Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 895: Nine hundred and four

After receiving a call from Yang Mu, Qi Zhenbai rushed over immediately. Yang Mu and Yan Youwei, who hadn't bothered to **** the talisman, immediately informed his boss of the encounter with the "living dead."

Fortunately, there are very few pedestrians at this time, except for the people in the nearby shops, there are no people outside, so this scene did not startle anyone else.

Qi Zhenbai fell on the unconscious ‘person’ on the ground, just in case he said immediately: “Tie this thing first! Put the trunk in the car!”

Xiong Tianning and Li Tianan, who were patrolling with their boss before, who hadn't seen a fly before, stared at the unconscious'person' on the ground and wanted to question whether this thing was a living dead?

When a rotten smell came from the man who approached, the two of them suddenly changed their colors, and immediately raised their eyes and asked the three Yang Mu: "What the **** is going on?"

Li Tianan even asked his boss directly: "Boss, this... is this really the living dead?"

Yang Mu said at this time: "Boss, what is the difference between this thing and a zombie? All these ghosts have appeared. Isn't it because there is something wrong with our world, the end of the world will soon?"

Yang Mu's remarks are really not alarmist. If you haven't seen this weird person, others will not think too much, but now looking at this weird'person', other people really can't help thinking, and their complexion becomes more ugly. .

Qi Zhenbo said coldly: "It's just people with corpse poisoning! It's not a living dead person. The most important thing now is how these people got corpse poisoning? Where are the corpse poisoning? Where is the source! "

Several other people were silent and suddenly said, "Boss, shall we return to the military area now?"

"Let's go to a few villages near the county seat first!" Qi Zhenbai said with a cold face.

While getting in the car, while Tan Yecheng was still coaxing his sister-in-law to give Fulu, Yang Mu suddenly asked, "Boss, who is the sister-in-law?"

With that said, Yang Mu immediately told about the fact that Tan Yecheng was punished, and then the Fulu in Yecheng's hand bounced the'person' away. Fortunately, this Fulu was given by his sister-in-law, otherwise I will talk about it now. Yecheng didn't know if he was still sitting in the car.

Xiong Tianning and Li Tianan, who hadn't taken Fulu seriously, immediately covered the Fuluo in their pockets. They didn't doubt Yang Mu's words at all. No wonder Tan Yecheng was so diligent at this moment to lure the Fuluo in their pockets!

However, the two of them were still very curious: "Fuck, the talisman my sister-in-law gave is so powerful? Old talk, you kid is too unkind!"

Tan Yecheng didn't entice the others and Fu Lu was very unwilling. He raised his eyes to Yang Mu and said, "Lao Yang, do you want to tell me what happened to me just now?"

"Boss, who the **** is my sister-in-law?" Tan Yecheng wished to go back to the time when his sister-in-law issued the talisman. At that time, maybe he took the initiative to say a few more words to her sister-in-law, and the sister-in-law would give a few more talismans next to him. The talisman in the pockets of a few boys is also good to deceive.

Qi Zhenbai said in a cold voice, "My wife, who else can it be?"

Several people shut up immediately.

On the other hand, after Chi's father and Qi Zhenbai left, Chi Shuyan once again went out of the military area to take a look at the nearby mountains and forests, and found that there were more dead blood-sucking animals, densely rotting on the ground, very shocking, but, Most animal carcasses have not only human teeth marks on their necks, but also the blood on their bodies has not been completely sucked up, and there is no corpse poisoning. I really don't want the living dead and people with "corpse poisoning" to bite, more like man-made!

Chi Shuyan didn't go too far, racking his brains to think and find out, so he had to go back to the military area to wait for news from her father and Qi Zhenbai.

As soon as Chi Shuyan returned to the military area, Wei Xiao suddenly came over and said, "Yan Yan, are you here? You have to be free, and take a look at Shen's house for your dad!"

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