immediately went out to play a bottle of boiling water and a kettle, just at this moment Fang Qingtian kicked in with a few people.

Just listen to Fang Qingtian whispering to Captain Lu: "Lu Tuan, I think this woman is extremely dangerous, and it's best to deal with her right away! Who knows if this woman will become that ghost!"

Wei Xiao didn't know that Fang Qingtian was making an idea, or that this woman bit Fang Qingyang, and Fang Qingtian remembered that she hated this woman.

Wei Xiao trusted Yan Yan inexplicably. She said that it could get rid of corpse poison. Wei Xiao's face changed suddenly when Lu Tuan was moved. Chi Shuyan said at this time: "Lu Tuan, political commissar Shen, Uncle Wei, just now A ticket inspector just got a bit of corpse poison and did not become a living dead. People can still be saved. It's not a big problem!"

Fang Qingtian saw that the Chi Lingyan girl in front of him was against him again, her face was pale, and she said coldly: "We are talking about business, do you have your role as a yellow-haired girl to speak?"

Chi Shuyan didn't see the slightest temperature in his eyes.

At this time, regiment leader Lu and political commissar Shen also said that the little girl could get rid of the corpse poison.

Fang Qingtian's face changed suddenly, but when his eyes fell on the girl Chi Lingyan who had not grown much hair in front of him, he did not believe that this woman could get rid of any corpse poison. He sneered at Captain Lu and Wei Xiao. Said: "Do you also believe if Leader Lu, Political Commissar Shen, and a little girl fool people?"

Chief Lv, Political Commissar Shen:...

Fang Qingtian paused, his eyes turned to Wei Xiao, and he said in a sarcasm: "What? Wei Tuan also believes Chi Lingyan's words? Also, from the very beginning, Wei Tuan and Chi Lingyan have a close relationship with each other, and they protect everything. The other side! It's normal to protect this uncultivated yellow-haired girl now!"

Wei Xiao was not happy to listen to Lao Chi following him in the upper position. All these old and late relied on his own ability, and the sentence from the left and right of the surname Fang accused Yan Yan of'uncultivated yellow-haired girl'. He listened very deeply. Uncomfortable, he snorted coldly: "Old Fang, how are you going to solve this woman? Or are you ready to solve this woman and then start to solve Fang deputy regiment? After all, the woman inside was poisoned with corpse poison, and Fang deputy regiment was also killed. poison!"

Fang Qingtian's face froze and was very ugly: "Old Wei, are you trying to fight me to the end? Yes, I will take a good look at how this girl Chi Lingyan can get rid of the corpse poison!"

At this time, Wei Ting came in from outside with a kettle and cup: "Shu Yan, what you want!"

"Thank you Brother Wei!" Chi Shuyan took the cup and kettle, and rushed to Father Wei and Leader Lu: "Uncle Wei, Leader Lu, Political Commissar Shen, I never fool anyone!" Then he directly gave the surname Fang Fang. When the transparent person took out a few talisman and put them in the cup, if it had only been a talisman to detoxify the corpse of the ticket inspector before, now it has been delayed all night, Chi Shuyan put one more talisman in the cup, and then rushed Shake down a cup of boiling water, and said to Wei Xiao: "Uncle Wei, the ticket inspector will be almost fine after drinking this cup of Fushui!"

Wei Xiao Wei Ting:...

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