Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 872: Eight hundred and eighty one

After Qi Zhenbo talked, everyone at the Wei's dinner table was dumbfounded.

Wei Xiao subconsciously looked in the direction of Lao Chi, but Chang Qing was suddenly asked by the chief to introduce his cousin and relatives to her eldest son and Yan Yan.

As for Chi Lingyan, he was completely shocked by the cheeky boy named Qi in front of him, especially when the boy named Qi in front of him said seriously that his daughter and Alting are too old, and that he is a good match for Yan Yan, Chi Ling Flame Qi's forehead almost smoked.

This kid said that Ating and his daughter are too old, why not say that he and Yan Yan are too old? At any rate, Alting is only six years old, but this kid surnamed Qi is eight years older than his daughter.

This kid is too embarrassed to say this?

When Qi Zhenbai was riding on his future father-in-law to be mad, he hurriedly poured alcohol to his father-in-law, and at the same time continued to rush the red face and very shy Wei Ting said without hesitation: "Captain Wei, my cousin is about the same age as you and looks good. Very good, she also admires the soldiers, you might as well consider it!"

Before Wei Ting refused, Qi Zhenbai took out his mobile phone and found Yunshang's WeChat account, asking them to immediately add friends first, and sent a WeChat message to Yunshang to join.

Wei Ting also somehow under the pressure of the opponent's eyes, subconsciously took out his phone and added WeChat.

Qi Zhenbo pursed his lips and said: "Young people talk more, maybe they have fate!"

For his wife and cousin, Qi Zhenbai naturally thinks that his wife is more important, not to mention that his wife was almost succeeded in being dumbfounded with the support of his father-in-law.

How could Qi Zhenbo calm down? Looking further, his wife will become someone else's wife.

Although he still sees how unpleasant the boy surnamed Wei in front of him is, he thinks that Yun Chang has always admired soldiers, and he used to say that he wants to marry a soldier. He also met Yun Chang's requirements tonight, so it is appropriate to follow them. Yourself!

Qi Zhenbai's series of actions once again stunned everyone on the Wei family table, and Chi Shuyan was stunned by the man's series of operations!

Chi Lingyan's face was pale, Chang Qing didn't know what to say at this time.

I just think that the head chief is too enthusiastic and weird, or is the head chief fancy her boss and want to get married?

After solving the problem of his wife being dug out of the wall, Qi Zhenbai smiled again on his face and took the initiative to find a topic with his father-in-law, even if his future father-in-law did not wait to see him.

Qi Zhenbai became more and more courageous as he frustrated, and his face remained as usual, trying to win his future father-in-law with the friendship of the Chinese wine table.

It's a pity that Chi Lingyan doesn't give this cheeky kid with the surname Qi at all.

Wei Xiao looked at Lao Chi at the side and didn't give this Chief Qi a little expression, his expression even more dull.

However, because of Wei Xiao's rounding off, Chi Lingyan couldn't ignore Qi Zhenbo at all, so he had a few drinks with him.

Qi Zhenbai was finally relieved.

I don’t know if it’s too much an eye-catching look at the kid in front of him. Chi Lingyan poured this kid to death. Qi Zhenbai was happy when he saw that his father-in-law took the initiative to toast with him. How dare he refuse!

Regardless of beer or liquor, as long as it was respected by his father-in-law, he would not refuse it and drank it all.

Chi Shuyan watched as his father poured Qi Zhenbo's man into his death. Not long after, the man drank a few bottles of red wine, mixed with some white wine and beer, and quickly said: "Dad, your body No, just drink less wine with Uncle Wei!"

Chi Lingyan heard what his girl was saying and cared about him, but she was actually worried about the wine he poured into this kid surnamed Qi. The more his girl cares about this kid, the more uncomfortable Chi's father feels. What can this kid do?

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