Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 869: Eight hundred eighty-seven

Wei Xiao didn't know this idea, although it was very strange that the Qi family in front of him was familiar with him, but there was no harm in this friendship with his Wei family.

The two talked just right. At this time, the door was pushed open, and Qi Zhenbai watched his future father-in-law come in again, still feeling a guilty conscience.

Wei Xiaogang beckoned Lao Chi to come over. He wanted Lao Chi to know the Qi family in Kyoto. Knowing this would only benefit Lao Chi. Wei Xiaogang yelled, "Lao Chi,..."

Qi Zhenbai immediately got up at this moment, was busy pouring tea for his future father-in-law, and opened the stool to let him sit down.

Looking at this series of actions, Wei Xiao looked dazed, allowing the head of the Qi family to serve tea and water personally. Is this the rhythm of going to heaven?

Wei Ting also learned of this person's identity from his dad, and his expression was very respectful. At this time, seeing the Qi family's uncle Chong Chi's courtesy, Wei Ting immediately looked at Uncle Chi with shock.

Chi Lingyan saw the man who was grabbing a bag in his girl's room at Wei's house now, and his face was also very shocked. He didn't understand how old Wei could have friendship with this stinky boy named Qi?

Regardless of the friendship, he didn't want to see this kid anyway, and he wouldn't be able to call his father. Chi Lingyan snorted and ignored the courtesy of the surname Qi in front of him, and ignored them.

Wei Xiao:...

Even Chi Shuyan didn't expect that this man hadn't left, and he would still see this man in Wei's house. What was this man's idea?

Chi Shuyan was also a little confused.

Qi Zhenbai couldn't wait to walk to his wife immediately to announce the relationship between the two, but due to the majesty of his future father-in-law, he still did not move and took the initiative to talk to his father-in-law!

Soon, Aunt Chang served dishes to entertain everyone to sit down for dinner. When they were sitting down, Wei Xiao wanted to let this distinguished guest sit on top.

Qi Zhenbai wanted to sit down with his son-in-law and almost wanted to sit with his wife. He rejected the kindness of Head Wei and sat next to his wife ‘inadvertently’.

Chi Lingyan stared straight at him. How could this kid surnamed Qi be so cheeky? How could Old Wei have friendship with such a person?

If he knew this kid was there, even if Old Wei went to treat him himself, he would never come.

Wei Xiao only felt that the position of the head Qi in front of him was a bit weird. He glanced over Yan Yanhe and the head Qi in front of him. There was an absurd idea in his mind, but he looked at whether Yan Yan and the head Qi were not. With a little interaction, Wei Xiao felt more and more unlikely.

Wei Xiao really wanted to introduce Lao Chi to the head of the Qi family, and hurriedly introduced him: "Head Qi, this is the Chi camp of our military region. He has always been very capable!" After speaking, Wei Xiao rushed to Chi Lingyan. Said: "Lao Chi, this is..."

According to Fudo Wei Tuan, Qi Zhenbai took the initiative to pour a glass of wine for his future father-in-law, and toasted his future father-in-law. He put his posture as low as possible: "Dad, no, Chief Chi Ying, long admiring the name. My surname is Qi, Zhenbai, you can call my name directly!"

Qi Zhenbai wanted to call Zhang Yue or Dad directly, but he was afraid that he would directly provoke Yue Zhang to his family, and then swept him out. Not in a hurry, he had to come step by step.

Wei Xiao:...

Chi Lingyan was twitched fiercely by the other party's shocked ‘dad’. He really didn’t want to make any expressions on the cheeky boy in front of him, but he was also startled by the phrase ‘Head Chief Qi’ just now.

He didn't think much about the other party's surname Qi before, but now thinking about the Qi surname, Chi Lingyan couldn't help but think of the Qi family of the largest family in Kyoto and the respected old general Qi. His face changed suddenly and his pupils tightened. Subconsciously looking at the girl next to her with many questions on her face, Chi Shuyan hurriedly buried her head to eat.

Even when talking, Qi Zhenbai still subconsciously pays attention to the dishes his wife likes to eat. He was about to pick up vegetables for his wife, but Changqing beside him hadn't forgotten the daughter-in-law of Yan Yan, and suddenly spoke out to encourage his old road. : "Ating, Yan Yan likes meatballs, why don't you give Yan Yan a few meatballs?"

Qi Zhenbai:...

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