Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 957: Nine hundred sixty eight

Wei Man opened his eyes in a daze, waiting to see his brother and Shuyan standing by his bed, he looked confused: "Yan Yan, brother, I..."

Having said that, the scene of the ghost meeting flashed into his head last night, and Wei Mandeng was so scared that he cried again and called for help and called for help.

With a look of horror, Wei Man grabbed Yan Yan's hand with one hand and grabbed Wei Ting with the other hand, and shouted in excitement, "There are ghosts! There are ghosts! Yan Yan, brother, there are ghosts! What a ghost!"

Wei Man cried and yelled while talking. The nurse outside heard the patient's yelling and thought that he was out of control and would give him a freshman sedative.

Chi Shuyan and Wei Ting refused and let the nurses and doctors go out first.

Last night’s scenes really scared Wei Man, his face was not as vigorous and pale as before yesterday, and he kept on screaming ‘There is a ghost to kill him’!

Chi Shuyan looked at Wei Sange's overwhelming fright, feeling quite guilty. He had known that he would not give Wei Sange a ghost last night.

"There is a ghost! There is a ghost, brother! Yan Yan!" Wei Man cried very pitifully.

At this time, Chi Shuyan quickly comforted: "Brother, it's okay! It's okay, no ghosts! Where are ghosts in the daytime? If there are ghosts, I will take them for you!"

Wei Ting looked at the third child with complicated eyes and nodded quickly, indicating that there are no ghosts in broad daylight.

The third brother Wei gradually calmed down under the comfort of the two. Seeing that he did not die in broad daylight. For a while, Wei Man didn't know if he had a dream or met him last night?

However, his picture last night was too horrible and too clear, and he will probably never forget it in his life.

Wait, 1152, the ward number is 1152. Wei Man didn’t know what he was trying to verify. He suddenly took his brother and Shu Yan out of the ward door and ran towards the ward number 1152. When he found the ward number, the ward was locked and still Sealed.

Wei Man stared at the locked ward in a daze.

Just when a nurse came across the corridor and saw that Wei Man, who was wearing a medical suit, was in a mood, she stared at the door of the ward in a daze. The female nurse took the initiative to ask, "Mr., what are you doing here?"

Wei Man suddenly said, "This nurse, here, here, there was a...a pregnant woman? I saw a middle-aged pregnant woman here last night!"

Wei Man also gestured with excitement.

Who knows that it's okay if Wei Man didn't say this. When she said this, the female nurse's face changed drastically and looked at Wei Man in horror, then turned and ran away.

After going to the bathroom, one of the patients was an old man. He came over to persuade Wei Man with good intentions and said: "Young man, stay away from this ward. Since a senior pregnant woman died of dystocia in this ward, this ward has often been haunted. You can go there during the day. The toilet here, don’t go around here at night."

The other party kindly reminded him and immediately ran away, but Wei Man was once again scared by the other party’s words, and his eyes turned black. He was in the cold winter, and the cold wind was dripping from his pants. His heart was cold and frightened. Last night... ...Last night he... really hell?

When Wei Ting and Chi Shuyan found Third Brother Wei, Wei Ting was frightened by his brother’s stupid appearance. Chi Shuyan was also very guilty and helpless. She knew that Third Brother Wei had such a big reaction. He hell?

Chi Shuyan said: "Brother, it's okay! It's okay! Now where there are ghosts in broad daylight, even if they are there, I took that ghost last night."

Wei Ting also helped to persuade him, and he became more and more frightened when he saw his brother's scared look like he really saw a ghost.

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