Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 921: Nine hundred thirty one

When Chang Qing thought that Yan Yan saved the third child's life, there would be no answer, so she immediately got up and said that she would let her sit here again, and she went to the kitchen to go down.

When Aunt Chang left, Wei Man breathed a sigh of relief. Father Wei's complexion changed greatly but his complexion was still not calm. His complexion was unspeakably solemn. He was at the Shen's house just now, and his attention was focused on which ones were sucked On the dry corpse, where did he have time to ask how the two children found the body in Shen Rongyin’s boudoir?

Thinking of what A Man said just now, Wei Xiao, a big man who was born and died, couldn't help being shocked. He immediately looked at the two children in front of him. Wei Man hurriedly said that he was really not bullshit, and he was telling the truth.

Chi Shuyan said at this time: "Uncle Wei, the Shen family is indeed different. Three brothers had better stay at home these days, don't go out, as long as you can keep the distance from the Shen family!"

Wei Man is now really convinced by the younger sister Shuyan, he nodded quickly and said: "Yan Yan, I know, I must stay at home obediently these days, and not go anywhere!"

Still life matters.

Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Brother Wei listened to her this time.

At this time, Wei Xiao looked at Yan Yan again, and his expression became a little more solemn. When he thought about the living dead and the detoxification of corpses, he relied on Yan Yan to do things. How could Wei Xiao not believe Yan Yan's words.

He only felt that he still underestimated Yan Yan's abilities and abilities, and he was grateful and convinced that Yan Yan saved the third life.

He wanted to ask Yan Yan’s opinion about the corpses of the Shen family. At this moment, he saw the youngest gossiping over his head. He subconsciously wanted to distract others, but thought that the youngest knew more. He immediately asked: "Yan Yan, do you think those corpses that had been drained of blood were caused by the corpse poison'half alive' who was mixed into the military area?"

Wei Man also nodded quickly, but he didn't interrupt and listened carefully to his father's words with Yan Yan.

Chi Shuyan said: "Uncle Wei, before you came, I specially checked the corpses, and did not see any corpse poison in their bodies. Do you remember the piles of poultry that died inexplicably before? There is no corpse poisoning in the poultry that sucked the blood to death!"

Wei Xiao also remembered that a lot of poultry had been drained of blood before. Yan Yan also said that these poultry had been drained of blood but it had nothing to do with the living dead.

Later, he asked several military doctors to dissect a lot of dried-blooded poultry to confirm that these were not corpse poisoning. Unfortunately, he wanted to check it again, but the clue was broken.

Had it not been for Yan Yan's sudden mention of this matter, he hadn't connected the two things for a while.

Wei Xiao's expression turned heavy and suddenly said, "Yan Yan, you mean the murderer of the Shen family's corpse who was sucked up blood this time is the same person who killed and sucked up the poultry blood last time?"

Chi Shuyan pondered a few sentences and said: "Uncle Wei, I can only be sure that today's case and the last time the poultry was sucked blood have nothing to do with the living dead! It's more like man-made!" Shu Yan continued: "There is one more thing. When Wei Sange was on the second floor of Shen's house just now, I vaguely saw an old wrinkled and withered hand protruding from the door! It was just that when I suddenly kicked the door open, except on the ground. There were several corpses whose blood had been sucked up everywhere, but no abnormality was found in that room."

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