Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 977: Nine hundred and eighty eight

In the hospital, Wei's father did tell her about the disappearance of the blood bank and that the Shen family was ruled out of suspicion, because Shen Rongyin suddenly submitted evidence that there were other people who helped the Shen family to plant flowers in the flower garden. Fang Qingtian has confirmed. A few sister-in-laws did go to help, saying that there was nothing under the flower garden. So many bones were suddenly buried, and her family did not know.

Although this incident cannot completely eliminate the Shen family's suspicion, it is also a breakthrough for the Shen family to clear the murder case.

In the past few days, he took people to Shen's house for inspection several times, but he didn't find anything.

Hearing this, Chi Shuyan subconsciously looked at the man her father and Qi Zhenbai. Her father and this man hadn't told her about it.

Qi Zhenbo habitually wanted to hold his wife's waist and hold the person in his arms, but he just started to take his hand, and was stared at by the future father-in-law's eyes and had to withdraw his hand calmly.

Having said this, Father Wei also said about the recent disappearance of a large number of blood in the blood bank. If this matter was not controlled by the above, there has been a lot of turmoil, but the people in the hospital have been panicked these days.

Others said that when they saw ghosts, things became more exaggerated as they passed on. Wei's father didn't think it was exaggerated. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

At this moment, Wei Ting and Wei Man knocked on the door and came in. Wei's father frowned, "What are you two boys doing in here?"

"Dad, let's find something to do with Yan Yan!" Wei Tingxian said, after talking, he continued: "Dad, Chief Qi and Uncle Chi, if you want to know about the recent disappearance of a large number of blood in the blood bank of the hospital, I am afraid that Ah Man and I will know something. !"

Speaking of this, Wei Ting avoids unavoidably thinking of what happened the other night, and his face is still a little pale.

Qi Zhenbo and Chi Lingyan saw that Wei Ting and Wei Man's faces were not right. Before Wei's father could speak, Chi Lingyan waved to let them in and said, "A Ting, A Man, what do you know?"

Chi Shuyan looked at the two brothers at this time, and saw that although the faces of the two brothers were paler, the black qi on their faces condensed for a while and then all disappeared. It seems that the two were lucky enough to run into something or that woman Shen Rongyin came to look for these days. Two people.

She prefers the latter.

At this time, before Wei Ting could speak first, Wei Man swallowed his saliva first, and couldn't help but blurt out, "Dad, Yan Yan, I finally saw the yellow hand that Yan Yan said the other night. That hand wanted to get through the door. Sew it in. Fortunately, Yan Yan learned earlier that the talisman had been pasted on the door and window early, so that thing wanted to harm us and it was impossible! And we still saw that grimace! It was terrifying!"

Wei Man's words exploded, except Chi Shuyan, and the faces of everyone else changed suddenly. Wei Xiao was shocked with a cold sweat on his forehead, his face changed drastically, and immediately said, "What the **** is going on?"

Wei Ting talked about this. Wei Ting was not more impulsive than Wei Man. He said the matter was more detailed. He said that the blood bank of the hospital had lost blood on the first night, because Yan Yan had told them not to go out after midnight and early in the morning. He didn't think much about it at the time. I was a little thirsty, so I wanted to go outside to fetch water. Fortunately, the third child stopped him from letting him out.

Having said that, Wei Ting was still very frightened not only in his heart but also on his face. He didn't dare to think about the consequences if he really opened the door and went out. He suppressed the panic in his heart and continued: "After a while, I quarreled with the youngest and suddenly heard There was a knock at the door."

The knock on the door naturally scared the two of them, but Yan Yan’s preparations gave them a bit of confidence, so they never dared to open the door. Later, the door knocked twice and the sound disappeared. The two of them just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief. I saw a yellow and old hand from the crack of the door suddenly stretched in.

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