Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 930: Nine hundred forty

The old village head still couldn't help but turn red in his eyes when he mentioned this. The case of missing persons included his newly-married daughter-in-law and son who disappeared as soon as he went out. Since then, he has never seen it again.

That time so many missing persons had a great impact on Lijia Village. Almost every family had missing persons. Among them, there was a family of seven people, and all five people were missing, leaving only two children. , An adult has a waist high, another has just arrived with an adult’s knee high, a child who has just learned to walk.

Their mountain village is too remote and too far from the county seat. Almost all the people in the village lead a life of isolation, so they didn’t think about calling the police, because every household has lost their lives. This time the village did not worry about panic. The village organized a team. A team that specializes in finding people. This team is composed of adult men sent from every household. They work twice a day and every night to find the missing person.

Compared to the past few years of looking for people, this time the village is very dynamic.

Speaking of evil, since their village began to recruit people on a large scale, various accidents have started in the village.

Especially the few teams that joined the people looking for, they spent a long time stunned but they didn't find anyone or any clues, and as long as they joined the people looking for people, they were always weird and unlucky, or they broke suddenly.

For a time, even the villagers, everyone talked about the disappearance.

Now the old village chief still looks very changed when he thinks about what happened back then, and he is frightened.

Later, the team disbanded naturally, and no one dared to look for people anymore. It was just that some people in the village were still unwilling. After all, those who were missing were their relatives. In the village, some parents were missing, some wives were missing, and some children were missing.

There are still some people who are unwilling to give up, secretly thinking that everyone who wants to find someone will gather together to look for it, until something happens later that makes everyone completely abandon not daring to look for it or even mention the missing person.

Wei Xiao listened carefully, and the old village head continued to recall: "At that time, my son had a particularly good brother called Da Meng, who had a bad character and kept calling me godfather. His family was the only lucky family without parents, children, and daughter-in-law. , The disappearance, the family is together well, originally this matter has nothing to do with him, but it can't stand up to others, everyone is willing to help if something happens, very happy, whoever wants something or asks to come, he is the first He was the first to promise, never greedy for cheap, good-looking and diligent, before looking for someone, his wife did not agree to let him go and look at him, so he did not go, but since knowing my elder San also disappeared, and that kid went to my door every day, hiding his wife and helping other people secretly gathering together to help find someone. It's a pity... it's a pity..."

When the old village chief said this, he was completely choked: "A good man does not live long! It is unclear whether this child has died so far!"

According to the people who witnessed the death of Dameng, Dameng was good at first, and he tried his best to help find people. There was nothing unusual about the people, and they were very courageous.

Everyone occasionally talked when they went into the jungle to look for people. It was nothing unusual. Later, Da Meng suddenly disappeared for a while. At the beginning, many people were scared enough. Fortunately, he found him soon, but after finding him, his mood was a little bit wrong. , No longer talked much with before, seemed very silent.

It's just that everyone was looking for someone at the beginning, where would they think about small details.

Later in the evening, all of them went out of the jungle, but Da Meng suddenly seemed to be upper-body, with a look of devil who rushed into the river when everyone was not paying attention and was drowned alive.

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