Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 972: Nine hundred eighty three

Fang Qingtian wanted to say anything else, when he saw Wei Xiao pulling Chi Lingyan away, he regretted offending the two families.

Fang Qingtian didn't think much about it, and immediately went back to his brother's residence.


At Qingyang’s residence, he saw the woman Shen Rongyin sitting on the sofa. Qingyang looked at his right eyelid with a considerate and gentle expression. He didn’t know if he had interrogated with Lao Wei and Chi Lingyan before, what happened to Fang Qingtian. See how you feel that Shen Rongyin is not right.

Fang Qingyang shouted: "Big Brother!"

Shen Rongyin also yelled softly, "Fang Tuan!"

Before Fang Qingtian could speak, Shen Rongyin's eyes were red, and he said, "Fang Tuan, what's going on in my family? My parents and my brother...are there any problems? Fang Tuan, I really don’t know about the flower garden. No one in my family knows, besides, my family has not only lived in that house!"

As soon as Shen Rongyin spoke, Fang Qingyang immediately echoed: "Brother, Rong Yin is telling the truth, I can testify!"

Fang Qingtian sees his younger brother now, why is it not pleasing to the eye, this kid says he can testify? How does he testify? He now sees that this kid is really dazzled by the femininity.

Fang Qingtian didn't want to disclose some secrets, and kept staring at the woman Shen Rongyin. Shen Rongyin noticed Fang Qingtian's gaze and was very generous to let him stare.

Fang Qingyang was afraid that his brother would look at Shen Rongyin, and quickly blocked his sight. Fang Qingtian saw the expression on his brother's face, and his forehead was stretched. Sometimes he really didn't know if this brother was in his forties or eighteen or nineteen. year old.

Fang Qingtian retracted his gaze, and Fang Qingyang said again: "Brother, you help Shen Jia and Rong Yin, those people are jealous of Rong Yin and those rumors spread. The girl surnamed Chi is because Rong Yin is close to the kid Chi Lingyan. , I'm afraid that Rong Yin will be her stepmother.

Fang Qingyang said, very upset: "Rong Yin still looks down on Chi's family! What is that kid Chi Lingyan?"

"Okay, shut up for me!" Fang Qingtian didn't say how good his personality was, but he didn't forget who saved Qingyang's life in the first place. What does this kid mean when he doesn't look down on Chi Jia?

At this time, only Shen Rongyin suddenly said: "Commander Fang, you must not anger Qingyang because of me. I did have a good impression of Commander Chi before, and I also want to get along well with Commander Chi’s daughter. She saw that she had a good impression of me, and she called me Aunt Shen with one mouthful left and right. I thought she really liked me, but I didn't expect it, but I didn't expect it..." At this point, Shen Rongyin choked and continued: "I I really didn’t expect that the kid not only didn’t like me, but also fabricated things like that. What if I’m not a human being?”

Speaking of the last sentence, Shen Rongyin's tone was obviously mocking.

Fang Qingyang said directly: "I see that girl movie is not a good product, and the old man with her is just a hypocritical set in front of him!"

Fang Qingtian glared at Fang Qingyang's younger brother, and then continued to stare at Shen Rongyin. After staring for a long time, she didn't see anything wrong with the other party. Besides, if Shen Rongyin's woman is really abnormal, she can bluntly ask herself if she is a human being. problem?

Fang Qingtian originally had six or seven points in his heart, but in a blink of an eye it turned into five points. He just thought of the hundreds of human bones buried under the flower garden of the Shen family. Fang Qingtian's pupils shrank, and there was always a little jealousy in his eyes. Only Shen Rongyin suddenly said: "Fang Tuan, if I am really not a human being, can I show up in broad daylight?"

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