Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 892: Nine hundred and one

Although there is such a ghost as the'living dead', it does not mean that everyone will believe in the talisman. Chi Lingyan now believes in her own daughter's ability. As for how Chi Lingyan's subordinates received this talisman before, how do they still take the talisman with their mouths. At any rate, it's Chi Ying's daughter. Didn't Chi Ying even say anything after receiving this symbol?

Besides, inside Qi Zhenbai’s car on the other side, a group of Cheetah team members learned from Yan Youwei that the one just now was the "sister-in-law", and they didn’t expect that this person would directly give things like yellow paper talisman.

Tan Yecheng, Yang Mu and a group of people were also stunned by the eldest wife’s sudden act of sending a talisman to her. Just now, the little sister-in-law was so beautiful. A few people just secretly praised the boss’s eyes. How did you know that the sister-in-law suddenly pulled out With so many yellow paper charms, a few originally wanted to make friendships with this little sister-in-law, and they shut up, not knowing what to say for a while.

Even Yan Youwei awkwardly pinched a few yellow paper charms and didn't know whether to throw it or put it in his pocket. He opened his mouth and rushed to his old road: "Boss, why is my sister-in-law so funny?" He even wanted to ask who was brainwashed by his sister-in-law. So superstitious?

Qi Zhenbai knew that there was nothing bad in the hands of his wife. He looked at a group of ignorant boys in the car, narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "Why not? Don't want it? You can pay me back if you don't want it!"

Qi Zhenbai’s words, although there are really a lot of things he doesn’t want, he didn’t have the guts to challenge the majesty of his boss, and he obediently said in his pockets: "Boss, we like it, we like it, and you have to help us Pass our gratitude to my sister-in-law."

Some people took out and looked at it carefully, indicating that the yellow paper talisman pattern on it is very beautiful. My sister-in-law is very talented in drawing. Don't use yellow talisman paper to paint in the future, just buy a drawing board to draw it.

When Qi Zhenbo snorted coldly, his tight face twitched hard when he heard the last words of the person in the car.

After driving, Yan Youwei suddenly substituted the topic on his goddess, and couldn't help but ask: "Boss, is my goddess having an accident recently? It's okay? By the way, boss, there really is such a'living dead' recently? "

A group of Cheetahs don’t even say that they have lived on a knife these years, what have they not seen? Even if there are real ghosts living dead, a group of people are very calm. There are a few eager to see this ghostly ghost, and more people are the goddess who ridicule Yan Youwei.

Several people praised Shen Rongyin for being young and beautiful and charming. The more they look at it, the better they look. Moreover, when he is in his forties, he is maintained to be eighteen or nineteen years old. Like never being old, Shen Rongyin is not only Yan Youwei's goddess, but other These include the goddesses Tan Yecheng and Li Tianan.

"Old talk, you still dare to say that the lady of the Shen family is a goddess, are you afraid that your girlfriend will be jealous?"

Tan Yecheng shut up obediently, and the others continued to talk. When they talked about their goddesses, they were naturally very excited, and the atmosphere in the car was very lively and relaxed.

Qi Zhenbai didn't have the slightest interest in this topic. He just thought of Shen Rongyin, a strange woman, a flash of light.

"Boss, have you ever seen the lady of Shen Rongyin!" Yang Mu suddenly said half jokingly. Before Yang Mu could finish, Xiong Tianning couldn't help but jokingly asked: "Boss, do you think the goddess is more beautiful or...?" Before the two words of sister-in-law were uttered, Xiong Tianning met his boss's gloomy eyes, immediately laughed and swallowed his saliva, shut up and hurriedly said: "Boss, kidding, kidding!"

"Enter the county town, and everyone will be on guard immediately!" Qi Zhenbo said coldly.

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