Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 885: Eight hundred and ninety four

Leader Lu and Wei Xiaosheng were afraid that Shen's daughter would also be poisoned by corpses, and suddenly biting one of the old Shen's family would be bad, and they also testified for Chi Shuyan.

In fact, when Lao Chi, this little girl detoxified the body, he was there. At this time, he also thought of Lao Chi's ability. Where did political commissar Shen disagree.

Still Chi Lingyan looked worried.

Chi Shuyan took her father's arm, and Chi Lingyan's ugly expression eased a lot.

Qi Zhenbai saw his wife taking the initiative to take his father-in-law's arm, his eyes were gloomy and quite disappointed, but he didn't dare to eat his father-in-law's jealousy.

The Shen political commissar now knows that the Chi family is in a relationship with the Qi family. There is no anger on the face, and how diligent and diligent it is. Even the most fair leader Lu, who is usually the most fair, took the initiative to comfort Chi Lingyan at this time.

After Chi Lingyan said a few words, he was in no mood to speak.

Because Shen Rongyin is in her room, and the inner room is considered her boudoir, men and women have to avoid suspicion on weekdays. The main reason is that Shen Rongyin's face is too young, and she is with a girl of 18 or 9 years old, so men subconsciously ignore her age to avoid suspicion.

But business matters at this moment, and several big men can't avoid suspicion.

Waiting in, Chi Shuyan had no time to observe Shen Rongyin’s boudoir at this time. He walked to the bed and looked at the bitten Shen Rongyin. Although someone wiped off the blood on her neck, there were still some blood stains on her body. The wounds and tooth marks on the neck seemed shocking, and there was a piece of meat missing from the wound.

The heads of Wei Xiao and Old Lu saw the wounds change color. Political commissar Shen also spoiled this **** weekdays. It was very distressed and sad to see the child's appearance in a coma.

Chi Shuyan's eyes fell on the black wound on her neck, and then on her somewhat blue face, his brows condensed slightly.

This woman Shen Rongyin was indeed infected with corpse poison, and it was not light. Speaking of which, it was not difficult to force the corpse poison out of her body, or just drinking a glass of talisman would be good, it was easy.

It's just that she didn't tell the truth with the old leader Lu and political commissar Shen in order to confuse Fang Qingyang. Now what is the matter of suddenly taking out Fulu?

But if Shen Rongyin is not cured, what is it to let the Shen family put all the blame on her dad?

Chi Shuyan had a decision in her heart at this time.

When Chi Shuyan saw her injury, other people stared at her closely. Although Chief Lu and Wei Xiao were also worried about Shen Rongyin, they were more worried about the safety of the military area, fearing that Shen Rongyin would bite.

Political commissar Shen was afraid of her daughter's accident. Seeing Lao Chi's daughter staring her eyebrows, her chest was startled. Chi Lingyan has always disliked owing favors and is an honest person for a lifetime. If Shen Rongyin had something wrong with him this time, he would have trouble sleeping and eating. Ann, naturally I don't want Shen Rongyin to have an accident.

Qi Zhenbai focused his eyebrows on his wife for a while, and then on the face of the comatose woman, his eyes bottomless.

After waiting for a while, political commissar Shen still couldn't hold back, and asked quickly: "Lao Chi, how is Rong Yin?"

Chi Shuyan put everyone's expressions in his eyes, and said to political commissar Shen, "Commissar Shen, you also know that I don't have a talisman for corpse poisoning, but I can try to force corpse poison for Miss Shen, although it may not be successful. , But there is no harm."

Chief Lao Lu suddenly asked, "Lao Chi girl, where is your master?"

Chief Lao Lu now feels that this is too weird and uncontrollable recently, and hopes that Master Lao Chi can take action.

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