Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 902: Nine hundred and eleven

Seeing that her father hadn't returned at 9:30, Chi Shuyan was really worried. At this time, the Wei family came and knocked on the door to inform that Uncle Chi and his father were drinking at the Fang's house, and it is estimated that they will be back later.

Chi Shuyan:...

Didn't her dad not deal with the Fang family? Why did you drink at Fang's house? But when she heard that Uncle Wei was there, she didn't worry about her father anymore.

"I see, Brother Wei!"

Qi Zhen Baili is keen. He heard his wife and the Wei family say something affectionately in the bathroom. He turned his eyes and suddenly shouted in a deep and full voice: "Daughter-in-law, come here! I didn't take the bath towel!"

Uncle Chi's room is so big. Wei Ting heard the sound of water splashing in the bathroom just now. At this moment, he heard the man's familiar shout, his face was a bit awkward.

Wei Ting wanted to say something but stopped. He now has no other special feelings for Sister Shuyan. He can't leave the feelings that have just sprouted in his heart. He just thinks Yan Yan is too young, so Uncle Chi can rest assured Let two lone men and widows stay together?

But he shouldn't worry about this kind of thing, and the head chief looks at someone who is decent and serious on weekdays, unlike someone who takes advantage.

But Chi Shuyan didn't think much about it, thinking that the other party really didn't take a towel. Before Chi Shuyan could speak, Wei Ting took the initiative to learn the current situation and left immediately.

"Thank you, Brother Wei!"

When Wei Ting left, Chi Shuyan closed the door and walked to the room to get the man's bath towels, but she looked for it for a while but didn't find it. Wait, why did she faintly think that this man took the towel?

Just as Chi Shuyan was about to go to the bathroom to ask questions, he saw the man wrapped in a bath towel on his lower body, wiping his head out.

Chi Shuyan:...

Qi Zhenbai coughed innocently and said, "Daughter-in-law, I made a mistake just now. I took both the bath towel and the towel."

Chi Shuyan: ...Is this man sure just now that he didn't play her?

She vaguely doubted whether this man was jealous, but Brother Wei was all familiar with her, and her relationship with the eldest brother of the Wei family was also clear. This man is unlikely to be jealous, and this man is not so naive!

Chi Shuyan didn't think much about seeing the man wipe his hair back to the room calmly.

When he returned to the room, Qi Zhenbai suddenly asked: "What did the Wei family ask for you just now?"

Chi Shuyan made her own bed and said honestly: "My dad suddenly went to Fang's house for a drink. I guess he will be back later tonight!"

Chi Shuyan watched to make the bed, completely unaware of the shining and extraordinary heat in the man's eyes after her words fell.

"Dad went to Fang's house for a drink?"


"Will you be back later?"


Chi Shuyan took a shower just now, and now I’m ready to climb into bed, and it’s very comfortable to sleep on the big bed by myself. She was just about to climb on, when the man’s slender hand suddenly held her ankle, it was burning hot. The temperature was inexplicably hot, she couldn't help shrinking her feet, but was held firmly by the man.

"What's the matter if you don't sleep?" Chi Shuyan saw that the man hadn't let go of her ankle for a long time. She was a little strange. She couldn't help kicking the foot to let the man go to bed earlier. She was about to turn off the light.

Qi Zhenbai's eyes became darker and darker, his eyes fell on his wife's white ankles, and he suddenly dragged the person from the bed onto him, and then turned over to stabilize the person.

The man was too heavy, and Chi Shuyan almost couldn't breathe. She blurted out to ask what the man was doing. She raised her eyes to meet the darker and darker gaze of the man. Suddenly, she was confused. What kind of look in this man's eyes, as someone who came by, she knew very well. Chi Shuyan hurriedly swallowed his saliva: "You...what do you want to do?"

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