Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 912: Nine hundred twenty two

After leaving the Fang family, Wei Xiao couldn't help but said: "Yan Yan, why did you suddenly bring together the Shen family daughter and Fang Qingyang?"

Naturally, Chi Shuyan couldn’t say clearly that she was sure that Shen Rongyin was weird and weird, and she said calmly, "Uncle Wei, first, I really don’t really want my dad to find a stepmother to ignore me, and second, you are me. I don’t know why the man Fang Qingyang used to run on my dad in secret? Isn’t it because he likes Aunt Shen? I also thought about it, anyway, my dad doesn’t seem to have any affection for Aunt Shen, and I don’t want a stepmother. It’s better to match the two. , Fang's deputy regiment will not run on my dad secretly in the future!"

Wei Xiao happily said, "Yan Yan, don't worry, your father has you, don't talk about Fang Qingyang in the future, even the Fang family dare not embarrass your father! But you have a good idea, Fang Qingyang does match well with Shen's daughter! , The Shen family will not embarrass your dad in the future!"

Chi Shuyan raised her lips and said, "Uncle Wei, that's the reason! In the future, my dad really wants to find a stepmother, and I have to find someone he likes with a good character!"

"You kid willing?" Wei Xiao couldn't help but joke.

Chi Shuyan nodded, and secretly said that if her father were to find a reliable character, she would naturally agree.

Wei Xiao looked at Yan Yan, the child's eyes became more kind.

After parting ways with Uncle Wei, Chi Shuyan went home directly.

In the blink of an eye, the past two days have been calm and calm. When she woke up early in the morning, she discovered that her father and Qi Zhenbo were no longer there.

Chi Shuyan hurriedly washed and ate breakfast and went to Uncle Wei's house.

Evergreen had seen Yan Yan a long time ago, and immediately waved her in.

Chi Shuyan couldn't help asking: "Aunt Chang, did my dad leave the military area for inspection again today!"

Before Chang Qing spoke, Wei Man came out of the room at this time and said, "Mom, I'm leaving now!" Seeing that Shuyan was here, Wei Man greeted her and prepared to go out.

I haven’t seen Wei Man for a few days. Chi Shuyan nodded back and called out "Brother Wei". He was about to look away and couldn’t see the black death condensed on Wei San’s forehead. As he went out, his face The black air on her face almost enveloped her entire face, and the faint red light outside the black air on her forehead became more and more obvious.

She has seen this tragic face of death many times now, and it is reasonable to say that she can calm down by watching it now, but this kind of thing happened to someone she knows and is close to, she can't calm down.

Chi Shuyan's face changed drastically, and suddenly strode over to grab the third brother Wei who was about to go out, and stopped him from leaving immediately: "Brother Brother, where are you going? It's rare for me to come over to play. Why don't you talk to me first? chat?"

Wei Man was a little surprised by Shu Yan's sudden pull, Chang Qing didn't think much about it, and said cheerfully: "Man, maybe you stay here with Yan Yan for a while before going there!"

Chi Shuyan asked calmly, "Aunt Chang, Brother Wei, where are you going?"

Without waiting for Wei Man to speak, Chang Qing said, "Where else can I go? Today, the old Shen family’s daughter-in-law is going to have funeral. Although the Wei family has a normal relationship with the Shen family, they are all related to old neighbors in the military region. For friendship, there are many more people at home. It's not that your Uncle Wei has already passed, and Ah Man has to go there to mourn and mourn!"

After talking, Chang Qing said again: "Yan Yan, don't pass your child. The girl didn't have a good past, stay at home. Your dad is probably at the old Shen's house. Don't worry!"

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