Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 927: Nine hundred thirty seven

Chang Qing also knows that there is no one living next to her house. The Shen family has recently had an accident, and it is excusable to live next door to her house. However, she has a good impression of Shen's family except Shen Political Commissar and Shen Rongsheng, and she is true to Shen Mu and Shen Rongyin. There is no good impression, one is used to not focusing on ordinary people, the other is inconsistent and hypocritical.

Changqing did not speak, nodded, and made a few perfunctory words.

At this time, Wei Man came out of the room with a bowl, and just yelled "Mom". When he saw Shen Rongyin at the door, Wei Man's face changed and his legs trembled.

I don’t know if it’s too much stimulation today. He is now subconsciously afraid of the Shen family and the people of the Shen family. Yan Yan said, "The Shen family has a strange place recently." Thinking of what happened in the Shen family today, Wei Man I shivered again.

Shen Rongyin saw Wei Man, smiled at him, greeted him, Wei Man trembled inexplicably, always felt that the woman looked at him and was about to swallow her.

Fortunately, the woman Shen Rongyin didn't stay at the door of Wei's house much. Before leaving, she glanced at Qi Zhenbo, who was expressionless on the side, and said with a good voice: "Yan Yan, remember to come to Aunt Shen's house more in the future. You can come to me when you have time!"

When Shen Rongyin said this, there was a bit of probing and frustration in the depths of his eyes, and the afterglow glanced at Wei Man on the side.

Chi Shuyan calmly blocked the other's sight and smiled: "Okay!"

When Shen Rongyin left, Wei Man first obediently shouted at Chief Qi, and then touched the goose bumps all over his body and rushed to Chi Shuyan and Changqing: "Yan Yan, Mom, how do I think the Shen family are particularly evil! Look at my eyes. Swallow me the same."

Chang Qing guessed it was like this kid went to the Shen's house. Now that the Shen family moved over, she didn't look good, so she told Wei Man this kid to stay at home for a few days.

Wei Man nodded quickly: "I must listen to Yan Yan's words carefully, staying at home every day these days, and not going anywhere!"

Chi Shuyan was still somewhat satisfied with Wei Man’s vigilance. Seeing that he had been evading Shen Rongyin just now, he probably wouldn’t take the initiative to get there, but now that the Shen family lives next to Wei’s house, she wasn’t sure whether the Wei family was too unlucky or Shen Rongyin’s woman. Have no purpose.

At present, we can only keep the Wei family away from the Shen family. As for Wei Man, the fat that Shen Rongyin had just lost before, she raised her eyes to stare at Wei Man and saw that although some unfortunate black air still remained on his forehead, he was dead. It has been broken, as long as he takes the talisman she gave to stay at home and does not go out, major events should not happen.

As for Shen Rongyin's side, now that many people have just died, Shen Rongyin should not dare to attack Wei Sange.

I just thought that the woman surnamed Shen frequently looked at Qi Zhenbai's gaze before she left. There was fear in her greed, and the surname Shen should be less likely to find the man Qi Zhenbai.

Chi Shuyan was relieved, Aunt Tongchang said goodbye, and the two returned to their home.

After returning home, Chi Shuyan thought that the man hadn't eaten enough and was going to cook some spiritual rice for him. Qi Zhenbai took the pot from his wife's hand. Chi Shuyan saw that the other party was scooping and washing rice comparable to hers. I am more familiar with it.

"Well, why hasn't my dad come back? By the way, where did you and my dad go this morning? Go on patrol again!"

"What happened to the Shen family in the morning?"

Chi Shuyan told the man about what Wei Man had encountered in the morning, as well as several incidents of the Shen family being drained of blood and the bones under the Shen family’s flowerbed. He looked somber and solemn. Face, immediately rushed to the man in front of him and said: "I have asked Uncle Wei to verify the missing person, and then we can know the missing person! Don't worry! Wait until Uncle Wei comes back!"

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