Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 988: one thousand

"Dad! Where are you going?" The elevator dinged, Chi Shuyan just got out of the elevator, and saw a figure familiar with her father from a distance following Shen Rongyin. Although Shen Rongyin was facing her, she recognized it at a glance. It was the woman Shen Rongyin who suddenly changed her face and shouted.

Over there, Shen Rongyin suddenly heard Chi Shuyan's voice, his back froze, and he walked very fast. Chi Lingyan heard his daughter's voice behind him, and his sluggish face was a little trance and struggle, and suddenly stopped. .

Shen Rongyin saw that Chi Lingyan couldn't control Chi Lingyan faintly, and his face was very ugly. Chi Shuyan flashed, and suddenly flashed in front of them in three steps and two steps. She squinted dangerously and looked at a woman with delicate makeup and ugly complexion. He lifted his lips slowly and said: "Miss Shen, where are you taking my dad?"

Shen Rongyin looked at the woman in front of her, her eyes full of jealousy and hatred, which were more of a cold resentment. At this time, she had to withdraw the suggestion of the man in front of her, showing an innocent expression: "Yan Yan, I just want to talk to you for the last time. Dad talk about it! Don't worry, I won't pester him again!"

After that, Shen Rongyin turned and left with a look of grief, but Chi Shuyan kept staring at the back of the woman leaving. Cold and killing intent flashed under her eyes. This woman reached out to her dad countless times, really treating her as a dead person?

"Yan Yan, why are you here?" Chi's father was sober and still in a daze. He looked surprised when he saw that the person in front of him was his daughter.

Chi Shuyan saw that the surname Shen was just a hint to her dad that there was nothing else. She sighed with relief and was very grateful that she left her dad with the tracer.

The surname Shen is planning to clean up today, and now she doesn't want to affect her dad's mood, and said: "It's okay, dad, let's go upstairs!"

Chi Lingyan nodded, and walked a few steps. When he entered the elevator, the memory of the moment flashed in his mind, thinking that Shen Rongyin had come to him just now. Chi Lingyan's expression changed, and suddenly asked, "Yan Yan, just now Who else did you see when you found me?"

Seeing that her dad was so keen and unable to hide it, Chi Shuyan recounted what was just now, by the way, let her dad stay as far away as possible from a woman surnamed Shen and don’t stare into her eyes. Look.

Chi Lingyan understood everything with just a few clicks. He vaguely remembered that he seemed to follow the woman named Shen to leave. Thinking of this, his face was very ugly.

At this time, the elevator dinged up to the third floor, and Chi Lingyan had a lot of questions in his mind. It was hard to ask at this time. When the two father and daughter entered, Fang Qingtian suddenly came over, and his expression was a little worse, but compared to Fang Qingyang’s His face, Fang Qingtian was too old to sleep.

Fang Qingtian looked at Chi Lingyan and said in a very good tone: "Brother Chi, I now have something I want to ask Chi niece, can it be done?" After a pause, Fang Qingtian rushed to Chi Lingyan and said: "Chi niece, don't delay your time. , I just want to ask a few things! By the way, I have handed in the report of Chi Brothers’ promotion to the deputy group. There should be news in a few days!"

Chi Lingyan really forgot about it. He didn't have much ambition. He just wanted to rely on his true ability to get in the position. Chi Lingyan wanted to say something but stopped. Chi Shuyan looked at the other party very sincerely, and let her dad go in first. She took an act, at the second table.

Now that the child is becoming more and more mature, Chi Lingyan can no longer treat the child as before. He sighed and had to go in first.

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