Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 980: Nine hundred and ninety one

When Qi Zhenbai heard his daughter-in-law's words, her heart felt a mess. Seeing that she wanted to let go of him subconsciously, he hugged her waist with big hands and held her back. Without waiting for his daughter-in-law's response, he reached out and raised his daughter-in-law's chin, and bowed his head and kissed fiercely. , The domineering lips and tongue drove straight forward, and his movements proficiently dragged his wife's soft tongue into his mouth, sucking fiercely.

Chi Shuyan only felt that her tongue was numb from being sucked by the man in front of him. Outside the door, the voices of her father and Uncle Wei came in clearly, and Chi Shuyan was subconsciously nervous, for fear of his father or Uncle Wei and Brother Wei. And the third brother of the Wei family suddenly came in again.

Qi Zhenbai seemed to see his wife's thoughts, picked him up, put her legs between his waist, strode to the back of the door, and kissed his wife again, whispering: "No one can come in!"

The two kissed too hotly, Qi Zhenbai was worried that his father-in-law would be honestly playing on the floor next door these days, and hadn't touched his wife for many days. At this time, he kissed evil fire suddenly, and the more kisses became more out of control.

Chi Shuyan passively accepted the kiss from the man in front of him, and looked up at the tight and bulging veins on the man's forehead, fearing that he would suddenly lose control and dare not move, he quickly grasped a hand that was messing with her, gasping for breath. : "Don't, don't, I'll talk about it when I go home!"

Qi Zhenbai stared at the woman in his arms deeply and deeply for a long time, and Chi Shuyan was frightened by the sight of him, for fear that the man would come to the hospital and hurriedly struggle to get to the ground.

Qi Zhenbai didn't stop this time, she was careful to let her feet stand on the ground, and finally let go of her messy hands, panting slightly, and squinting his eyes and said, "Okay, I'll talk about it tonight!"

Outside the hospital corridor, Fang Qingyang originally wanted to give Wei Xiao a wedding post, and by the way, he wanted to learn about Chi Lingyan’s whereabouts from Wei Xiao’s mouth, and used the wedding post to sarcastically stimulate Chi Lingyan.

For so many years, although he was promoted to the deputy regiment, in the eyes of others, he is not as good as Chi Lingyan in every way, making him suffocated for many years and even frustrated in love.

Shen Rongyin had always liked Chi Lingyan's things before, and it made him feel bad about it. Now he not only confirmed the relationship with Rongyin, but also got the certificate these days. Fang Qingyang was proud of the spring breeze, and his first thought was to prepare the invitation letter personally. Give it to Chi Lingyan, take a good look at the other's face.

At this time, I saw Chi Lingyan next to Wei Xiao. Fang Qingyang took out an invitation and handed it to Chi Lingyan. He said proudly: "Yesterday, I have obtained the certificate from Rong Yin. I hope that brother Chi, you will enjoy your face and sit there. Sit down and have a meal!"

Speaking of it, on the one hand Fang Qingyang was afraid that Shen Rongyin would regret it, but on the other hand he really wanted to find a chance to stimulate Chi Lingyan's kid.

Before coming, Fang Qingyang thought that Chi Lingyan had heard of the various expressions he had received with Rongyin, but when he saw that the other party was expressionless at this time, his face did not change a bit, his face was not good-looking, and he felt that his surname was late. Uncertainty pretending to be calm.

Fang Qingyang sighed deliberately, and said with a pity: "Brother Chi, I thought you were related to Rong Yin before, but I didn't expect that I was the one who got married to Rong Yin in the end!"

Chi Lingyan accepted the invitation blankly and said, "Sure, I will definitely go!"

Fang Qingyang continued with a triumphant smile: "I didn't intend to get the certificate with Rongyin so soon, but getting the certificate and treating guests is what Rongyin meant. I want to do it big, but Rongyin said I'll talk about it later. Speaking of it, what I admire most about eating you, brother, is to be more serious. If you and your girl-girl help this time, how can I hold a beautiful woman? I really appreciate you!"

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